The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1498: The dragons are really full of talents

A few days later, Chi Nan also appeared near the original plane of the abyss. Although I have been observing through my clone, when I came here, I still felt so shocked.

There was a group of dark things in the void, and the closer I got, the more I felt my heart beat. With that kind of power, even the main **** myself would never have the slightest chance to fight, at most I could only escape.

If it hadn't been for this force to be able to concentrate all of it in normal times, the effect would definitely not be the case.

When the distance was too close, Chi Nan suddenly felt a threat. Chi Nan knew that if he continued to approach, he would be discovered. At that time, the will of the abyss will attack itself with all its strength, and that would be no fun.

"I can't get close anymore, the next battle is up to you." After Chi Nan's deity finished speaking, he quietly left, and hid himself to a place farther away. If there were no accidents in this battle, Chi Nan said that he would not participate in anything. If you expose yourself rashly, the consequences will be troublesome.

The base camp of the original plane of the abyss is near the front line of the battle between the two armies, but this place is closer to the battle line between the evil gods and the devil gods. When someone finds something wrong, the other demon gods will come to support it as soon as possible.

No matter how strong his own strength is, it is impossible to resist the siege of the other three top demon gods. Coupled with the bonus of the will of the abyss at close range, I'm afraid I will stay in this place too.

The demon clone nodded slightly, and then started his own plan. In the original plane of the abyss, a black flame suddenly ignited. This group of flames is the essence of Chinan's Abyss Demon Fire.

The flame burned silently in the air, and at a moment, a mysterious force was released. The original plane of the abyss was stimulated by the force, and it fluctuated a bit. A tyrannical force swept over, this is the power of the will of the abyss. However, because of the confusion of the will of the abyss, it was discovered that it was his own problem, and he did not pay too much attention.

Perhaps in the eyes of the will of the abyss, this kind of power appeared in oneself, that is a good thing.

But this force diffused out, forming a radiation wave, spreading towards the outside world. Just because this is the fluctuation of the power of the abyss, this power is not felt by other gods at all.

The demons can feel very clearly. Even some high-ranking demon gods felt the existence of this power.

"It seems that something has happened on the original plane, but the will of the abyss has not summoned us back, it shouldn't be a big thing. At least, it's not something bad for the abyss."

The demons secretly discussed, but no one dared to act rashly. The original plane of the abyss is not a good place for them, and if it is not necessary, no one wants to go to that place.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly moved out, without disturbing anyone. "Hmph, this breath is not like a normal thing, it seems that there is a treasure appearing, this should be mine."

There was another sense of consciousness, "You are too much, the treasure that appears in the abyss, everyone has a share, why is it yours."

The shadow was furious before, "According to the will of the abyss, if you have the ability, come and compete with me. Whoever wins is whoever wins."

At this time, the breath that had followed him finally stopped. "Hmph, if you don't go, don't go, isn't it because your magic resistance is higher? If your skin is too thick, you think it will be our opponent, an outsider."

When Sombra heard this, he didn't pay attention at all, just snorted coldly, and then moved on. The target is the original plane of the abyss, this one is dispatched, and even if the others feel it, there is no chance to **** it.

As the most powerful of all demon gods, his combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Just as they said, the most powerful of these top demon gods are generally all kinds of divine arts, but if they happen to encounter such a guy who doesn't eat divine arts, then they have suffered a bit, and they can't beat him.

On the other side, Sombra arrived on the original plane of the abyss without even a day's time. The huge black shadow overwhelmed the sky, and it just came here, as if there was a cloud in the void.

The huge body can't see the edge at all, and I don't know what shape it is. After arriving here, the huge figure began to shrink, gradually becoming only one kilometer in size. Now, everyone can finally see the appearance of this figure. This is a dragon, yes, it is a giant dragon, a giant dragon god.

"Dragons are really talented." Chi Nan's deity looked at it from a distance and said indifferently.

That's right, there is another dragon **** in front of him, but this is not an ordinary god, but a demon god. The dragon power on this body is not fake, it must be the main **** that a certain dragon clan became after falling into a demonized creature.

This is not a local demon, but also has the name of the dragon clan. In the dragon clan generation, two main gods appeared, the dragon **** on the orthodox **** side, and the lord of the magic dragon on this side.

Relying on his natural advantages, the Lord of the Devil Dragon is also super strong among the Lord Gods. Among the four top demon gods, the time for the lord of the devil dragon to become the main **** is the shortest, but on the contrary, the strength is the strongest.

Because of its strong resistance, even if two top demon gods go together, they are not necessarily his opponents.

The Lord of the Devil Dragon and the Dragon God did not compete much, but the strength of both sides was similar. This guy, the strength is definitely the top three on the side of the orthodox gods. To be honest, Chi Nan really didn't want to meet this guy.

"The two most suitable prey, one is the lord of the dragon and the other is the lord of the flame demon. If possible, I would rather face the lord of the flame demon." Even Chi Nan frowned, this guy is too dangerous.

In a frontal battle, with Chi Nan's strength, he thought he could stabilize the Lord of the Balrog, unless the opponent took out the main artifact. Although the Lord of the Devil Dragon does not have the main artifact, he is not less powerful than the main artifact. Even if there is this trap, Chi Nan dare not care. Finally, the Lord of the Devil Dragon slowly fell into the plane of the origin of the abyss.

The Lord of the Devil Dragon is very cautious, constantly feeling everything around him. In this place, even the Lord of the Devil Dragon himself did not dare to take it lightly. The Will of the Abyss is not a good thing in the heart of the Devil of the Abyss.

"Look, the power of the abyss is linked to the power of the dragon lord. This is his power in the dormitory. In order to counter this power, the power that the dragon lord can exert is bound to be small.

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