The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1591: Just call you rainbow

"It smells good, but it has nothing to do with the smell." Chi Nan was taken aback, and then he felt it. This was the first time he encountered this phenomenon. Maybe he had encountered it before, but it was not so obvious.

Only now did Chi Nan realize that the scent had nothing to do with the smell. However, everyone now focused their attention on the huge fruit in the center. Even the elemental elves they had brought gathered there one after another.

The Queen of Elemental Elves is not only as simple as having many attributes, but also a natural king among elemental elves, able to give orders and control other elemental elves. The element elves also have extraordinary respect and love for their queen. This is even worse than the elves' sense of closeness to their Elf Queen.

Of course, this has something to do with the elemental elves being relatively simple. Even if the elemental elves have greater power, they don't actually use it much. Because usually the element elves have no other idea besides playing.

The fruit in the middle split slowly, and the figure inside slowly emerged, becoming clearer and clearer.

Suddenly, the figure suddenly jumped out of it when it reached materialization. The Queen of Elemental Elves is completely different from ordinary elves. It is about one meter and five meters in size just after being born.

She is petite and exquisite, with a delicate face and fair skin. If it weren't for the three pairs of wings on the back, someone might regard it as a real elven woman. The ears are pointed, which are longer than the ears of ordinary elves.

The wings on the back are translucent, and every time it is flapped, there are countless light spots around it.

Take a closer look, these light spots are the products of the highly condensed elements, most of which belong to the seven common elements, and some belong to the elemental attributes of the elemental elf queen. When this elemental elf queen was born, it had almost all elemental attributes, and among the elemental elf queens, it also belonged to the top talent.

Even from Chi Nan's point of view, if the Lord of Elements hadn't become the Lord God, perhaps he didn't have as many attributes as her.

The newly born Queen of Elemental Elves closed her eyes, flapped her wings gently, and floated in the air. The surrounding elemental powers continue to converge on the body, and the aura in the body is constantly growing, becoming stronger and stronger.

The surrounding elemental elves gathered around one after another, flying around, spontaneously gathering the elemental power, so that the surrounding elements would not be too thin. Chi Nan and the others did not bother, they knew that this was a step in the birth of the Queen of Elemental Elves.

Even Miria held her breath and looked forward with bright eyes. As a high-ranking god, Miria can never breathe. Normally, breathing is actually just a habitual movement.

After a long time passed, the Queen of Elemental Elves finally opened her eyes. Those eyes are like stars, shining with charming luster. If you are an ordinary person, you might be completely lost when you look at it. The eyes of the Queen of the Elves were dull from the beginning, and gradually became more agile. When she looked around, she immediately focused on Chi Nan's body.

Afterwards, the Queen of Elemental Elves cheered and flew towards Chi Nan, spinning around Chi Nan happily. "Master, master..." While flying, the Queen of Elemental Elves also let out a crisp cry happily.

The people around rolled their eyelids, and when the Queen of Elemental Elves spoke, they knew that this elemental sacred tree must have been branded by Chi Nan, otherwise how could this Elemental Elf call its owner as soon as it appeared.

Even if it is the sacred tree of elements, it is probably only the role of mother in their eyes.

Chi Nan smiled and gently held the Queen of Elemental Elves. "Well, not bad, good talent and potential. Seeing that you have seven colors as the main color, like the rainbow, you will be called the rainbow in the future."

"Rainbow? Although there are seven colors, but the colors are obviously different, okay." Miria vomited out of anger.

It's just that Chi Nan and Rainbow didn't care. On the contrary, Rainbow was very happy. While chanting his name, he rubbed Chi Nan's hand happily, like a well-behaved pet.

Finally, other people couldn't stand it anymore. Slinka stepped forward to pull the rainbow away at night, while the others immediately surrounded it and isolated Chi Nan. Rainbow looked at Chi Nan with a grieved expression, and Chi Nan could only spread his hands.

However, the simple rainbow quickly became one with Hemila and others, because these people also had the aura of their own masters, and the communication between them was very pleasant. Chi Nan was watching from the side, silently.

At the same time, Chi Nan is also perceiving some of Rainbow's own strengths. Unlike a woman, Chi Nan, as a man, focuses on something different from others. For example, he is more concerned about strength and ability.

The power of the rainbow itself to mobilize the elements is very powerful, and the wings behind it are the same as its own light of death, that is, a powerful artifact that can grow with itself. It seems that the wings of the Lord of Elements are the same.

This wing doesn't look very eye-catching, but in fact it is unusually tough. And after being broken, it can repair itself. When you use elemental spells yourself, wings can bring a huge increase. I don't know what will happen in the future, but now the rainbow casts spells, and this wing can more than double its power.

With wings, the magic of the rainbow is almost inexhaustible. Because the consumption speed often does not recover faster. As long as there are elements, the recovery speed is very impressive.

The strength of the newly born Rainbow has reached the level of ordinary gods, and its combat effectiveness has reached the pinnacle of the lower gods. If it continues to grow, it may not take long to reach the middle **** level.

This kind of potential, this kind of talent, even Chi Nan looked jealous. It’s just that it’s not that easy to become a higher god. However, with the help of a large number of principles of his own, I believe this time will not be too far.

Of course, if you want to become the main god, the help of Chi Nan will probably take a long time. There are many natural element attributes, which means that if you want to break through, you need to dabble in more laws to condense into your own unique law power. Although both are the same elementary laws, there is obviously a difference between the elemental laws of the main **** and the elemental laws between heaven and earth.

It seems that even if this elemental spirit is inherently powerful, it can't help him in a short time. In this war, basically you still have to survive on your own.

Forget it, such a cute little guy, Chi Nan couldn't bear to let him go on the battlefield. Even if he really wanted to, maybe Hemila and others would have trouble with him.

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