The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1471: The world-famous **** of assassination

"Have you heard that Xiefeng, one of the six top evil gods, has been hit hard."

"Who did you listen to, it is comparable to the existence of the Lord God, how could it be so easily damaged. It's not just a clone. Some time ago, we were busy with some things."

On this day, many gods in the Pantheon began to chat and discuss.

"Isn't it passed from the other side? Although we did not admit it, according to some internal information, it is indeed like this." Some gods don't care whether this will hurt morale.

However, gods are gods after all, if they were beaten so easily, then they would really be ashamed of their own identity.

Another **** said indifferently: "Maybe it's just to balance the words. After all, we have suffered a loss here, and we have to let the other side lose a bit. The main **** body, how can it be easily damaged."

At this moment, a guy with a gloomy face said: "I know very clearly that the assassination **** himself made it, and he can only succeed with a special artifact created by the master of the conspiracy. The evil **** is not there. Admit it, but it is impossible for Xie Feng to come in handy in the war of this era."

"But didn't we see that Xiefeng's clone is always active outside, so how can this be said."

"Hmph, the main body is not dead, of course the clone can be used normally. Don't you think Xiefeng's clone has been too active recently." This time it was the upper **** who spoke, not the ordinary god.

The gods are in their seats, and the lower gods cannot see the upper gods, but now they are discussing and discussing on the exchange square. Although everyone in this place still can't see the details of gods who are too much stronger than themselves, they can communicate face to face.

"Don't say anything. The latest news has been down. We have been able to confirm that Xie Feng is indeed injured. As for the specific severity, it is not very clear for the time being." At this time, someone got the information from the above.

This was deliberately revealed to them by the main gods, and the purpose was to allow them to obtain information in this regard. On the one hand, it was used to boost morale and prevent some weak-willed people from directly falling to the other side. On the other hand, it was also to cause trouble for the evil phoenix. The evil **** was injured, which was not a safe matter.

"What can I say, can the **** of assassination really hurt a main god? This is too terrifying."

No one believes that an upper **** like the **** of assassination can threaten the main god. Although the **** of assassination is very dangerous, it can be said that no one among the upper gods dares to ignore it. Even the top high-ranking gods are likely to be successfully assassinated.

But for the main god, it's not at the same level. Even if the other party does not defend, it is not easy for a high-level **** to hurt a main god. It is really a joke to say that it can seriously hurt the other party.

The person who spoke before immediately said: "Yes, it is seriously injured. It is said that this time the use of the god-killing potion made by the master of the conspiracy. Any **** who does not reach the main **** will die instantly if it is contaminated with a little bit. There is absolutely no Everyone will survive." When it came to this place, the **** who had just spoken hit his whole body.

"No, there is such a terrible poison. But how effective is this poison on the Lord God."

"The effect on the main **** is also very significant. It is said that the master of the conspiracy has also experimented with his clone. Even the clone of the main **** who is very resistant to his own poison still takes a long time to recover after being poisoned."

"It's just that this kind of god-destroying potion is very complicated to manufacture, so after so many epochs, there are only so many god-destroying potions in the hands of the master of the conspiracy, and it is impossible to use it on a large scale. I am afraid that this kind of medicine will still be hidden, as a killer of the main god."

Now everyone knows, it turns out that those main gods also have their own assassins. The master god's ultimate move, thinking about it, makes people feel frightened. The masters of the conspiracy all have this ability, so what about other stronger and older master gods.

"If you want me to say it, the assassination **** is the most powerful." I don't know if it was because of the change of subject or sincere praise, in short, the attention of other people suddenly shifted away. Talking about the main **** is not what they like.

The main **** and them are not on the same level at all, just say a few words, and if you say too much, it's easy to incur disaster.

"Isn't it? No matter how powerful the weapon is, there is no way it can't hit people. The **** of assassination is facing a master god. It can pierce the artifact into the enemy's body at close range. What a powerful ability. ."

"That is, if you can stab the main god, then no one can hide under the main god." From this moment on, the **** of assassination became completely famous in everyone's eyes.

"Then the **** of assassination, assassination of the main **** must use his own body, right? It won't be death."

"Her Kingdom of God is hidden. Who knows where, I can't see it at all."

At this time, the person who spoke before said again: "It is indeed the main body, and it is indeed killed by Xiefeng's counterattack. But it can't be regarded as dead, because it is already prepared before departure."

After a pause, this man continued: "The Lord of the Conspiracy has calculated what will happen this time, so the Godhead of the Assassin God was taken out and reformed. Although the body is dead, it will be able to After being resurrected by the Lord of Conspiracy, we will have another powerful combat power on our side."

Hearing this, not only was everyone not happy, but they felt cold. After the assassination of the nerves, he was regarded as the most dangerous **** by many gods, not one of them.

Although it is only a high-level god, every high-level **** may be assassinated, and those who have not reached this level will have no chance to escape. Once targeted by the opponent, it basically means death.

It is a great honor to be able to stab a main **** with the identity of the higher god, even the main **** cannot ignore it.

Seeing that everyone was not as happy as imagined, the person who had spoken before quickly closed their mouths. He himself is also a member of the Lord of Conspiracy Divine System, and after a little thought, he will know what these people are worried about.

To be honest, if it wasn't because he and the **** of assassination belonged to the same god, he would have to worry about it. The master of the conspiracy took advantage of this opportunity to not only inflict heavy damage on the opponent, but also to enhance the reputation of himself and his **** system.


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