The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1619: The fundamental race in God's country

? "Very good, it's finally out." Chi Nan was very satisfied after receiving the news.

To develop within this kingdom of God, you must have your own foundation, and the biggest foundation is not yourself, but these races that belong to your own. Before, Chi Nan had done many experiments on the wood elves.

The wood elves were originally made after imitating the elves, so there is no problem doing experiments on them.

Over the past month, Chi Nan’s race has once again increased by two. One of them is a race that looks like a mouse. It really looks like a mouse, not a mouse-man with a mouse head. It is very weird.

Another race is a kind of fish. That's right, the fish that live in the water are not murlocs, but just a kind of fish. If it weren't for the discovery that these fishes could speak, practice, and have their own hierarchy, Chi Nan would almost use these things as new ingredients for your dinner. The race in this world is really weird.

Similarly, Chinan also searched out some tribes of snakes and kobolds, and forcibly incorporated them into his subordinates, increasing the number of kobolds and snakes under his command. The number of believers gradually increases, and the crystallization of their faith will also appear.

At that time, your clone will be able to get enough supplements here, and you don't have to worry about running out of resources anymore.

Chi Nan put aside his other researches and called the elves that had just appeared. Then he started experimenting with the cultivation methods he had studied on the wood elves.

After all, it will eventually be used on the elves, how is it possible without experimenting. Fortunately, after the previous preparations, there is no danger at all now. After Chinan made some adjustments, it was finally determined to take shape.

"Very good, that's it. Although it's not perfect, I can do my best so far."

Chi Nan frowned, and finally gave up to continue to evolve. It took too much time to continue to cover. After all, it is a method evolved by the gods in ancient times, and it is not so easy to achieve perfection.

This is to imitate the power of their own life, these elves themselves are not divine creatures, but they are very compatible with their own life magic. And his life magic is a high-end **** power.

Can they be able to directly supplement their own consumption, can they be regarded as ordinary things?

The elves do not have their own divine power, so they can only rely on the magic of life to lay their foundation. The advantage is that the life magic itself can also be used to speed up cultivation, which greatly improves the cultivation speed of the elves.

In order to experiment, Chi Nan used his own avatar of the holy bottle of life, and the low-level life essence stored in it.

Using the essence of life, the first hundred elves that appeared have been tempered to the level of the lower gods by themselves, of course the kind of pure body refining. He does not have his own kingdom of God, nor does he have his own godhead, only powerful physical strength.

With their bodies, these elves can definitely compete with the normal lower gods. However, the body shape has not become thick and weird, but it is still the same as before, very well-proportioned and beautiful.

After testing, because they are using their own life magic, the power of these elves also has some characteristics of life magic. First of all, it is to have strong resilience. Whether it is an injury to himself or a partner, he can mobilize this force. By means of contact, this force is penetrated into the opponent's body to speed up recovery.

At least among the races I discovered, there is no such powerful healing ability.

The power of the elves cannot be as powerful as the power of death and the power of ice, but it does not mean that it is useless. On the contrary, the power of the elves is very similar to their own life magic.

It can be easily condensed on one's own body or on weapons, this force has a very strong defensive power, and can also be transformed into a terrifying offensive power. Cannot be released, but the melee advantage is great, and there is no weakness.

Although the power of other races' cultivation has powerful lethality, it is too one-sided and has too many weaknesses. Once targeted by someone, it is very dangerous. On the contrary, the elves don't have this problem.

"It's a pity that this power can't be directly attached to the bow and arrow. It is necessary to re-study new methods through the method of building weapons and maintain the magic of life on the weapon."

The background is too weak, this can't be solved in a short time, this needs to be studied by the elves themselves. As for Chi Nan, he doesn't have so much time, so he can only take the time to deal with it.

"Master, please rest assured, we will definitely not disappoint your hopes, and we will work out the method of making artifacts in this world as soon as possible." The elf headed respectfully said to Chi Nan, with some shame on his face.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "No, just do your best. After all, you will all live here in the future."

Chi Nan was not disappointed, the strength of these elves was not weak. If you only rely on the method of solidification of life magic, when you are in the lower gods, you will be no better than these elves. The most is to rely on his own power level to be higher, one can deal with two or three of them, but deal with other gods, it is not so bad.

"Okay, don't say so much, hurry up and find some clothes to wear." Chi Nan felt an itchy nose.

In order to experiment before, Chi Nan himself ignored this. These elves have just been born, so they are all naked. Chi Nan is also a little embarrassed to see so many bodies of white flowers.

"Fortunately, these elves are all female. If there are men mixed in, they will definitely be embarrassed in the future."

Chi Nan doesn't know why The first elves born are women, but this also avoids future embarrassment.

The elves glanced at each other, ignorant, Chi Nan was the master in their hearts, and it didn't matter if they were looked at. Besides, although there are these things in the inheritance, they are just born after all.

A newly born pure soul will not be as dirty as Chi Nan. After hearing Chi Nan's words, after the elves saluted, they left here one after another, discussing what kind of clothes they would make.

Perhaps in the eyes of the elves, clothes and so on are only meaningful because they make themselves look more beautiful. In the future, this aspect must be strengthened. He doesn't want his elves to become naked and transgressive.

Subsequently, Chi Nan wanted to continue to study his own new generation of plant weapons. But Chi Nan soon discovered that sometimes he can't do what he wants. Because, there was another thing that interrupted my research, and that was the temple I was looking for before, and I finally found it.


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