The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1578: Terrible curse and poison

? The master of conspiracy who is good at hiding in the dark, is very uncomfortable with this kind of frontal confrontation.

Moreover, it is still in the form of one person against multiple people, and if this continues, he will definitely not end well. "Damn it, if you don't come again, you can only use the last resort."

The master of the conspiracy was not worried, but he was still a little worried. Taking the time to look at the distance, the main **** in the distance has not come over, there is no way, because everyone is busy killing the main **** phantom near him. At this time, no one has the strength to come to rescue. Because of the distance, everyone didn't even have the opportunity to unite with each other.

And because of the distraction again, the master of the conspiracy got a few more scars on his body. The most serious scar appeared on the top of his head. If it weren't for dodge quickly, perhaps his godhead would be hurt.

For the gods, any injury can be recovered, only the injury of the godhead, that can never be recovered. As long as the godhead is damaged, one's own law cohesion will be permanently depleted.

More serious, if you hurt your own soul, it really hurts the root. It is difficult to repair the damage of the soul, and if it is not repaired, even the main **** will not have a chance to go further in his life.

Injured again, the master of the conspiracy finally realized his situation. "Damn it, wait another three minutes. If you don't come, you can only use the last resort. Damn it, I didn't expect that I would be here too."

The master of the conspiracy said to himself coldly in his heart, and for three minutes, it was obviously not so easy to resist at this time.

With the strength of the master of the conspiracy, although there is no problem in continuing to fight here for a few days, after more than three minutes, he has no chance to launch the last resort. So, this is my last chance.

But before three minutes, a scar appeared on the thigh of the master of the conspiracy again, which was left by a soldier.

This scar made the master of the conspiracy finally no longer have the idea of ​​waiting. None of the surrounding main gods can get rid of their opponents so quickly, and besides, they will not easily support themselves. No way, who makes the master of the conspiracy not very popular. There are too many calculations that others can like.

"I made a calculation mistake, there are no three minutes, and it's about to start now."

The master of the conspiracy sighed, and the speed suddenly increased a lot. He broke free from the encirclement of several other main **** phantoms, and flew quickly towards his own kingdom.

The main **** phantom found that his target had disappeared, and hurriedly pursued it. They don't care what the goal is going to do, all they have to do is to completely eliminate the goal.

The master of the conspiracy ignored the chasing soldiers behind him, and rushed into the kingdom of God in a flash. In the next moment, the power of the kingdom of God began to diffuse, and the surrounding black energy became more and more dense, eroding the surrounding void.

This black energy contained violent curses and poisons, even the main **** was reluctant to approach it. After a few ghost shadows of the main **** approached here, changes began to appear in his body. This is a rejection of strong toxins and curses. If it is a normal main god, he will definitely retreat at this time, and it is impossible to let his body be corroded and damaged.

But these main **** phantoms will not, because they have no thinking at all, only knowing the goal of dealing with themselves.

So a series of attacks were released from the hands of these main **** phantoms, and the target was the kingdom of God in front of them. Even if it is a top **** country, facing the attack of the main god, it is impossible to be without the slightest damage.

Especially when several main gods took turns attacking at the same time, the kingdom of gods itself became violently occupied. A series of cracks slowly appeared on the surface, this is a manifestation of the kingdom of God has been seriously damaged.

The master of the conspiracy didn't waste any time. He just returned to his kingdom of God and instantly appeared in his temple. The next moment, the door of the never-closed temple closed, and a strange breath burst out.

This twilight aura quickly filled the entire scope of the kingdom of God, continuously spreading out.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the patterns on the surface of the Kingdom of God suddenly revolved. The original crack disappeared all at once. The originally hard barrier, at this moment, seemed to have become flowing water, and it was actually flowing.

The attacks of several ghost ghosts are constantly being absorbed, which is definitely not a manifestation of a normal kingdom of God. If it is a normal main god, you will back off when you say anything, and carefully observe what is happening.

But these main **** phantoms will not, they are still attacking, only attacking. But soon they didn't have a chance to escape, because a special atmosphere around them formed in the void, directly surrounding them all.

The next moment, terrifying toxins and curses burst out toward the surroundings, mercilessly, turning the surroundings into a desperate situation. Even if it is the main **** phantom, after being involved in this force, it can only barely struggle.

Substantial toxins and curses are also very corrosive to the body of the Lord God. Under the erosion of this power, the void has left little mottled traces, which are traces that will remain in the void forever. At this moment, the strength of the master of conspiracy broke out far surpassed the normal master god.

"What a strong law fluctuation, what a terrible power, worthy of the old master god, even if the strength is not very good, but the card is not to be underestimated." Chi Nan took a moment to look up, his eyes full of surprise.

This force, even if you are involved in it, 80% can't At least this is how I am now. But after this battle, if you gain more of yourself, you will be able to have a greater sense of survival.

"This ghastly guy, I know he must have other hidden methods. Damn, this method is really terrible." Even the Lord of Light, who had been looking down on him, was frightened at this time.

As long as there is a free main god, at this time, he will take the time to look at the position of the master of the conspiracy, even the evil **** is no exception. There are a lot of people who can raise the poison to the main **** level, but there are not many who can raise the curse to this level. The curse was originally an auxiliary force, which could threaten the main god, and it was definitely not that easy.

Everyone knows that the master of conspiracy is good at cursing, but they are so good at this level that they didn't think of it.

"No, it feels a little weird. This doesn't seem to be a normal attack." Suddenly, the voice of the Elf Lord rang in the conference room. Everyone turned around and found that the problem was not right.


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