The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1517: Intervene on the battlefield from the outside

"Since we have come to us for help, of course we need help, but the gods don't need to be dispatched. I don't know what the evil **** is doing. Tell us the gods to be careful."

Chi Nan's subordinates now have a lot of subordinate gods, adding up to more than 30. Although there are fewer among the top gods, it is easier to control. Because at least half of his subordinate gods are cultivated by himself. Those who really joined their gods from outsiders only occupied a small part of it.

Everyone understood, and immediately understood what Chi Nan meant. "I know, then let me direct this time."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "No, we won't take action for the time being on the bright side, this time the matter will be left to the bald father."

The bald father hurriedly bowed to express his understanding that as one of Chi Nan's gods, the bald father was one of Chi Nan's earliest followers. The bald dad who has experienced a lot of things, whether it is loyalty or ability, is very good.

Especially when it comes to commanding the army, I believe he will definitely not have a problem. With enough identity and ability, other people don’t need to come forward. Of course, Chi Nan has always been secretly paying attention to this magical battle.

I am afraid that the other gods are similar to themselves, although they don't know what the evil **** is doing in this way.

Although this can slowly eat away at the number of gods, they will kill one thousand and lose eight hundred. If they continue to fight like this, they themselves will suffer heavy losses. In the end, it will definitely not be stronger than them.

So everyone thought in their hearts that the evil **** would definitely have other ideas. Maybe there is a way to speed up the erosion of the kingdom of God, and only in this way can they solve their gods one by one.

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God have established contact with each other and completely locked each other. The passage of the kingdom of God has been opened, a large number of troops are pouring into the passage of the kingdom of God, the war broke out, and the kingdom of God is constantly eroded.

When Chi Nan opened the space channel, he saw such a scene. The space channel was opened from one plane, and Chi Nan's troops directly used this plane as a transit point and rushed towards the opposite side. The transformed plane can hold a lot of plant weapons, and his own wood elves have also changed.

The wood elves, who control the army in the rear, have already started a meeting. Ever since the wood elves on the demon incarnation began to evolve and become a biological race, Chi Nan has applied that method to his side.

After more than a year of research, Chi Nan finally succeeded in turning his wood elves into a race. He can reproduce offspring and become a normal creature after three generations instead of a wooden puppet.

This time, the power that his men can use is even more. These wood elves are the same as elves. Even if they become creatures, they will not betray themselves in the slightest. Using them can be more assured than using other races.

It's just that the lifespan of the wood elves is not so exaggerated, only less than two hundred years, and it does not have a good talent for cultivation. Basically at birth, the limit that can be reached has been determined. But this kind of race without much potential, as a race that provides faith and provides combat power, is no better. Anyway, the master has others to do it.

While the wood elves were having a meeting, a continuous army of plants had arrived. At the same time, Chi Nan was also in the square in front of the Temple of the Kingdom of God, gathering most of his subordinates to watch.

There is a huge crystal board in the middle, and all kinds of pictures of its own support positions are displayed on it.

"Unexpectedly, he was still an old opponent." Chi Nan suddenly laughed.

"Old opponent? What are these weird-looking things?" In the screen, the man who is frantically attacking the humans under the Lord of Light is a monster that has never been seen before.

One by one, there are four walking upright, but they have an octopus-like head, which is very funny.

But these octopus heads are very cruel. Anything that is killed will be torn apart and eaten on the spot. The scene is extremely cruel and bloody. The body structure is also very soft and strong against blows.

Chi Nan smiled and said, "This guy is a **** of the Evil Orc God System. They have a special aura on their bodies. I am very familiar with this. If they are not mistaken, they should be believers of the Devouring Beast God."

The Bone Broken Beast God and the Worm God combined to attack him, but they almost killed himself. That time, the guy with the dawn light secretly attacked himself, but he didn't show up.

Now the God of Dawn didn't know where he was taken by the God of Light, he couldn't find it, and there was no way to deal with him for the time being. However, Chi Nan was also instinctively disgusted when he saw these evil orcs.

"It seems that this position was carefully selected by the Lord of Light for us, so that we can help more hard. Forget it, it's also an enemy anyway, so please help." Chi Nan gave it to the Lord of Light in his heart. Make a note.

But the war still has to participate. Several bases have quickly taken root when everyone was talking, and then they continued to expand. This is the way Chi Nan's subordinates have always been fighting. First, a large number of plant soldiers attacked, followed by taking root in the base, and then mass production of weapons of war on the spot, so as to push the opponent sideways.

They are all mass-produced goods but when the quantity increases, it is very scary.

Obviously, the Engulfing Orc also knew the difficulty of these things from his own god. When they saw a large number of plant weapons appearing, they actually gave up their opponents at the same time and tilted their total force toward the direction of the Chinan army.

When a large number of engulfing orcs rushed forward forcibly, the army of plants sent by Chi Nan was compressed by the enemy for a long line of defense. It finally stabilized, and almost collapsed by the opponent's battle line.

These guys can actually restore their physical strength by constantly eating plants. On the battlefield, Chi Nan also saw a strange scene, that is, a swallowing orc who didn't know how much he had eaten, suddenly took off his head.

He took off his head, and then he split into two. A head grew out of a body, and the head that was taken off began to grow again, and it didn't take long for it to become two new engulfing orcs.

"This is actually still splitting reproduction. If they are given enough food, I am afraid they will reproduce very quickly." It is incredible that my own plants can become other nutrients one day.

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