The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1643: Towards the center of the kingdom of God

The special message that the giant elephant left for itself is only one direction, and that direction is a very strange feeling, not a specific direction. When Chi Nan was actually using it, it was discovered that something was wrong.

Because this direction is not a straight line, but every time it reaches a certain area, it will be twisted.

"This kingdom of God is really strange. Could it be that the direction in this kingdom of God is completely problematic." Chi Nan didn't understand, it was the first time he had seen such a huge and weird kingdom of God.

But if you can't find the central area, then I believe others can't find the central area as well. In this case, he might be even ahead of them.

Perhaps the true value of this giant elephant lies here. "Then, move towards the central area." Chi Nan gave an order, and the development direction of the plant base changed. Of course, this direction is not a straight line. So Chi Nan finally let one of his plant incarnations go there, leading the forefront plant base in the established direction.

The natural incarnation is connected to one's own clone, so it can acquire the ability to perceive in this direction. If you change to other people or plants, you can't do this at all.

Just as Chi Nan determined the direction to move forward, a rumor spread from Chi Nan.

It was no one else who sent this message, it was brought back by the gods who fell into the Chinan Territory. They can see very clearly along the way, and they can guess one or two of Chi Nan's various development policies.

But what they didn't expect was that the plants made by Chinan were so terrifying. Not only is the strength strong, the most important thing is the large number. This amount is not something other people can achieve.

The scene of beating the giant elephant this time was also passed back by them. "Have you heard that the subordinates made by the Lord of the Sacred Tree can encircle and kill the native gods in the kingdom of God. This is really terrifying."

"No way, those who can be regarded as gods in there are those who control the altar. This is at least the middle god. And they are all the kind of body refinement. We are suppressed in it, and we can't beat it at all."

This is a middle-level god, because he has also encountered a middle-level **** in it. He was suppressed, and his best magical skills didn't use much power at all, and close combat was far from the opponent's opponent. If it hadn't burned a lot of divine power later, it would have been impossible to escape. Many people around are the same as him.

It is because they feel that their personal strength is very uncomfortable inside, so they will come out, gather on the outer skin of the kingdom of God, the weakest place of the void storm, and at the same time, they can find some companions to form a team.

In it, the most dangerous ones are no longer their own enemies, the evil gods, but the natives. On the Cthulhu side, I am afraid that they have the same idea as myself, the environment inside is really weird.

The gods outside also spontaneously started orientation training. Some gods who are not very good at melee combat began to train melee methods in order to one day be able to enter it and obtain resources that are useful to them.

"Hmph, you have made a mistake. The one who was besieged at the time was a high-level god. It was a giant elephant, and the scene was very terrifying. Even the first high-level **** came. Several people team up, and they may not win." Yes, the upper gods came first, and they are already in the second batch.

As the void storm weakens, some of the most powerful mid-level gods can already enter it through the void storm. The gap between the middle **** and the middle **** is huge. Some people can enter, but some people dare not even get close here.

"So, we don't dare to stay in that area anymore. If we are found out, it won't do us any good. I advise everyone not to go there anymore. All the benefits are covered."

"Hey, this kind of ability to develop on a large scale is really terrible, but unfortunately we don't have it. Even if it does, it might be of no use." Everyone sighed, and they couldn't help it.

The natives in it can be regarded as warriors, at least they are also demigods. Who of them has the ability to create a large number of demigods. There are not many people with this ability, even among the upper gods.

"What are you still discussing here, hurry up, I see there is a **** who is good at supporting, let's go over and see if we can team up." A voice just remembered, and the gods here disappeared instantly.

A **** who is good at supporting, this is the most sought-after **** in it today. Although the support type gods are not good at melee combat, or most of them are not good at it, they are good at support. It’s not wrong that the power of divine arts has weakened, but those are all attack-type divine arts and defensive-type divine arts.

This auxiliary type is different, because it is not an attack type and does not need to be released from a distance. Just touch your partner with your hand and release it directly on them. Not only will there be no excess consumption, but the effect will not be weakened.

With the blessing of these auxiliary divine arts, even the gods who were not good at melee can fight against the natives of the same level there, so their value is very high.

Every **** with a useful auxiliary type of magic is very popular among these teams. Even if you don’t have to fight by yourself sometimes, you can get the best part of the, it's a bunch of useless things. "A **** wearing a weird armor walked over and looked at this scene with disdain.

The gods of these alchemists were probably the only ones who didn't pay attention to the auxiliary type gods. Auxiliary divine art has no effect on most puppets, so they don't even think about it.

As for the puppets, most of them are of melee combat type. In such a restricted place, these alchemy gods are the least affected and can exert the most comprehensive combat effectiveness. Even the strength they exert is more exaggerated and terrifying than pure warrior gods. Among all the gods, they think they are the king.

Outside, the void storm gradually weakened, becoming weaker day by day. Unconsciously, most of the middle gods were able to pass, and later all middle gods were able to pass, and in the end, even the lower gods could enter a part.

It seems that after a while, this void storm will be completely subdued and will not become an obstacle to the gods.



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