The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1661: Enviable promotion

"No way, why are they good for them?" Seeing that some of the surrounding gods' thrones began to glow and become bigger, and they began to keep catching up with the gods in front of them, the surrounding gods were not jealous, they were already numb.

"I remember this **** seat, this is the **** seat of the goddess of thorns. He is under the command of the lord of the sacred tree. He seemed to have helped a while ago." Because they are closer to the **** seat, everyone usually has more contact with each other.

Some things about the Sacred Tree God System, if there is no need to hide them, they will all talk about it. In fact, even his subordinate gods would not tell what Chi Nan really wanted to keep secret. Those things that were told to the subordinate gods basically don't need to be kept secret, so it seems as if the Holy Tree **** system is very relaxed.

But everyone knows that it is not easy to join this **** system, and Chi Nan's method of selecting people is quite strict.

Some time ago, when they heard that the goddess of thorns was going to help deal with the devil, they still felt a little disapproving, thinking it was a waste of time and resources, but who would have thought that the rewards of others could be so great.

"Hey, I knew this earlier. I also went to help at the time. Wasn't it about destroying the abyss planes left behind by several abysses. Destroying a plane is a lot of effort, but this reward is really huge."

Seeing the direct reward of the will of the heavens, they said in their hearts that it is impossible not to envy them. This is to fundamentally improve their strength directly, and if you want to advance, you must rely on the comprehension of the law.

"Don't say so much, even if you go to help, it is impossible to have such a big advantage."

"Why, didn't they just take action when the abyss plane was finally cleared."

These people, when Chi Nan finally cleared the abyss plane, they all let them go. Heilian didn't have a few gods under him, but Chi Nan had a lot of them, and they had all been sent out before.

Although his own main force is those void scorpions, he also wants to allow his men to accumulate more experience. Unexpectedly, there are many benefits here. If Chi Nan knew, I would regret it.

Because he didn't let Hermilla and others go this time, he thought it would be no good. But nowadays, whether it is a subordinate **** or a literal god, it has great benefits.

"Huh, they helped from the beginning. When the two main gods dealt with the abyss, they helped to collect some materials. Maybe they didn't know what they were going to do, but they didn't get the credit. less."

This is true, the will of the heavens has always been extremely fair, even if they don't know it, but what they do will still have a credit. Otherwise, the final work would be done, and the will of the heavens would not necessarily be rewarded directly. No matter how great the reward this time is, the will of the heavens also comes according to their own rules.

"Oh my God, I was promoted. It's really, really regrettable."

Suddenly, a middle-level **** entered the level of a higher-level god. That's right, this was also a **** under Chi Nan's command. At first, everyone was relatively high among the middle gods, but who would have thought that someone suddenly broke out.

He caught up with many other people all the way, and went all the way to the first position, and then suddenly disappeared, and the **** seat reached a higher level. The upper gods above also looked at each other, and some didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, there was an additional colleague, an existence who was not too weak, and he was promoted under his own eyes. This situation was not unavailable in the past, but this time the large-scale and rapid improvement really made them helpless.

Inside the Pantheon, the atmosphere was weird, and everyone was watching these people.

Fortunately, it was not too long for these people to advance. Only three top-ranked middle gods became upper gods. More than a dozen lower gods have risen to the level of middle gods. In less than an hour, the light on these people's **** seats dimmed.

Opening his eyes, the Goddess of Thorns looked around with a little surprise, it was strange that everyone looked at their own eyes. "What happened? Why do everyone look at me like this." Suddenly, Goddess of Thorns discovered that she had actually become a high-ranking god, and her godhead was much stronger than the power contained before. What was going on.

Not all people, like Chi Nan, can remain sober when entering the origin of the will of the heavens. Ordinary gods, even if their consciousness is close, will be instantly lost, and they can't remember what happened before.

"Congratulations, Goddess of Thorns, from now on you are also a member of the top gods." The upper gods around began to congratulate, but these words sounded sour.

Once, in order to become the upper gods, they didn't know how much they had suffered before they were promoted to this level. Not long ago, everyone used the law of the upper gods and ghosts to advance, but at least it was the spoils of battle.

But these people just helped to buy some materials, refine some objects, and later shot out some planes that were not able to resist. As a result, they directly got such benefits, which is really unbalanced in their hearts.

"I don't know what happened, how could we just..." a new **** asked.

A **** next to him explained: "This is the case, just like the two main gods above, you have also helped solve the abyss plane before, so the heaven planes have given you some rewards to let you understand the law. Improved a The rule of comprehension has improved, and promotion is a matter of course.

There is no bottleneck, no need to prepare, it is so easy to get promoted so naturally.

The few gods who were not ready to advance, found that all the difficulties had passed at once, and felt a little weird in my heart, always feeling like they were dreaming.

But the powerful power in oneself and the clear understanding of the law are impossible to fake. There is also the position of his own **** seat, it is impossible for the Pantheon to make a mistake in this regard, it seems that he is really promoted.

These people are still in the clouds and mist, feeling that the world is so unreal.

As the people around you explained each other, these people gradually understood what happened. Thinking back to what I did before, the more important I did, the more benefits I got. After they understood it thoroughly, they were not happy anymore, and they were left with regrets. If I knew this a long time ago, I should have worked harder at the beginning.

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