The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1523: You all came

? The Lord of Magic who was appeasing his subordinates suddenly changed his expression because he discovered that he was actually triggered by a **** war. During this period of time, I have been hearing about the outbreak of Godly War, but I didn't expect that someone would dare to provoke him.

Only in the next moment, the Lord of Magic found that something was wrong. Because in order to break out a battle of gods, the first thing that is needed is the statue of the opponent, or something that can represent the gods with a strong power of faith.

However, as the master **** for many years, he has long ignored faith, and his followers have gradually handed over to other subordinate gods. In order to reduce his weaknesses, after becoming the Lord God, the Lord of Magic is doing this.

Later, the statue of the Lord of Magic was only available on a few planes that he controlled. Those planes were firmly controlled by him, and it was impossible to enter and leave casually. Other believers have survived in their own kingdom of God. My own idols and things that represent myself have not appeared in the outside world for many years, not even the central plane.

Want to detonate their own magical battle, where did they find it? Could it be that there were still statues of gods left behind that were not cleaned up by themselves, or they were hidden by previous believers.

This kind of thing is not impossible, or it should be said that every main **** has this kind of thing.

There are too many followers of the main god, and they are very pious. It is normal to hide their gods and pray secretly.

However, the gods that can be used and used to trigger a battle of gods are all approved by the gods themselves. No matter how much you pray, you can’t have this kind of effect if you sculpt a statue privately.

The Lord of Magic didn't want to understand, but the battle of God had already begun. "I don't know it's that bastard, even I dare to provoke me if I make a mistake. No matter who will, as long as you dare to come in, go and die."

A flame burned up on the Lord of Magic, proving the anger of the Lord of Magic. For her, being provoked is nothing. But the problem is that it is a joke to be entered into your own kingdom of God.

The main **** has privileges. The battle of gods begins. Although the will of the heavens has locked the kingdom of the main god, they have not locked the main **** in their own temple. The main **** can move at will in his own kingdom.

In the distance, a passage of the kingdom of God appeared. Feeling the breath of the opposite, the Lord of Magic even more disdain. "Upper god? If you can go to the upper **** but you can even make a mistake about this, then you are unlucky if you die." The Lord of Magic thought that someone had made a mistake with his idol, so he attacked the wrong target, but attacked. It's an attack.

Only the next moment, the Lord of Magic's eyes widened. Because the enemy appeared, it was not an infinite number of believers and soldiers, but a few figures with a frightening atmosphere. This is not the upper god, this is actually the main god.

"The king of nine heads, among the darkness, the king of ghosts, the king of bones, and the lord of poison, all the remaining five top evil gods have actually come. And they are all deities, so your goal this time is me. Up."

The Lord of Magic is not stupid, and soon figured out. Just after arriving here, a shining thing fell on the Lord of Corruption, and then disappeared. The Lord of Magic felt that he had lost contact with the outside world.

"Use the **** war to lock my kingdom of God, and then use the magic weapon to strengthen the lock, so that I can't ask for help from the outside world, so that the outside world can't feel what's happening here. You did a great job."

The Nine-Headed King said calmly: "There is no way, who makes you and the Lord of Elements the most troublesome of all the main gods. If you don't solve you, we are uneasy."

The Lord of Magic and the Lord of Elements are among the Lord Gods who are best at large-scale spells. At the level of the main god, that is a large-scale divine art. Once this spell broke out, even their top evil gods would be greatly affected.

If the two erupted in turn, coupled with the large number of main gods, and they did not have a pure mage **** who could resist, there would be no need to fight this battle. And if you want to escape, you must avoid being entangled and caught by various spells. In comparison, the Lord of Elements pays more attention to the destructive power of spells, while the Lord of Magic pays more attention to the changes of spells.

None of them dared to underestimate the magic arts that reached the main **** level. Therefore, even if it is a risk this time, it must be solved. This is the most critical location for several top evil gods planning this time.

They don't want to kill a main **** casually, but have a goal. The strength of the master of magic may not be very strong among the main gods, but various large-scale spells and weird spells are too troublesome and threaten them very much.

The battle broke out in an instant, and everyone had nothing to say. As soon as the clone of the Lord of Magic appeared, it was entangled by the clones of the King of Bones and the King of Ghosts. The entire kingdom of God swayed, and the sky fell apart.

The main god's shot is extraordinary. That kind of destructive force directly ruptured the cracks of the earth shaking. After the battle this time, my own kingdom of God would be very difficult to preserve. Of course, whether he can save his life this time is not certain. God war begins, that is the blockade of the will of the heavens. The stronger the god, the stronger the blockade.

The level of the will of the heavens is higher than that of the main god, so even the main **** can't get rid of it.

It seems that I can only find a way to support it for a period of time and then find an opportunity to leave. But the opponents are five guys of the same level, among which the strength of the Lord of Corruption is far superior to himself. Several people obviously also know the idea of ​​the Lord of Magic, and they entangled when they came up.

Five main gods surrounded the Lord of The Lord of Magic suddenly felt a huge threat.

"This is what you asked for." Flames and frost emerged from the master of magic. This is not an ordinary spell, and even the master gods felt a huge threat.

The ring in the Lord of Magic's hands flickered. This is the only artifact of the Lord of Magic. Its biggest function is to increase his spells and strengthen control. The surrounding temperature is constantly entangled, alternating hot and cold.

"Hmph, although your threat is great, you can't do it alone."

The nine-headed king directly ignored the surrounding environment. Although there is no artifact, his body is the most powerful artifact.

There is also the Lord of Corruption who does not have the artifact. The Lord of Corruption has always used the means of tempering the artifact to refine himself, so his body is the artifact. A gust of poisonous gas filled the body of the poisonous lord, and the whole body exuded the smell of a divine weapon.

The toxins are permeating, and the believers and warriors of the Kingdom of God who originally wanted to help, were poisoned and turned into a pool of thick water in the first place. Even the several gods in the kingdom of magic can only be maintained with difficulty.

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