The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1529: Use 1 plane to lay out

? I don't understand why the Lord of War came by himself, but it has nothing to do with the transaction. It seems that this time is really important, otherwise the Lord of the War cannot come in person.

A shiny golden object was thrown towards Chi Nan, and Chi Nan could see at a glance that it was an eternal fine gold core. "Eternal only works with the corpse of the Lord of the Devil Dragon. It should be able to refine a good artifact."

Chi Nan collected it quietly, then poured out a drop of life essence and threw it to the Lord of War. That majestic vitality instantly spreads towards the surroundings, making the breath very beautiful.

Even in the desolate and chaotic void, there is no way to hide that breath.

The Lord of War quickly took it over and swallowed it directly in Chi Nan's somewhat surprised eyes. That's right, the Lord of the War ate it himself. In the next moment, the vitality in the Lord of War surged, which was a manifestation of the vitality of life.

"Could it be that the Lord of War was injured? But it's not right. It was just that the Lord of War's own clone was destroyed before, and he should have not been dispatched. What is going on." Chi Nan couldn't understand it, and didn't ask much.

Obviously, the Lord of War did not want to explain to Chi Nan. He just bowed his hands slightly: "Thanks a lot this time, please come to me if you have anything in the future." After the Lord of War had done all this, he turned his head with his clone and left. Chi Nan was a little puzzled. Is this a result of personal affection? It is really inexplicable.

Chi Nan couldn't understand what was going on, so he simply didn't want to. The eternal fine gold core was handed over to the deity, and then passed to the demon clone. There are enough main artifacts of the deity, and there is no need to continue breeding.

And the current situation of the demon clone is a bit subtle, perhaps a bit dangerous. This thing is just right for the demon clone. Besides, the artifact refined with the body of the Lord of the Devil Dragon is of course more suitable for demons to use.

Sending away the things, Chi Nan took out the magic diamond that the Lord of Elements had given him, and then began to read the information inside.

For a long time, Chi Nan opened his eyes, his eyes filled with incredibleness. "Unexpectedly, it was like this."

"What the **** is it? What method did they use, hurry up." Slinka was anxious at night. Chi Nan smiled slightly. Slinka Ye is an orthodox elf and has a very good relationship with the elemental elf.

A long time ago, Slinka had signed several elemental spirits as her own partners. But now, these partners can only be about the same as pets. Silinkaye hopes that her elemental elves can improve their strength and continue to be her partners, not the kind of pets she can only keep and play with.

Others nodded anxiously, everyone liked the elemental spirits. Especially those who came from elves and half elves, most of them have their own contract element elves.

Chi Nan didn't conceal it either, and said directly: "In order for the elemental elves to break through into a god, a special environment is needed. This kind of environment is simply not satisfied by the environment of normal creatures. It is somewhat similar to our previous elemental planes. "

Elemental Plane? Is it the place used to make elemental pets? Everyone has thought of it. The law of that plane is indeed very strange. For so many years, I haven't encountered a second such strange plane.

Also, although the elemental creatures on that plane are a bit strange, they maintain four demi-god level element lords all year round, and the elemental spirits are more spiritual, but it is difficult to reach the demi-god level.

"This method was devised by the elemental elves based on a special plane. It is necessary to construct a plane with special laws for the elemental elves, and use a plane to lay out the magic circle. Use the magic circle to affect the law and absorb it for the elemental elves. , And finally condense the body of the law that belongs to the elemental elves."

It was said in the record that elemental spirits are not normal creatures, so they are somewhat incompatible with the godhead. The elemental spirit itself is similar to a special godhead, so what condenses is the body of law.

Use your body directly as a godhead for refining, so that you can normally enter the **** level and be able to improve your cultivation step by step. Even the elemental elves can't use the power of faith too much, they can only rely on their own step-by-step comprehension if they want to improve their strength. This is why the elemental elves don't like to establish the kingdom of God.

"Using a plane to lay out the big formation is really generous, but it's not a big deal to us."

Chi Nan smiled and said, "How could it be nothing? This kind of plane is also required, it must be the top kind of plane. That is to say, the kind of plane that can withstand the existence of the upper gods, the general plane can No way."

"Such a plane is the foundation. Only when such a plane is arranged into a magic array can the conditions be met. After the arrangement is completed, there is another way. That is to put the godheads of other gods into this large array, using the law of elements. Baptism. In the end, baptism becomes a special existence, and after being absorbed, it can also make the elemental spirit break into a god."

"This method has no side effects, but it will change the element type of the element sprite itself, and it is easy to cultivate a mutated element sprite. However, the element sprite likes its own elements and doesn't like this usage very much."

In other words, no matter what, a super-large plane is and to transform such a large plane, the resources spent is definitely not a small amount, and most people really can’t afford it. Come down.

"According to the data, the large magic circle of the elemental spirit was created with the help of the spirit master. This is why the elemental master always takes the spirit master as the main reason."

The information above is really detailed enough, if someone else would hide something. But this was taken out by the Lord of Elements on the spot, maybe it was originally used as a diary, otherwise it would be impossible to carry it with him. Except for some things that have been erased, the things left are too detailed.

Using the things inside, Chi Nan was even able to analyze the relationship between some elven gods and elemental elves, as well as some secret information, which is also a kind of unexpected gain.

"By the way, we seem to have one of the super-large planes." Suddenly, Wei Wei Si thought of something. Following Weiweisi's fingers, everyone laughed. That useless plane seemed to be useful.

That's right, that plane was the one that Xiefeng and others used to encircle and kill Chi Nan. Later, Chi Nan counterattacked Xie Feng and destroyed the two main **** clones. This plane was also brought back by Chi Nan.

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