The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1570: Infinite Cthulhu

Chi Nan smiled, neither admitting nor denying their speculation. Anyway, they couldn't know the true relationship between the two people whatever they thought. The two main gods are one person. This is really ridiculous.

The Dragon God looked at the **** seat that was constantly approaching him in a very depressed manner. I have been squeezed from the third position. If I can't even keep the fourth position, I will be depressed. Ancient Dragon God, how come your phantom hasn't appeared yet. Obviously, there have been many dragon gods before, so why didn't they disappear when I got to my side.

This is the biggest key to his counterattack. Dragon God wailed in his heart, his eyes faint.

The black lotus did not appear in the pantheon, but the **** seat was constantly changing. With the absorption of the law of darkness, the godhead of the black lotus, who could only use the power of darkness but not the law of darkness, began to become more profound.

On the surface of the black lotus flower, the lines are deeper, and even the original red flame lines are turning to black. Maybe it will change to exactly the same color in the future.

The **** seat in the Pantheon is constantly approaching the **** seat of the dragon god. The surrounding flames are more violent and deeper, and the patterns on the surface of the **** seat are also more dim, and it is almost impossible to see what the original patterns are.

Above the **** seat, there was also a change, and like Chi Nan himself, a huge ball of light also appeared.

But unlike the green ball of light in the deity, this ball of light is black. The black is constantly burning, very deep, but it is constantly emitting light and heat, black light, and scorching heat from the soul. This is a black sun. Seeing this thing, Chi Nan was very depressed, and envy appeared in his heart.

Why does his clone have this domineering black sun as his theocracy symbol, but he is actually a green one. Even the white ball of light on the head of the Lord of Light is good.

Although there are a few main gods with light **** on the **** seat, there are definitely not many. This is a special change that represents one's own power, otherwise it would not appear. It's just this color that makes me the most depressed.

Don't look at the Lord of Elves and the Lord of Nature admiring the ball of light on their heads, but in this world only Chi Nan knows how helpless the green feeling on their heads is. I am not an elf, why do I have to be green.

Finally, Dragon God breathed a sigh of relief, when the **** seat was very close to him, finally stopped. I kept my fourth position, and it would be a shame if he fell to fifth in the future. But it is also very dangerous now. The relationship between Hei Lian and Chi Nan is very good, and the resources that the two main gods communicate with each other have allowed them to improve far beyond their own.

You must improve yourself as soon as possible, or you will lose your position. As a proud dragon clan, this feeling of being suppressed is not very pleasant. For face, dragons value more than any race.

Just as the orthodox gods changed, the evil gods did not stop their actions either. Because of the lack of high-end power on his side, the evil gods were very depressed, and many things suppressed by the orthodox gods could not be done.

If this continues, they don't know how long they can hold on. On this day, many evil gods gathered again, and the Lord of Corruption, as the most powerful evil **** leader, held a meeting for the first time.

"This time I let you come for only one purpose, and that is to cultivate the main **** among our evil gods. I know what you are thinking. I don't want to cultivate a competitor. I don't want to put out my own laws and roots to worry about myself losing. Get benefits." Everyone was silent. As a Cthulhu, this kind of selfish thinking is normal.

Even if the Lord God has been affected by evil forces for so many years, these thoughts and habits have become their nature.

The Lord of Corruption said without hesitation: "But now is not the time to be selfish. Combining your own laws that do not belong to you can indeed improve some of your strength, but this kind of improvement is not much at all, and it is easy to leave hidden dangers. ."

"But if it is used to cultivate a main god, it can strengthen our strength. Think about it, the number of main gods has increased, and we will be able to survive the guys on the opposite side. The main **** who has been promoted in a short time, the strength Far inferior to us, they are the best cannon fodder in the real war."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes brightened. It's a good thing to be able to have cannon fodder to back them up so that they can survive.

"Furthermore, you only need to come up with the source of the law that is not suitable for you. The ones that are really suitable for you can also be used to improve your own strength. The new main **** who uses the source of the law to improve will also need to hunt down the ghost of the main **** in the future. The law of paying will return to you, and it will be doubled. I will guarantee this."

The Lord of Corruption has given a guarantee, so why don't you believe it? Among the evil gods, the Lord of Corruption is the most authoritative one. Although I don't express my opinion very much, once I say it, it's different.

They have to give face, and this time it is still good, why not do it. Thinking of this, the King of Bones was the first to agree: "I agree. It just so happens that I have a source of law that can be used to cultivate an insect god."

As the King of Skeletons expressed their opinions, others also expressed their willingness to The Lord of Corruption is very satisfied. Now there are only five top evil gods. If each person cultivates one, there will be ten top evil gods. .

Even though these Heretic Gods who have just broken through and are still using the Source of Law to break through are inferior in every respect, whether it is resources, magical skills, and their own divine tools. But in any case, they are also top evil gods, the existence of the main **** level, with them, at least the opposite main **** can be contained.

Ten top-level main gods plus ten top-level gods, this is the combat power of twenty main gods. Although there are twenty-seven on the opposite side, there are still seven more than on my own side, but with the addition of the unborn Lord of Gods, it is completely different.

The Lord of Corruption didn't know that Chi Nan's demon incarnation had also entered the Pantheon, thinking that there were only 27 Lord Gods on the opposite side.

Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't say anything. In his eyes, there were three top demon gods on the opposite side of Hei Lian. Under the control of the demon gods, Hei Lian would definitely not be the help of the orthodox gods, and maybe it would become a burden.

Thus, a plan with great courage was formed in the meeting of the evil gods. It didn't take long for the terrorist power brewing in the void to erupt.

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