The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1611: Do we need to intervene

? Even the main gods did not expect things would turn out to be like this, all of them looked at each other a little. Yes, I'm afraid they will make the same choice at that time.

As far as the gods are concerned, the resources they need are even more lacking, so they also appear more greedy.

After becoming accustomed to being the main god, they have forgotten the value of these things to lower gods because of the pursuit of higher levels. "These guys are really cheap." Chi Nan said lightly.

As far as I am concerned, there is obviously as much wood as I want, so I don't care about it at all. The members of their own gods never care about this kind of wood material, because there are too many.

But for a long time, everyone did not realize the needs of other people for this thing, so Chi Nan did not include it in the transaction materials. This level is basically used by the highest combat weapons.

This battle basically turned into a large-scale collection of resources.

Even because of their intervention, a large number of avatars of gods suddenly rushed out of their own kingdom and joined the distribution. This change made Chi Nan feel at a loss.

"Can’t stop, now there are more people joining. Once you stop at this time, there will be more avatars of the gods involved, and the scale of the war will be larger. It can be regarded as giving them some benefits. If you make compensation, we will give you later. ."

Hearing this, Chi Nan shook his head: "There is no compensation, anyway, I have this thing."

Even if it is compensated, I am afraid it will not be of much benefit, so it is better to sell a good one to them. When the others heard Chi Nan's words, their expressions softened a lot, but then they began to think about other things.

On the Cthulhu side, the Lord of the Insect God is a little depressed and said: "My beetle is very difficult to make, and requires a lot of high-level ores. These are using black glaring crystals, of course, others can be fine. If you have more, you must have these ores. The beetles without these ores bonuses are not strong enough."

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of ores of this level, which will be handed over to you later. But don't just make these reinforced with ores. You can use the ones you don't have." The Nine-Headed King said impatiently. .

The Lord of Insect God shrank his head, but he still said helplessly: "I don't want to, but there is no way. That guy already knows the weakness of my beetle. If I don't strengthen the defense, then the beetle can block even one attack. No longer, it will be even more dangerous." Contempt flashed in the eyes of the others.

It is possible to be unable to stop several attacks, but if they can't stop even one attack, they don't believe anything. After all, the level is there, and the carapace on the beetle is originally very hard.

"Okay, I see, you can continue, if it doesn't work, we will also take action." The King of Bones was also a little impatient. In their eyes, these shoddy goods are not qualified to sit with them.

The Lord of Insect God closed his mouth and stopped saying anything, because he knew that he would definitely offend these people in this way, and that he would be in danger. Even if they were all top evil gods, and they angered other people, they would definitely not let them go. As the master god, the material of this body is also good in the eyes of other people.

The fighting continued, and then both sides had some restraint between each other, and there was no full-scale war.

But they didn't, and the clones of those gods and evil gods were different. These guys even joined the battlefield with fewer beetles and void scorpions, and even teamed up to deal with these things.

In the face of the ghost phantom with more flexible body shape and more methods, neither the Void Scorpion nor the Beetle is an opponent. Because of these simple existences, a large number of them must be gathered together before they can truly exert their combat effectiveness.

This is the same as when a single master of martial arts faced the army. Being strong alone does not mean that they can be stronger than the opponent even in large numbers. But now the battlefield is too big. With these beetles and void scorpions on such a big battlefield, this amount of money can only be regarded as fighting alone.

"How about it, do we need to intervene?" Finally, the Elf Lord still asked.

"There are indeed some shortcomings on the battlefield. Many of these guys have started to fight again. If this continues, our arrangements will be useless." They also have a headache. In fact, the gods and evil gods themselves know it.

But knowing and going or not are totally different things. As long as there are benefits, they will not let it go. Having been involved in it, it is difficult to get out of it, and many times they can only continue to fight.

"If this is the case, then I will also take action." The Elf Lord said. Soon, a large number of weird plants like giant dragonflies flew out. The combat power of these things is weaker than that of the Void Scorpion, but there are a lot of them.

As for the Lord of Elements, it is impossible to make a move. Wearing one's own people to support others, and even being treated as trophies by others, no one wants to do this kind of thing. Plant weapons and elemental spirits are two completely different existences. Even Chi Nan could not let his elves and elemental elves act as cannon fodder to rescue others.

"Hehe, let me intervene," the alchemist said. He was a little embarrassed, because the large purchases of materials on the battlefield were mainly his own men, which was also an explanation.

So within the kingdom of God several huge fortresses flew out. In the fortress, a variety of weird alchemy weapons that Chi Nan could not recognize, flew out one after another and launched an attack.

This gave Chi Nan a sense of seeing the interstellar wars, although the place was void, and it was much worse than the interstellar environment. Seeing them do it, the evil **** also did it almost at the same time.

The skeletal army of the King of Skeletons flew out and confronted the Alchemy Golem of the Alchemist Lord. And all kinds of strange monsters of the Nine-Headed King also flew out, and the target was the big dragonflies of the Elf Lord. These monsters have been specially transformed, accumulated over the years, and their numbers are extremely objective.

They are different from people like Chi Nan who can produce a large number of combat weapons in a short time, but because of time, the accumulated combat force may even be more than Chi Nan's hands. This is the background.

Such a magnificent battle in the void was the first time in history, even if the main gods were all attracted to it.


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