The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1623: Why is this dead again?

? But fighting is fighting, no matter how difficult it is, there will be sacrifices in the end. What makes Chi Nan depressed is that the first sacrifice this time is his plant weapon.

Because the magic power in the body was too little, the scorpion puppet in the first stalemate finally exhausted its magic power. Without the bonus of magic, even though his own body is still very strong, he can't face these kobold guards.

The scythe of the kobold guard severely cut the head of the scorpion puppet, and the cut wood was rotten under the power of death. It looked like it had been dead for many years.

Of course, the scorpion still did not lose the ability to move, because the core was not hurt. The pliers are still constantly attacking, but they are not as powerful as before. The kobold who discovered this situation rotated the sickle in his hand and easily cut off the two large pliers. Without the magic of life as a barrier, the effect of the power of death is really terrifying.

Then, the kobold rushed up and cut fiercely, like a madman. In a few seconds, the scorpion in front of the skill was cut into pieces. Now, the scorpion is no longer useful. Under the erosion of the force of death, the plant brain also died.

Without worrying about the injuries on his body, with the wounds still recovering, the kobold went to find the next opponent.

Fortunately, there are more plant weapons here, far more than their kobolds, so without letting the kobolds to support his companions, this guy was once again entangled by other plant weapons.

After losing five plant weapons, the first kobold to die was finally born. To Chi Nan's expectation, it was actually made by the dead leaf flying dragon. This dead leaf flying dragon, after all, is the essence weapon made by itself.

During the constant biting, the attacks on the kobold are also uninterrupted and very powerful. Moreover, because of its larger body size and stronger body strength, the dead leaf flying dragon naturally has more magic power.

Withered leaf flying dragon, even if Chi Nan didn't pay much attention to it, the life magic power in his body could not be less. Because without so much life magic, it is simply impossible to drive such a large body.

The magic pattern in the plant weapon can't be done out of thin air if it wants to play a role. This high-level plant weapon actually has an energy core next to the plant brain. The Heart of the Sky, which has evolved so many times, is not what it was at the beginning, but now it has completely become a powerful source of life magic power.

In the constant biting, the first kobold guard finally couldn't hold it. Suddenly, the withered leaf flying dragon's head lifted up. Even the Withered Leaf Flying Dragon himself didn't expect that the Kobold who hadn't broken would be bitten by himself.

The upper half of the bite was spit out in one bite, and the kobold finally stopped moving. That's right, it's not the picture of the upper body still moving after being cut in the waist, but it's motionless, as if it has been dead for a long time.

The upper body of the kobold full of mucus, the expression in his eyes remained unchanged, full of indifference. As if they were not living creatures from the beginning, but zombies that had been dead for a long time.

"Strange, why did you die again?" Chi Nan suddenly made a puzzled voice.

Because the kobold that was torn apart was not what he thought, but died like this. It was that the black light on his body suddenly began to dissipate, and the flesh and blood on his body dried up quickly, and little by little was spent flying ashes from outside.

The fly ash floats in the air, escaping into pure energy, disappearing without a trace. In the end, Chi Nan discovered that the kobold's flesh and blood disappeared little by little, just like when the flesh and blood grew, but it spreads faster.

When the flesh was gone, the bones inside reappeared. And these fresh bones began to decay quickly, becoming the same as before. Layers of cracks appeared on the surface, and eventually the bones shattered like this.

"In this way, it doesn't even have the value of manufacturing materials. Perhaps for ordinary people, bone meal can still be used, but it is not worth the gain to bring it back. It is too wasteful." Chi Nan said to himself.

"Looking at this, the reason why the skeleton can recover before is because of the powerful death power remaining in the bones. After so many years of death, I don't know how strong the power has risen. It is definitely the peak among the demigods. Now that power Exhausted, this bone as a carrier is useless."

Chi Nan quickly analyzed the cause, but the analysis was useless. Unexpectedly, such a large sum of wealth would suddenly become rubbish. But if you don't kill these things to get bones, you can't do it with your own plant weapons.

It's okay to do it yourself, but it consumes too much, and the gains outweigh the losses. It can even be said that the cart is upside down.

That being the case, Chi Nan didn't care about it. The plant weapons in the front battle changed his combat strategy. Once the reserve power of a plant weapon is almost exhausted, it will be replaced by other members in the rear.

These depleted plants only need to replenish their life magic power later, or recover by themselves. If they are lost, they need to be recreated. It will take more time and magic power than this.

Because the plants have their own network communication, they cooperate with each other very tacitly, much better than those kobolds fighting each other. In this way, the plant loss in Chinan dropped rapidly, and finally dropped to near zero. Withered Leaf Flying Dragon is more free, just fly directly when it runs out of power.

Even if a kobold ran to him, once he flew up to the sky, other dead leaf flying dragons would naturally help. Without the help of the flying army, the sky is the world of the dead leaf flying dragons.

However, although this battle has taken the absolute upper hand, it still needs to constantly consume the opponent's strength. Therefore, this kind of battle cannot be resolved in one or two days.

While watching, Chi Nan began to adjust the composition of his plant weapons to strengthen the life magic reserve in the plant weapons. In the past few days, Chi Nan has quickly added this transformation to all bases. While fighting ahead, the other bases didn't mean to stop, they were still developing rapidly.

It’s just that I haven’t found a second temple around. There are also some special areas, such as places like Dashan. Because there are too many powerful monsters, it is more troublesome to attack. But at this time, all aspects are also ready.

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