The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1581: Comparison of losses between the two parties

In the huge conference room, there are not many people, but there are not many people, but this time everyone's atmosphere is very heavy.

All the people were silent. The gods below looked at the main gods in the center from time to time. The main gods had a bad face, and they were also silent, and they didn't even dare to make a sound.

If someone enters here, maybe they will all be regarded as statues.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the external affairs have slowly been processed, and it can be said that it has gradually ceased. At this time, someone finally spoke. "Everyone talk about how to deal with the current situation."

The first one to export was the orc main god, even if the orc **** system developed the fastest with the help of these few gods phantoms, but this time, their main gods felt a huge threat. No, it shouldn't be said to be a threat, because the main **** has already died. This is not a trivial matter, nor is it the cause of the face-to-face attack.

"Let's calculate the comparison between our two sides. After all, our real enemy is not the ghosts of the gods." The Lord of Light looked around and said: "By the way, the Lord of Black Lotus hasn't joined our meeting yet."

Chi Nan immediately opened his mouth and said: "There are some things that the Lord of Black Lotus hasn't finished. After the **** seat is formed, he will come over."

Indeed, the battles in other places are basically over now, but the demon incarnation is not there yet. There are still two ghosts of the main gods over there, and his clone and the demon incarnation are encircling and suppressing them.

If it weren't for the strength over there, and there was a lot of extra energy, no one would be sure whether the Demon God or the Cthulhu would sneak over. The current demon incarnation has not yet made contact with the demon god.

Everyone nodded, but they didn't care too much. They could also clearly feel the things over there.

Soon, a higher **** handed the report to all the main gods, and then said: "This time our loss compared with the other party. If you calculate it carefully, I am afraid that we have lost more."

After speaking, the person closed his mouth, but the faces of others were still ugly. Because in their opinion, this is no longer a problem of relatively large losses, but a very large one.

"Hey, the army is not concentrated enough, otherwise it won't be like this." The Warrior Lord said a little annoyed. But everyone didn't answer the conversation, because the composition of their side was destined to be impossible for them all to gather together, and they still had to surround the evil gods and evil spirits. Besides, the orthodox gods in the upper hand cannot trust each other so easily.

Chi Nan was also looking at the report, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. "If this continues, the next time the phantom of the gods erupts, it might be dangerous." Chi Nan's words resonated with everyone.

Only at this time, no one still proposed to make a large number of master gods. Even if they knew it might be dangerous next time, they didn't want to add too many competitors so quickly. Even if it is the main **** who cannot continue to ascend, it is still the main god.

Chi Nan saw that no one had proposed this solution, and it was a bit boring, so he didn't want to say anything. Anyway, they are the main gods, what can they do? If you do it indiscriminately, it is definitely not a good thing for you to arouse other people's resentment. If one fails, maybe oneself will be involved in trouble.

In the report, he lost two main gods on his side. This was a real loss, and it was completely gone. Without special circumstances, these two main gods have no chance to be resurrected.

From the start of the war to the present, three main gods have been lost on his side, and one main **** has fallen. Even if he and the demon incarnation were added two, the number of main gods now became twenty-six.

On the other hand, Cthulhu lost one, and that was because of his unsuccessful loss. The top Demon God lost one, and it was calculated by himself, only these two, no other losses.

At the level of the main god, the loss on his side was twice that of the other side. Moreover, the other party has also created five incomplete top evil gods, and the number has not decreased but increased. Obviously, the strength of the army has the advantage, but it is at a disadvantage in the confrontation. There is nothing to say about this. Looking at the loss this time, their orthodox gods are even more terrifying.

Let's not talk about how much the evil **** has lost. It is on his own side that the upper **** has lost more than a dozen. This has not been fully counted. Even the middle gods lost hundreds of them at once, which is not considered to be the fighting power of gods and created gods.

If you add these, you don't know how much you have lost. And the lower gods don't need statistics anymore, as long as they appear near the powerful **** ghost this time, the losses will be very large.

Had it not been for the number of gods on the central plane in recent years, plus the gods that were raised by the gods' origins left by the ghosts, I am afraid that after these few battles, the major gods will become commanders of bare rods.

Similarly, his subordinates have suffered a lot of losses. Fortunately, the number of his subordinates was originally small, so Chi Nan only needed to bring out some life essence to resurrect them all. But think about it, I don't have much essence of life anymore. I spent too much on transactions before. It seems that next, we must find a way to protect their safety.

"Perhaps, it's time to take out the remaining first-generation void scorpions."

Previously, Chi Nan had a large inventory of Void Scorpions, but they had been kept in order to hide their strength and had not taken them out. Later, with the second generation of Void Scorpion, these inventories did not increase.

Now the major gods have used their own powerful powers, and they have taken out more void scorpions, which is not so On the contrary, protecting their subordinates will also increase the prestige of their gods .

"Well, that's it." Chi Nan settled to pay attention, and Shen Guo immediately began to act.

"Everyone understands the situation. In each battle, our losses are much greater than those of the Cthulhu. We must put an end to this situation. I think we should prepare as soon as possible and launch a general attack against the Cthulhu."

"I agree, we can't continue like this. If we wait until the Lord of Gods is born, we will definitely not be opponents."

The gods all agreed, but the Lord of Time opposed it. "It's not possible now. I don't have the most suitable time. I feel that a most suitable time will soon appear. We need to wait."

No one thought that this time the Lord of Time had directly expressed his opinions, and he still directly opposed everyone's opinions. This situation is really rare.


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