The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1616: Now it's my turn

"What are those things, they look so big, do we have this kind of bird here."

A snake man raised his head and looked into the air, and saw a large number of dead leaf dragons flying towards them. Because of the large number, the snakemen and kobolds who were fighting stopped one after another.

"This thing looks like a dragon in an ancient legend. I have never seen a dragon before when I grew up. I thought it was just a legend." At this time, even the kobold someone spoke up.

Of course, all they speak are variants of ancient languages. After only hearing a few sentences, Chi Nan knew about it.

After so many years of occlusion, it is not surprising that some changes in language have occurred. Even if it is completely changed to another type, it is actually not impossible.

In retrospect, on the original earth, the origins of words and languages ​​are actually only a few places, but after only a few years, they have morphed into countless types, and they seem to have nothing to do with each other.

It's just a few variants to be able to pass on for such a long time here, and it's actually very difficult.

It's just that soon they will have no chance. Because the dead leaf flying dragon flew down, it attacked them. Whether it's teeth, claws, or even wing swipes, it can cause huge damage to the snakes and kobolds around. There is no way, in the case of a larger body, the dead leaf flying dragon can exert a stronger force.

Moreover, the range was even more terrifying. With a light sweep of the tail, several snake-men and kobolds on the opposite side were enveloped in several. Whether it is resisting or attacking, there is absolutely no way to resist this force.

Then, these people were kicked out like a baseball. Perhaps there was no serious injury, but the feeling of being beaten up all at once was still uncomfortable.

"Damn it, what the **** is going on with these things, we didn't provoke you, why are you attacking us."

Both the kobolds and the snakes are depressed. They attacked each other, on the one hand because of feud, and on the other hand, they are also fighting for survival resources. Make your hunting grounds bigger.

But these giant dragons obviously can fly, and they are not near them. How did they provoke them before letting them attack themselves. However, they are not afraid of things.

Don't look at the giant dragons being very big, but their strength is on the same level as them. The most important thing is that although there are giant dragons in ancient legends, giant dragons have never been high-end creatures. At least in this divine kingdom, this is the case. In their eyes, the dragon is just a stronger kind of flying beast.

Among the monsters, giant dragons are famous because they have a certain amount of wisdom, not because other monsters rely solely on instincts to form a huge ethnic group. But in their eyes, that's how it is.

Even some races here specialize in dragons as their food, so they won't be afraid.

Then, various bows, arrows, forks, and sickles, attacked the dragon one after another. Seeing the fierce side of these people, even Chi Nan felt very interesting.

"In so many worlds, people in every world are either afraid to run away from the dragon, or treat it as a god, and use it as a material. They didn't see this, and they directly regarded the dragon as an opponent and prey. of."

Chi Nan was eating snacks while watching the scene in front of him. It was really interesting. It's a pity that these are not real dragons, but made of special wood. Therefore, the ice power has no effect on them.

Unless there is a large area of ​​freezing, the local frozen leaf dragon can completely be regarded as not being felt.

In addition, those kobolds are even more uncomfortable, because the sickle is not suitable for dealing with such large creatures. The death power on them is for creatures, and it has no effect on wood.

Only less than two days after the start of the battle, these people couldn't hold on one by one.

Yes, it was two days, not an instant. The physical strength of these guys is too high, and such physical strength can't make them lose their fighting ability with one or two attacks.

Two days later, along with the kobold and the snake man, one by one lost their resistance. The army of plants that had already surrounded them took the opportunity to rush out and **** these kobolds and snake people.

It’s just that it’s a bit troublesome to tie the snake man, because the lower part of this thing is a tail, and there is no way to tie it. In the end, Chi Nan thought of a way, which was to imitate the orc's method of dealing with the snake-man, and put the lower body directly in a wooden barrel. The tail curled up in the barrel, there was no way to exert force.

The materials used are good, so they can be controlled. "Ask if it comes out, where are the others hiding."

A wood elf immediately replied: "I didn't ask it out, their mouths were very tight, and the method of torture may not work. We don't have a spiritual magic expert in it, so there is no way to directly check the memory."

Chi Nan nodded lightly: "It turns out that it is like this, then, let's use our previous methods. Grab a high-status person and directly use plants to penetrate his brain for control and inspection."

Chi Nan hasn't used this method for a long time. But not using it does not mean that it will not develop, because the people under him, as well as people in all major planes, are constantly improving this method.

Up to now this method has become very subtle. Even if it is a newly caught species, it has not been tested, as long as the opponent has a brain, Chi Nan dare to use this method directly. But it's just a demigod level existence, even if something really goes wrong, it doesn't matter. Speaking of it, this is the first time that Chi Nan has used this method on a creature of the demigod level.

The demigod level is high-end combat power in all major planes, and no one would use this method to violently violent heaven and things.

Again, this is because although these creatures are at the level of demigods, they are not true demigods. The true demigod possesses the soul, which can shield off the damage on the body, so this method is not very useful.

But for the people here, what they cultivate is to improve their physical strength, so this method can also be used. Even because their brains are more capable, this method is actually more suitable for them.

Soon, the snake-men and kobolds, who seemed to have the highest identities, were brought under control and sent to the temporary laboratory.


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