The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1551: So these people are not weak

   When the output of the gods and fallen beasts gradually stabilized, everyone was relieved a lot. But rest assured does not mean that this matter is over, because the number of fallen beasts and gods is still increasing.

   might deal with this situation, in order to weaken the number of these natural enemies. Around the battlefield, there are often gods and evil spirits.

   At this time, these gods and the evil gods seem to have reached an agreement, not to interfere with each other. Even if they passed by, they all glared at each other, and none of them attacked others first.

   Although the battle of the gods has not been interrupted, the believers of everyone have not continued to join the battlefield. This is a rare stage of recuperation, and no one is willing to come out to provoke the opponent at this time.

   And the gods and evil gods will always look for gods and fallen beasts on the edge, and then secretly kill them.

  The difference from the opponent is that the main goal of the orthodox gods is to put on the gods, and kill more gods. On the Cthulhu side, they killed more fallen beasts, and both sides still had their own positions.

   As for the killing of many gods, those gods on the other side did not pay attention to the evil gods, and they had no concept of the same kind in their hearts. In fact, when different gods encounter each other, there is a great possibility that they will swallow each other. Now it is the Lord of God's evil that is suppressing it, so it seems to be so peaceful.

   However, with the spread of a large number of gods and fallen beasts, the major gods began to use their power.

   Until this time, Chi Nan finally saw the meaning of those powerful gods. "These guys are not as simple as they seem to be. They have been deceived by them before." Chi Nan thought silently.

   The first thing to do is the veteran master of alchemy, the master of alchemy is a huge alchemy organization. A large number of alchemy puppets and void battle fortresses similar to their own airships appeared.

   Although the quantity of these things is small, the quality is higher. Almost every one can reach the level of a normal god, and the anti-shock ability is quite powerful. After this batch of alchemy weapons were put into use, whether they were used to destroy monsters or to deter the opponent, they played a very huge role.

   At the same time, the two not-so-existent gods, the Monster God System and the Summoning God System, were also dispatched. A large number of summoners summon various monsters in different places, forming a huge army.

   There are also a large number of monsters, and they have also been controlled to participate in the battle in different ways. Above the central area, the number of various summons and monsters is increasing. Had it not been for the gods and fallen beasts now, they would have gone up.

   Even the Lord of Warriors used a special method. This method is to quickly train powerful fighters.

   And the Lord of War is no exception, directly using a method similar to his own totem to mass-produce combat effectiveness. The war potential of these people has exploded, and they are no worse than their own plants.

   On the other side of the conspiracy master, a large number of monsters also appeared. These monsters are made by using dark power with various toxins, and they are also a kind of poisonous beasts. There are not many, but each one is very dangerous. Especially when placed on the battlefield, it is simply a terrifying killer of deterrence level.

   In addition, the natural gods and the elven gods have also started, and a large number of new plant weapons have appeared.

   These plant weapons are different from their own plant bases. Large-scale riots are impossible, but they have more masters. After so many years of accumulation, Chi Nan can't catch up in such a short time.

  The power of the highest level comes from the elemental **** system. The appearance of a large number of elemental spirits at the level of gods shocked everyone. Because the elemental spirits that the Elemental God System took out at one time were almost half the number of gods in the entire Pantheon. These gods, who have no seats in the Pantheon, are a very powerful force.

   And at this time, everyone finally realized that the original Elemental God System was the deepest hidden among a large number of God System.

   These elemental spirits, the master of the elements will not use them as cannon fodder, but as a partner of other gods. Use the means of employment to cooperate with other gods to fight, nothing more.

   When the employment time is over, these elemental spirits will return. If he died on the battlefield during this period, the hired gods would need to compensate a lot of wealth. The Lord of Elements has done his mercenary business very well.

   What made Chi Nan the most unexpected was that the Lord of Light on his side actually had his own violent abilities. Originally, Chi Nan thought that the Lord of Light could only use his followers.

  Facts have proved that every militant has unquestionable talent and potential in combat.

   What appeared on the battlefield was a large piece of special armor. Chi Nan glanced at it, and couldn't help being amazed by this wonderful idea. The gods of the Light God System were not simple either.

"Unexpectedly, they still have such a method. Over the years, they must have accumulated a very terrible number of this kind of holy light armor. Perhaps the high-end combat power is insufficient, but the low-level combat power is definitely not Although Chi Nan was a little strange, when he was fighting the God of Dawn, why the other party didn't bring out this thing, but this thing really played a very important role in the battle of God.

   Principle Chi Nan can see it at a glance. This is a way to take out the souls of devout believers. If the believer is pious to a certain level, the soul can be integrated into a pair of armor in this way.

After    is integrated, this armor can condense light and shadow humanoids, with strong defense, terrifying combat effectiveness, and not afraid of tiredness. It has a very powerful effect on dark creatures and various evil creatures.

   This is a special use for believers, but the method used is a special law domain unique to the Lord of Light. This is something that other people can't learn even if they understand it. After so many years of accumulation and so many believers, God knows how many such things are under the Lord of Light.

   Ambition, your **** of dawn is so dangerous that you haven't taken it out. It seems that the picture is very big.

   has always hidden such a huge force, no one knows what he wants to do. But now that it was taken out, it also surprised the other Lord Gods, and they didn't understand what the Lord of Light was calculating.

   But since it has been taken out, it's impossible for everyone to just let it go, but rather accept it very happily. ...


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