The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1626: The kobold in charge of death

"It's a pure power of death, but it has nothing to do with the undead." Chi Nan looked at the phantom in front of him. In the process of forming the phantom, the nature of the power of the kobold **** would not be too concealed.

Chi Nan could clearly feel it through this power. For a long time, Chi Nan himself thought that the manifestation of death power was undead creatures, but now Chi Nan discovered that this was wrong.

The power of death is completely opposite to the power of life, which is another limit. Chi Nan can feel that this power makes him very uncomfortable, because his power is vitality. Under the influence of this force, Chi Nan has an impulse to kill the opponent as soon as possible. This is the first time that Chi Nan has this impulse.

I have never felt this way before facing the gods with undead attributes. This pure force of death does not need the living dead to defile, because this force represents death.

Of course, the special use of death power can also use undead. Just like the skeletons that were active before, in Chi Nan's eyes, they should also be undead creatures, at least they should be.

After waiting for a while, the kobold slowly opened his eyes. What kind of eyes are those, full of silence, even the first glance will make you feel that you have seen the coming of death.

Suddenly two screams came from behind, Chi Nan didn't need to look back to know that it was two elf commanders who made the sound. Fortunately, these two elves were seen through the screen. If they were seen directly, they might die on the spot. This is the terrible thing about death power. People who are not strong enough are not even qualified to face death.

"Invader, Best will grant you an equal death." Kobold Best said to Chi Nan as soon as he opened his eyes. Then without a word, he rushed towards Chi Nan.

Before arriving, a black light flashed in Best's eyes, and the black light condensed into a laser-like ray, and the target was Chi Nan. Chi Nan's heart moved, and he simply stood still, with a layer of green light flowing from his body.

The next moment, the black light hit this layer of defense, and the black light disappeared instantly, and the green light dimmed a little bit. There seems to be no turmoil, but in Chi Nan's eyes it is completely different.

Because when these two forces collide together, they actually cancel each other out, and there is no fierce conflict. It seems that when the positive and negative poles meet, the two are neutralized at once.

However, Chi Nan discovered that the power consumed by the opponent was not much different from the power consumed by himself. This means that the opponent's divine power quality is not worse than his own. Without using the rule addition, the nature of the power can be equivalent to his own, and Chi Nan has not seen much. Generally, it can only be achieved by other main gods.

This ancient **** is not simple, at least the divine power attribute bred by itself is absolutely extraordinary.

Just thinking about it, Best had already arrived in front of Chi Nan, and suddenly a sickle full of death power appeared in his hand, cutting across towards Chi Nan. It seems that other kobolds use sickles as weapons for no reason.

"Even in the upper gods, they are also best at melee attacks. It's really interesting." Chi Nan waved his hand, and there was a long sword in his hand, which was made of wood. The wood is full of his own life magic.

Because Chi Nan had always practiced swordsmanship before, besides bows and arrows, only long swords were the most convenient weapons. Don't see if he still has a whip in his hand, but he doesn't use it very well.

"Pouch" with a soft sound, the two weapons collided together, and the forces canceled each other out again.

"Does the weapon of the **** ghost shadow itself have reached the level of a superior artifact? It's really interesting. What kind of power is the power that creates the ghost shadow? This is really mysterious enough, can it not be above the main god."

Chi Nan said to himself, and at the same time launched an attack, constantly confronting the opponent. Although Chi Nan is not a warrior god, his divine power is even stronger, and he is also a master god. If he couldn't stop even such a high-ranking god, he wouldn't have to do it at all. It would be a pleasure to find a piece of tofu and crash to death.

A group of green and black entangled shadows in the sky made the two elves below look worried. Although they firmly believe that their master will not fail, they still have some concerns in their hearts.

The newborn elves didn't even know what the main **** meant. Kobold Best's attack was very crazy, but Chi Nan was strolling leisurely, that kind of performance was very leisurely.

"It's terrible fighting skills. The fighting skills in the ancient times seem to be completely different from the current ones. They are simpler and more direct, advocating wildness. It seems that many attack methods are similar to those of animals."

Chi Nan commented on the situation while feeling the strength and skills of the opponent. If you were still a high-ranking god, the melee skills would definitely not be the opponent of this guy. But if you let go of the battle, this guy shouldn't be your opponent. If you are outside and you can use plants, it is not a problem to hit him or two.

Chi Nan is different from traditional gods. Not only is his divine power extremely powerful, but his physical fitness is very terrifying. Although he is not proficient in fighting skills, but below the same level his physical fitness is not much worse than this kobold.

Following the attacks again and again, Chi Nan also slowly learned about the various methods of this kobold. Melee skills are the main combat skills, very simple, with pure death power and strong lethality. And in the course of the battle, the power of death was like a curse, affecting everything around him, including himself.

If the gods who don't adapt, face such an attack, they will definitely suffer severe damage. Although these gods in ancient times had fewer methods, their various methods were more powerful and closer to the essence of the law.

Fight against these gods, and one will get hurt if you are not careful. But the current gods are not without their advantages, because they have more artifacts, all kinds of magic arts and methods are more prosperous, and the use of power is more subtle.

After roughly understanding the opponent's fighting methods, Chi Nan had already confirmed that even the ancient **** ghosts at the main **** level should not be his opponents, and Chi Nan was completely relieved. "In order to thank you for your help, I decided to send you liberation." Chi Nan knew that these gods and ghosts wanted to die very much.

Smiling at the kobold, the speed of the long sword in Chi Nan's hand suddenly increased several times.

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