The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1663: After finishing, there is finishing

"In fact, there is nothing, it is similar to the feeling of offering sacrifices in the kingdom of God. They are all rewards directly given by the will of the heavens. Directly comprehending the laws can greatly enhance one's own strength."

"Yes, at most it is equivalent to using a little more sacrifice." Hei Lian also nodded and said.

This is not a mistake. For Chi Nan himself, it really feels like offering sacrifices. As for how much difference and where it is, Chi Nan doesn't know how to say it. Others may feel it all, but there is no way to ask. People want to hide this kind of thing, and they have no way to persecute it.

Not to mention that the opponent's strength status is higher than his own, and he is not an opponent. Even if you really get it, what can you do, can you still find another abyss for yourself to destroy.

If there is a second abyss now, these main gods will definitely pounce on it like crazy, tearing it apart completely.

But no, there is only one such good thing, and if it is missed, there will be no chance. Simply, everyone just asked about it and didn't understand it, because they had already been changed by Heilian.

Everyone now sets their sights on the kingdom of the gods. In that kingdom of God, as long as there are enough sacrifices, one can be promoted, even if it is the main god. Believe that if there are enough sacrifices, then they can also get a terrifying promotion just like Chi Nan. Today's Chi Nan has at least doubled his strength.

Even though everyone is the main god, if ordinary main gods come to confront Chi Nan, if there are no other special conditions, Chi Nan is confident that one person can have the upper hand against five or six main gods at the same time, even seven or eight. This is not impossible.

At this point, Chi Nan finally felt the huge gap in the main **** level. The same as the main god, there is really a lot of difference in strength. The main **** after the 20th place may not be able to do any tricks at all in his own hands.

Of course, it is impossible for Chi Nan to say these things that offend people.

The Cthulhu side didn't know what happened in the Pantheon, and they couldn't feel the power that Chi Nan exuded when he was ascending, because they were all blocked by the kingdom of God, and no one felt it.

When they learn about Chi Nan's promotion in the future, they don't know when it will happen. At least, in a short period of time, there is absolutely no such possibility. All they know is that the abyss in the void has been destroyed.

Just when everyone was about to divert attention, a special fluctuation suddenly appeared in the void. A black-skinned monster suddenly appeared. This monster is similar to the demon, but has two heads. Just appeared, I was looking around with my head, but my eyes were full of indifference, without the slightest spirituality.

"This is a demon? How could a demon suddenly appear, or a middle **** level? Could it be that a demon **** came back to check before, is there such an idiot demon god, there is no abyss?"

"No, it's not a demon god, this is a **** evil. It seems that after the abyss is destroyed, the resentment of the abyss and the remaining power of the abyss are formed, so it is very similar to the devil, but it is indeed a **** evil."

The demon incarnation has been dealing with the devil for a long time, and the first time I found out that something was wrong. This thing is definitely not a demon, this is a **** evil, who would have thought that even the destruction of the abyss would form a **** evil.

It seems that the formation of God's evil doesn't care about whose grievances are at all, as long as it is grievances. Even in such an evil place as the abyss, it can be formed. Moreover, the negative power of the abyss is even greater. Even if the Light of Extinction wipes out the original plane of the abyss, there are still countless residues and abyss power remaining in the surrounding void.

These negative forces are now spreading out without anyone managing them, and they have begun to converge, one after another, the evil spirits have appeared. It is undeniable that these gods are all similar to demons.

If it weren't for the special aura unique to the gods, I'm afraid anyone who saw it would treat it as a demon.

Of course, these are some weird demons. The devil was originally curious enough, these gods that changed on the basis of the devil, even more did not know how to look at it, anyway, there are all kinds of weird shapes.

"It seems that our finishing is still not clean enough. The will of the heavens wants us to clean up more cleanly."

The reason why Chi Nan said this was because the remaining aura of the abyss in the void was not easy to clean up. It would really be time-consuming and laborious to continue to clean up but there is no benefit.

But now it's different. A large number of abyssal forces have gathered on their own initiative, forming a **** evil. As long as these gods are eliminated, this special power will really disappear. All the power of God's evil, the will of the heavens will not allow it to exist.

Every time the gods are wiped out, the corpse will disappear completely. This was not because the gods could not leave anything, but because the will of the heavens did not want to leave anything, so they took the initiative to use their own power to break it down.

Because of the existence of gods, the will of the heavens is absolutely fair, and it is impossible to kill them. But once the gods die, then the will of the heavens can clean up this annoying power. There is no benefit in eliminating the evil, and there is no residue. These gods were killed, then the remaining aura of the abyss will not be left at all, really Suddenly, some fallen beasts flying nearby discovered these gods and roared and fell. The beast flew towards this side.

There are not many fallen beasts, but everyone really sees that these things are the essence of God's evil. Otherwise, the fallen beast would not be so active. However, it was relatively few and there were a lot of evil sins, and now it was an outbreak period of new evils, the fallen beasts were even more inadequate. As soon as the fallen beast approached, it was surrounded by many evil spirits and attacked.

Soon, the first batch of fallen beasts died clean, and there were also some gods and evil beings dragged to kill.

The fallen beast that was killed was divided and absorbed by the gods, and the power in his body was constantly expanding.

"Prepare, you can't let these gods survive, nor can they unite with the gods on the opposite side, we have to wipe out these things." As he said, an upper **** level gods also appeared.

A large amount of the abyssal power around was emptied, Chi Nan frowned, but he was also relieved a lot. According to calculations, there can only be a few **** evils at the upper **** level at most, and there will definitely not be too many. It is impossible to have one at the main **** level, so it is much easier to handle it.

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