The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1595: This can be regarded as waste utilization, right?

"Come over and see what else is useful. Try to find out. This is a big plane after all. It is impossible to just be a playground for the elemental elves, and you have to do something for them."

Seeing this carefree elemental spirit, Chi Nan decided that the elemental spirits must not be allowed to do nothing, to learn, to work, and to be a useful person. Chi Nan would not admit that it was because of the resentment in his heart.

Others obviously did not see Chi Nan's sinister intentions. Even the simple elemental spirits took the initiative to help Chi Nan find it. It's a pity that most of these elemental elves have never seen the outside world, have never been to the lower planes, so they are just looking for them, they don't know what they are doing, they just treat it as a very interesting game.

But soon, I really found something. While Chi Nan focused on the Elemental Sacred Tree itself, Hermilla focused on the ground beneath her feet.

Along with the growth of the elemental sacred tree, the ground under its feet has also changed. "My lord, come and take a look. There are several elemental spar veins here, all of the highest quality." Hermilla said to Chi Nan from a distance.

The elemental elves gathered and looked at the spar dug out underground. This thing has no effect or value for the creatures composed of these elements.

In their view, this is the failure of the elements when they wanted to form elemental creatures, and the remaining remains, combined with some special elemental structures in the earth, finally formed this appearance.

But the elemental elves are useless, but the wizards are different. It can be used as a powerful magic gem, can also be used directly to comprehend elemental spells, and even absorbed to enhance its strength.

As a culture layer force, this is a very good resource. The elemental spar here is of high quality, even for demigods. "Very well, in the future, keep the foundation of the mineral veins unchanged, and dig more. Do you want to leave this job to the elemental elves." Chi Nan directly found a job for the elemental elves.

Waste utilization starts with these spars. Of course, only Chi Nan is qualified to say that these things are waste. Even if the upper gods get such a vein, I am afraid they will treat it as a treasure.

Not for your own use, but to train your own subordinates. "I only see that these bark are good. When the bark falls off in the future, it can be used to create some treasures, even if it is a normal artifact, there is no problem."

The elemental sacred tree itself is a miracle, and Chi Nan can refine it into a high-level master artifact if he is willing. But there is none in Chinan, so this thing is just a tree. There is no problem in refining ordinary artifacts where the bark fell.

"What I see is from the top, these branches will also fall down, and they can be used to make staffs when they are collected. These branch staffs can at least reach the level of semi-sacred artifacts, even inferior artifacts." Suo Phila looked up at the sky.

Silinka night picked up some leaves. "Look at Chi Nan, these leaves are also very special. If these leaves are used as the carrier of magic scrolls, there is no problem even if they portray divine arts on them." Chi Nan really didn't expect that he had an idea of ​​using waste. Really found so many good things.

Yes, my subordinates have been using the leaves of the tree of life to make magic scrolls, and the effect is very good. The leaves dropped by this elemental sacred tree are definitely better in this respect.

For the Elemental Sacred Tree, this is a very natural drop, but not for others.

"It's a pity, it can only be used to carry elemental magic, other types of magic are not acceptable."

Silinka looked regretfully at the leaves in her hand. Just now, Silinka tried to portray her natural magic, but failed. Because of the unbearable relationship and the conflict of laws, the leaves are reduced to ashes.

"It doesn't matter, or you can find a solution after a lot of experiments." Chi Nan said indifferently. This kind of local tyrant's style makes others know what the expression will be.

Especially those mages, seeing such precious resources being wasted, I am afraid that they will feel uncomfortably unable to sleep.

"We have also made a good discovery, and the output is larger." At this time, Wei Wei Si also spoke, and she was surrounded by a proud Miria. It seems that this discovery may be due to Miria.

"Oh, what have you found?" Chi Nan looked over and said amusedly.

"Hmph, have you seen those, the dew on the tree." Milia spoke first before Wei Wei Si could speak.

"Those dews are the ones that fall from the elemental sacred tree. They are all pure natural elemental potions. If used to configure various potions, it can greatly improve the success rate of the potion and the effect of the potion."

Chi Nan's eyes lit up. This is a good discovery, and the dew will not hurt the foundation of the tree. Now, those elemental spirits have a job. The elemental elves didn't know why, and suddenly felt a little chill in their hearts. I am obviously an elemental creature, why do I feel this way? It's really strange.

"Almost forgot, you turned out to be a pharmacist." Chi Nan said with a smile.

I think at the beginning, in my own territory, many medicines were refined by Miria. At the beginning, I also saw Milia differently because he was a pharmacist, but I had forgotten it now.

As a pharmacist, Miria used to collect special dew and then used it to refine medicine. Some special dews are much easier to use than ordinary water or even purified liquids.

It's no wonder that she will focus on this and other people will not pay attention.

"Very good, collect the dew in the future, just give it to some more powerful planes to use."

This thing is of no use to myself, and of no use to the gods. The gods want to refine pharmaceutical agents. It is not better to use the liquid elements of this world. This kind of dew can only be used by mortals.

Of course, if this thing is taken out, even a demigod will break his head. I don't know if the elemental sacred tree of my kingdom has this ability, no, I have to go and see. I never thought I wasted such good resources.

But other than that, everyone has been searching for a long time, and they have not found other materials that can be used in a wide range. Without universal adaptability, Chi Nan, who is an ordinary material, is really insignificant now.

A few days later, Chi Nan and the others stopped and continued searching for ideas, and left after explaining the elemental spirits.


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