The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1649: Deeper and weaker abyss

? Numerous gods and evil gods looked at the void and watched their movements. With these two demon gods taking action, a large number of the flesh and blood of the demon gods were sent to the altars of different planes.

Although it is impossible for every plane to be assigned the amount of a demon god, everyone has it. Sure enough, as Chi Nan said, using the original rules of the abyss, when the flesh and blood of these demon gods were added to it, these planes were able to extract power faster.

Individual relatively weak planes are much stronger than before, and there are some small planes, because the original strength has been supplemented more, and they have actually entered the process of promotion. During the promotion process, the speed of absorbing power is also faster. The key is that as the plane advances, this power will be consumed a lot, even if the will of the abyss wants to withdraw it back later.

As if being stimulated, a large number of the abyss planes began to accelerate their absorption, you know, this is controlled by the abyss will. It's really rare to absorb yourself by yourself.

"Hmph, I know these guys will definitely be dishonest, and they must not interrupt this process."

Suddenly, the orc lord snorted coldly, and everyone felt it a little. It turned out that the Nine-Headed King was about to move, as if he was about to intervene, but was suddenly discovered by the Orc Lord who was paying attention to him.

The orc lord gently turned his divine kingdom and locked the opponent directly. As long as the opponent dared to leave the kingdom of God and rush out, the orc lord would follow closely, and then fight the king of nine heads away from the center.

The nine-headed king is not an idiot. It's okay to go out as a clone, and his deity must never leave here.

Once they left the central position, without the top gods beside them, their power would not be the opponent of the orthodox main **** at all. Even if it is one, it may not be able to fight, let alone be besieged.

The nine-headed king who was locked up didn't dare to move at all.

"Yes, after all, the Will of the Abyss had an agreement with the Lord of Gods, and they have formed an alliance, and they must not be allowed to rescue. Otherwise, adding the power of the abyss will be even more troublesome.

Even the good old man, the Lord of Nature, expressed his opinions. As a result, the main gods in the major kingdoms of the gods have divided a part of their attention to the evil gods, as long as they dare to do it, they dare to move out.

Originally wanted to help the abyss, want to gain a stronger ally, or gain some benefits, the evil **** didn't dare to move at once. The subject is locked, so you can only wait and see here.

In the void, the movements of the demons would not stop because of their movements. A large amount of the flesh and blood of the Demon God was continuously sent into one plane after another, and then sacrificed. With the flesh and blood of the demon **** as a sacrifice, the power of the abyss must be extracted to help other planes, so a large amount of original power began to drain.

If it was said that at the beginning, the Abyssal Origin Plane was bleeding with a knife opened, then now several blood-drawing devices have been inserted into the Abyssal Origin's blood vessels, and a large amount of blood flowed madly, and could not stop it.

With the frenzied consumption of one's own origin power, the power of the abyss origin plane is getting weaker and weaker. Due to the weakness of the power of the will of the abyss, the right to speak is getting weaker and weaker, and even a part of its consciousness has begun to rebel.

And because the external consciousness of dissociation has been elevated because of the abyss plane where it is, these consciousnesses have gradually suppressed the subject. As one ebb and flow, the original plane of the abyss became weaker and weaker.

"Not enough, not enough, let's take the last step." The Flame Lord said coldly.

The Lord of Wing Demon didn't say a word, and nodded slightly. A blood shadow suddenly appeared: "There are also some people under me who are too deep into the abyss, and they are also handed over to you." This time it is the incarnation of the Lord of Blood.

The so-called people who have become too deep in the abyss refer to the demons who have become demon gods. The demons themselves have their own thinking. Although they use the power of the abyss, they still have salvation, but the demon gods of the abyss can't do it.

Once you step into the realm of the abyss demon god, you will be transformed into a deep abyss, and it is difficult for you to escape. Unless you are promoted all the way to the top Demon God, you will have a chance to get out of control. However, the control of the abyss has always been too strong. After reaching the top demon god, he can still escape. Up to now, there is only one Black Lotus, the demon incarnation of Chi Nan.

But it was the departure of the demon incarnation that gave them hope and made them take the risk, otherwise they would not necessarily dare to do this. In the next moment, many demon gods cultivated by the demons appeared.

But these demon gods, one by one, their eyes were dull, and it was obvious that they had been erased. The Lord of Blood wanted to leave a way for the Demon Race, but he also knew that the Demon God had no retreat, so it was better to throw it away at once.

The two top demon gods nodded their heads, and sent these demon gods to their predetermined positions at once. The demon gods under their control have also stood in certain positions under their control.

Some demon gods seemed to feel something, and quickly begged for mercy, but it was useless. At this time, they are all controlled again, and it is impossible to escape now. The mandatory control of the contract allowed these demon gods to stay in their positions. Then, the spell of the Lord of Wing Demon resounded through the void.

Under the effect of the spell, these controlled demon gods suddenly screamed, and their bodies continued to melt. The melted flesh and blood are added to the sacrifice, which is a super-large overall sacrifice circle.

Several consecutive sacrifices Several consecutive blood draws, the original plane of the abyss at this time looks dying, and it feels as if it is about to die, so weak.

A large number of surrounding planes unite, and that powerful force is contending with the origin of the abyss. At this time, even if the will of the abyss wants to explode these subsidiary planes, it can't make itself into the ultimate protection. Face to **** blood. Through the blood chains, most of the power of the abyss has been drawn away.

After this great cleansing, except for the Abyss Demon God who initially fled, there was no one in the Void Abyss Demon God left. Chi Nan and Hei Lian looked at each other, a strange look flashed in their eyes.

The mighty abyss, just in the next step of his calculations, is heading for destruction. Even their abyss demon gods have become tools to deal with themselves. The only remaining Demon God of the Abyss, I am afraid that even the previous 5% is gone.

"Hahahaha, finally succeeded, we are free, we really want to be free."


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