The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1456: These guys actually united

Because the relationship between the evil gods and the gods is a bit weird, even the orthodox gods are rarely messed up. The divine kingdoms around the central plane also broke away from the plane barrier one by one and rose to the sky.

All the kingdoms of God are constantly changing their positions at this time, and are gradually divided into two roughly parts.

Part of it is a large army of a large number of orthodox gods, supported by several powerful gods. On the other side, the central area is the center, the existence of gods and evil spirits gathered.

Twenty-seven main gods were in different locations around them, enclosing the central area into a circle. Each one leads their own gods, and at the same time brings a large number of members of the outer gods and small gods to station around.

Faintly, a special situation of wolves has been formed. If you look at the sky from the inside of the central area, you will find that the stars in the upper sky have changed. Twenty-seven star clusters gathered and surrounded a large cluster of stars in the center. There are still some scattered stars around, but there are very few.

Most of these stars are still some abandoned kingdoms of God, or the light radiating from some planes, there are very few other gods and kingdoms of gods, and the current situation has become more and more weird.

The stars that have not changed much for many years have suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes, and even the lives of the followers of the major races and major gods underneath have undergone very major changes.

However, the movement on the ground now has no way to attract overall attention.

All people focused their attention on the middle, that is, the body of the **** of evil. Even the main **** didn't dare to mess around now. Although the main **** was powerful, he couldn't guarantee that he would survive in the face of the **** evil Lord.

Now is the moment when a major disaster occurs, and every time such a disaster, a large number of main gods will die. There have been so many main gods since ancient times, but the main **** of the ancient times is the only one who can survive.

The others are all main gods born in the last few epochs. In order to survive, now those main gods are also starting to calculate. The main opponents now are the evil gods.

In order to fight against them, Cthulhu also became active. The six evil gods of the main **** level, plus the four top demon gods, are equivalent to the existence of ten main **** levels. These people are all located near the edge of the central galaxy cluster, enclosing the center into a circle to resist the invasion of the main gods.

Because the main **** has no way to cooperate seamlessly, even if there are a large number of people, there is still no way to break into it. The current battle has evolved into a small-scale war below.

It's all wars between some believers, but because there are too many wars between believers, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and it has gradually spread to the entire central plane. Among other surrounding planes, there have been constant wars recently.

As long as it is not a plane controlled by a god, it is easy to break out large-scale battles. For this reason, many planes have been shattered, and in this chaotic battle, life has no value.

Chi Nan couldn't help sighing, if it wasn't for the rapid increase in his strength, if it wasn't that he had already left the level of a mortal, perhaps he was one of these helpless people now. Facing the battle at the level of the gods, facing the disaster of annihilation, what can mortals do besides praying to the gods.

What everyone didn't expect was that these gods were actually united with the evil gods, and even the devil gods were the same. Cthulhu plus Demon God was originally not an opponent of orthodox gods.

But after adding a lot of evil spirits, the number of high-level opponents is actually more than that of his own.

Chi Nan's demon incarnation has always been hidden in the opponent's camp, but it is in the depths of the void, and no one can casually detect it.

While providing them with a limited plant base to maintain their relationship with each other, they carefully probed what the other party wanted to do. It's just some internal information, the demon clone who is the upper demon **** can't get it.

It just faintly felt that they didn't know what method to use to get the will of the abyss to agree to cooperate, and they actually got involved with them. The Will of the Abyss gave orders, and even the Demon God could not violate it.

Even if it were Chi Nan himself, if he saw the opportunity faster and cut off the deep communication between his kingdom of God and the will of the abyss, I am afraid that there would be problems in his kingdom of God. If one fails, his own demon incarnation will suffer heavy losses. Even now, Chi Nan didn't dare to associate with the will of the abyss at will, otherwise it would be easily affected.

His own strength is his own, but after all, his strength is still too weak to resist the will of the abyss.

Although the demon **** reaches the top level, which is equivalent to the level of the main god, he has the power to resist. But because the power of those demon gods originally belonged to the abyss, they didn't have the opportunity to resist instead.

It seemed that he could only wait until his demon clone broke through to the main **** level before he had a chance to completely escape the influence of the abyss. Some intelligence was continuously sent to Chi Nan's hands for Chi Nan's analysis.

The place where Chi Nan is now is at the back of the edge of the battle between the two sides. Not far from the front is the place where the main **** is The front is the kingdom of God where the main **** of the natural **** system is located, and also the lord of nature.

The Lord of Nature is born to think that he is a part of nature, because he has a strong control over plants. So he was not too harsh on himself, and he did not force himself to join them. However, Chinan didn't want to make a lot of trouble, so the provision of a large number of plant bases was regarded as blocking the mouths of some people.

The shadow of the war enveloped the entire world, but the real war never started. The atmosphere before this war broke out was even more depressing. As time passed, more and more gods came here.

In no way, many gods can only continuously send their clones around to block these gods and reduce their pressure. The gods and evil gods are also taking advantage of this opportunity to sneak attacks on them.

Therefore, the conflicts between the two sides can be said to be more and more. It seems that the time for the real outbreak of this war will not be too far away. The relocation of many believers of the gods is also slowly completed, and then, I am afraid that the absolute strength will be head-on.

The gods, who have always had an absolute advantage on the level of the main god, don't think they will fail. But on this day, an unexpected thing happened.

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