The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1545: Abnormal fallen beasts

? Now that it is determined to observe first, naturally everyone will not directly attack these fallen beasts. But even so, in order to prevent these fallen beasts from causing damage, the gods are still standing by not far away.

There are also some void scorpions that have also been mobilized to these places. The main place where the fallen beast appeared was not far from Chinan, which was close to the Lord of Nature. Most of the fallen beasts came toward this side.

"Look, the fallen beast is starting to attack the plane." Suddenly, a **** said to Chi Nan.

Chi Nan nodded slightly, and a fallen beast in the distance was attacking the plane barrier, trying to tear it open. This is the normal behavior of the fallen beast. If possible, the fallen beast will swallow the planes it can swallow.

"However, the fallen beast did not attack when it passed through other planes before. What's the matter? Is it because I can't help but want to eat something?" Another **** next to him said in a low voice.

"I don't know, keep watching." Chi Nan didn't answer at all, and he didn't know what was going on.

Everyone watched the fallen beast tear open the plane. It was a barren plane, and there were no gods stationed there, so everyone wouldn't care. What if you are attacking a plane you control later.

Many gods have slowly shifted their planes and moved to a place far away from the fallen beast. However, in the void, there are still many planes unable to escape, after all, the fallen beast appeared too fast.

After a long period of attack, the fallen beast finally tore the plane apart. "Next, it's time to start with the origin of the plane."

The gods stared at the void, because this is the consistent style of fallen beasts. The huge head of the fallen beast slowly penetrated into the crack of the plane barrier, and soon, it seemed as if it had caught something.

The plane was constantly shaking, and the light was flickering. Just when everyone thought that this plane was going to be destroyed, the fallen beast suddenly pulled out its head. And in the mouth of the fallen beast, there was a big bug that was constantly struggling. That's right, it looks like a big bug, and the whole body exudes a very uncomfortable smell.

"God evil? Is this catching evil evil to eat?" The gods looked incredible.

Under the gaze of the gods, the fallen beast raised his mouth and actually ate the gods without hesitation. Although this **** has always been very troublesome, but the fallen beast seems to be their nemesis.

After eating the evil spirits, the fallen beast did not change, and continued to move forward. And that hapless plane stayed in place. "The fallen beast actually only eats God's evil, hasn't destroyed that plane, and has no enthusiasm for the original plane?"

A **** next to him sighed and pointed to the distant plane and said, "But if the plane is harmed like this, it would be difficult for this plane to exist if there is no one to deal with it."

A huge crack was torn open on the surface of that plane, and the power of the void poured into it without hesitation. It's as if you are operating on someone to treat a disease. After cutting off the lesion, he didn't suture the wound, just left it open. This rate of death may be much faster than incurable.

But Chi Nan's eyes flashed a thoughtful look. "Although these fallen beasts have no thinking and can only act according to their instincts, their current instincts seem to be directed at God's evil."

Chi Nan found that these fallen beasts were like woodpeckers, able to find the gods inside them through the plane barrier and the **** kingdom barrier, and then broke them open, grabbing the gods and eating them. All work on the same principle.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan said immediately: "Everyone pays attention. If you find a fallen beast attacking your own plane, immediately grab the gods inside and throw it out. Don't deal with it yourself for now.

Hearing Chi Nan's words, the gods immediately knew what Chi Nan meant. Although some dissatisfaction, but still obeyed.

If he solves the evil spirits inside, who knows if this fallen beast will attack them. If even the fallen beast is killed, wouldn't it be necessary to have one less helper to deal with the evil of gods? It’s already very troublesome for the evil gods to have evil spirits. With the help of the fallen beast, isn't this a good thing. That being the case, the loss of a few gods' income will be lost.

Of course, there are also some gods who want to eliminate the evil spirits that appear before the fallen beast is not coming to ensure their own interests. This Chi Nan doesn't bother to take care of it. Anyway, he only needs to verify his own ideas.

Before long, a fallen beast attacked a plane again, but this plane was controlled by a subordinate god.

Under Chi Nan's order, the people under the gods directly caught the gods and threw them out. The plane barrier didn't mean to stop it at all, the **** evil thing was a parasite to the plane, and it was still vicious.

Sure enough, seeing the **** evil that was thrown out, the fallen beast did not continue to attack the plane barrier, turned his head and held the **** evil in his mouth, and then it was so late, and then Shi Shiran continued to walk forward. , Wandering through the void.

"The strength of this batch of fallen beasts is not very strong, but there are also benefits, that is, it can help us find out where the evil spirits have appeared. It is better to catch a few and make things like police dogs to help."

In the meeting room, Chi Nan directly put forward his own opinions. Everyone didn't know what a police dog was, but instantly understood what Chi Nan wanted to express. So everyone started thinking.

" The domestication of fallen beasts has never been successful. If a domestication plan can be worked out, it would have been successful."

Chi Nan said without hesitation: "I didn't talk about domestication, I only talked about arresting a few, and using them as an instrument to track the evil spirits."

"But once we catch the fallen beast, what about the other fallen beasts treating us as enemies?"

Chi Nan also fought **** reason: "Then try it out. These things have no thinking in the first place, just like gods. I don't believe they will attack us for the sake of their kind. Now the biggest enemy of these fallen beasts is gods. "

The two people were a little overwhelmed by the fight, and the Dragon God suddenly said impatiently: "Let's try it out, anyway, it won't waste time." The Dragon God was a little depressed during this period, and he was originally ranked third.

Since Chi Nan reached third, he has been squeezed out. Although Dragon God hated Chi Nan, he also admired him. The dragons originally admired those creatures who were stronger than themselves, regardless of whether they belonged to the dragons. Hearing Dragon God's words, everyone else also agreed. Is it just an experiment? If you don't even dare to do this, you should be the main god.

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