The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1482: Difficult battle god

The demon clone of Chi Nan, at the beginning of the battle, the magic fire on his body expanded, and the sword of darkness was directly enveloped in it. In the darkness who still wanted to help Xie Feng, he could only stop.

In his hand, a knight sword with only the highest level of artifacts swung towards Chi Nan, and the sword energy formed by the sharp divine power actually split Chi Nan's magic fire directly. Chi Nan was a little confused, no one had ever been able to split his flames head-on.

It is usually avoided or offset by other forces. This kind of feeling that the flame seems to be completely downwind is something that Chi Nan has not experienced. Fortunately, almost instantly, Jian Qi was burned out.

"I was scared to death. I thought this guy is much stronger than me. It seems that he is about the same as me in terms of strength. However, this sword aura is too condensed. Although my flames are powerful, they are making swords. At that moment, it can still pose a very big threat to me." Chi Nan has already understood it in his heart.

In terms of combat, his talent is not very strong, I am afraid it is really not as good as this guy.

But, anyway, it's also a bully, his strength is already strong, he is still equivalent to the demon clone of the deity, why must he not use his strengths? The flames became more surging.

The Dark Sword didn't care about these at all, his eyes were still cold, as if he didn't care about his safety at all.

Unfolding his figure, this guy is obviously inferior to Chi Nan, and his speed is surprisingly fast. This is not just its own speed, but a reaction speed, which can even be attributed to instinct.

Gods also have instincts. Just like mortals, they usually have to see clearly before they can think about how to attack, and then they will launch their own attacks.

The Dark Sword has no such considerations at all, and it often starts to do it before the opponent makes a move. This is not a prediction, Chi Nan knows that it is a prediction. When a mortal fights, he can prejudge the general attack situation based on the enemy's actions, and then intercept or attack in advance.

The gods are even more terrifying, especially this kind of main god, whose calculation and thinking abilities are much stronger than the predictions of mortals.

The instinct of the main **** in this situation is far from comparable to the instinct of mortals. Almost as soon as Chi Nan's idea was born, the other party had already realized that Chi Nan might want to attack and displayed countermeasures.

Even when Chi Nan himself didn't know what method he was going to use, the other party had already begun to deal with it, and it seemed almost as expected. But Chi Nan knew that there was a big difference between the two.

This is a special ability formed by completely using the soul to view the world. It can be said that without a very strong talent, it is impossible to exercise this ability. Among the people that Chi Nan knew, only the Lord of Battle, the Lord of War, and the Lord God of Orcs could learn these gods who were originally warriors.

Among the upper gods, those with this ability are definitely rare. Unexpectedly, now I met another one, still his own opponent. This sword of darkness is worthy of being one of the main enemies of the Lord of Fighters. This level is too high.

Only when facing it, can Chi Nan feel this terrifying pressure. Every time an attack or defense, the other party seems to have known it beforehand, and directly attacks their own weak points.

If it wasn't him who was fighting, Chi Nan wondered if it was a fake fight that had been negotiated by sight.

Even if he had a stronger power than the opponent, Chi Nan still had a disadvantage in the fight against the opponent. In the end, Chi Nan even used his own Abyss Demon Soul Banner.

Relying on a large number of magic fires to carry out large-scale battles, this can be basically equal to the opponent.

However, this method of fighting still made Chi Nan very aggrieved. Every time the flame burns, the opponent can avoid the strongest place of the flame, enter the weakest place, and then attack the weakest place.

If it wasn't for his speed to be faster than the opponent, he could always avoid or resist in time, perhaps he was already injured.

"Damn it, how can this kind of god-instinct fighting skills be so difficult." Chi Nan had known this kind of skill for a long time, and originally thought it was not much different from the warrior's instinct fighting, and some of them didn't like this skill.

In addition, this technique was too difficult to exercise. Chi Nan exercised for a period of time, and found that he did not have the talent, had no progress, and he still had a lot of things, so he gave up this exercise.

But what I didn't expect was that it would be so uncomfortable when I really encountered this kind of combat method. Now Chi Nan understands that this kind of skill that anyone can exercise is simply a top-level magical skill for the warrior gods.

As long as anyone learns, then the combat effectiveness will be doubled, even if they can't help them leapfrog the challenge, but among the gods of the same level, they are not invincible but also outstanding.

This feeling makes Chi Nan envy the existence of this skill. But Chi Nan knew that he didn't have this kind of skill, and he was still a **** of the law system. Since he couldn't learn it, he didn't need to learn it. Although Chi Nan is envious, he is not jealous, because he knows where his strengths lie.

In addition to being able to fight in groups, Chi Nan’s biggest advantage is that his divine power is greater and cohesive, which is incomparable to other other gods, even if the **** seat is about the same size as him, face the sword of darkness. It is impossible to be as calm as oneself.

Of course, this also had something to do with Chi Nan's lack of a master artifact and no special ultimate move. Both of them have been using normal combat methods, and at the same time, they are also vigilant against each other's ultimate moves.

What Chi Nan hopes more is that he can carefully wear off the opponent's supernatural power. As long as the divine power is not enough, then the subsequent battle will be much easier. Your own strength recovers quickly, so the longer you delay, the more beneficial it will be for you.

The Sword of Darkness didn't seem to be anxious at all, I didn't know what it was thinking, but from Chi Nan's point of view, it should be impossible for this guy to give up, so he had to be more careful.

At the same time, Chi Nan was also using this battle to observe the fighting method of the Dark Sword, slowly understanding the fighting style of the warrior gods, and learning and adapting to this kind of battle. Maybe one day in the future, I will meet such a person again.

"Forget it, I can't learn it myself, so let's hand it to Weiweisi." Thinking of Weiweisi, Chi Nan felt a little better. Weiweisi is the only one who has the talent to learn the instinct of the gods to fight among the people around her.

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