The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1477: Whoever comes first counts whoever

With the power of the main god, it is nothing to destroy a middle **** level demon god. Chi Nan wiped out his goal with just one click. Afterwards, Chi Nan waved and threw it out.

The next moment, the demon gods nearby were all attracted and ran towards that side.

The entire original plane of the abyss was like a huge gu, and the demon inside seemed to be raising gu. The demons fought and swallowed each other, with the power here, the speed of improvement was faster.

In Chi Nan's perception, there were many high-level demon gods here, and it might even be no less than the high-level demon gods in the Pantheon. But this is the limit.

Demon gods at the main **** level cannot be cultivated here, otherwise this world would have long been the world of demons. "Hehe, if other main gods see the scene here, I don't know if the abyss will not be destroyed."

There are too many upper gods, and it is also a trouble for the main god. Although it is not at the same level, if it is scattered and destroyed, even the main **** will have a headache. No matter what, let's start decorating first. Chi Nan quickly placed a large altar in this place, and then merged into the ground. The power of the abyss was quickly gathered.

While killing and arranging, Chi Nan arranged an altar on every node he knew. Because no one is here to preside, the altar needs to be made more complicated, and it is full of various magic patterns.

In each altar, there is a black flame. This is Chi Nan's magic fire, but it is not casually released. This is his own source of magic fire. If it consumes a little, it is really consumed, and it takes a long time to recover.

If the number is small, there is no problem, but too much is not the same.

Every once in a while, Chi Nan would quietly leave this plane, recover from the outside world, and then refine some altars, re-enter them, and arrange them. The time to make the altar is not very long, as long as the materials are available.

But it will take a long time to restore one's own magic fire. "One hundred thousand altars, all made, my magic fire consumption is not a small number, I hope other places can support it temporarily."

That's right, Chi Nan needs to lay out altars on 100,000 nodes at the same time to create a super-large magic circle. And Chi Nan calculated the origin of the magic fire that consumed 100,000 times, and it would take a full thirty years to recover it.

This is also because of the abundance of resources. If you allow it to recover by itself, then it will not be known how long it will take. The depletion of the original magic fire is too difficult to recover. There is still some time to rest in the middle. If it continues to consume, then after a long time, Chi Nan is worried that the power and quantity of his magic fire will decrease.

This is one of his most powerful means of fighting, and it can't be wasted in this place.

Anyway, it's still a long time before Chi Nan will make this arrangement. Doing this arrangement yourself is not just casual. Chi Nan is here to challenge other demon gods through similar rules for raising Gu.

And this demon **** is not an ordinary demon god, what Chi Nan wants to deal with is the top demon **** who has reached the level of the main god.

"Hmph, when the existence of a main **** level is depleted, and then the abyss is severely damaged, it would be great if the other three demon gods were also transferred back." Chi Nan calculated silently in his heart.

As time passed day by day, Chinan made this type of altar faster and faster. Keep searching around this place, keep finding nodes, and then break them into it.

At the same time, Chi Nan often kills some demon gods, many of which are at the upper demon **** level. Every time you kill, you are still on the side, letting other demon gods swallow it. It seems to be in line with the rules, but in fact the overall power of the Demon God in the original plane of the abyss is getting weaker and weaker. It's just that the abyss himself didn't notice it.

Every once in a while, Chi Nan would stop, because at that time Chi Nan would feel the power of the abyss more active. It seemed that he was looking for himself, or looking for something unreasonable in himself.

It seems that Will of the Abyss has also found that the problem is not right. The rules of Swallowing are getting better and better while the overall strength of one's own plane is declining. Even if the Will of Abyss is an idiot, it is time to discover the difference.

It's just that the will of the abyss is a chaotic collection after all, and there is no problem with what Chi Nan does, because what Chi Nan does has always been in line with the rules. So in the situation where he couldn't find it no matter what, the will of the abyss was even more irritable. The reaction to the outside is that the life of those demon gods is not easy.

Recently, many demon gods are often urged by the abyss will to run around and kill everywhere. As a result, their losses have become even greater. On the contrary, the orthodox gods used this opportunity to eliminate many demon gods.

When Chi Nan learned about this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. "It's better to converge a little bit. After a while, I just need to recover." Chi Nan stayed outside the plane.

Chi Nan didn't dare to absorb the power in the abyss plane indiscriminately. That kind of power could assimilate himself.

However, it is not without benefits to frequent the original plane, at least Chi Nan is getting deeper and deeper into the realm of demon power. Integrating into one's own power is of great benefit to one's improvement.

The ascension speed of the demon incarnation once again far surpassed his own deity. My own magic fire has been continuously consumed during this time, and the total amount is indeed declining, but because of the understanding of the power of the abyss, the quality of Chinan's magic fire has increased a lot. It can be regarded as a disguised improvement of Chi Nan's strength, which is really a surprise.

However, the source of the magic fire consumes too much, and Chi Nan still needs to rest. It can’t be replenished, it can’t be restored in time, and it might be consumed permanently in the future. It’s not that easy to cultivate again.

Chi Nan, who pays attention to the foundation, doesn't want to do this kind of thing that destroys his foundation. Even if this is not one's own deity, the foundation is also very important. In this way, in the process of constant confrontation between the two sides, time passed year after year.

Just when Chi Nan secretly launched his plan, an inexplicable news reached Chi Nan's ears.

"What? Xiefeng sneaked up to us. There is a large plane near us. There is a special medicine hidden here that can treat Xiefeng's injuries, and the time is very tight, and it will be too late if we don't take any action. The point is that only I know about this."


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