The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1672: A collection of 1000 worlds

The tenaciousness of the King of Realm really went beyond Chi Nan's expectations. The Realm King Elephant, who was already about to be unable to hold on, actually persisted for a week under the siege of Chi Nan's clone.

I have been watching the Realm King Elephant being severely injured and seemingly dying, but just like this, the Realm King Elephant still persisted for a week, and his body and appearance have become rotten flesh, but he can still persist.

You must know that this king image is not an ordinary god, but a **** who focuses on body refining. The body-refining gods are more affected by physical damage than ordinary gods. But when all of this has been almost destroyed, the Realm King Elephant can still exist tenaciously, and it can still burst out with powerful power, which can't help but make people sigh.

It's really admirable to be able to temper the body to this level, and to be able to temper the will to such a height.

Although this is just an elephant, it may not even be the original world king elephant anymore.

But the battle is about to end after all, no matter how strong the realm king elephant's strength and willpower are, in the end, he still couldn't persist indefinitely. When Chi Nan attacked again, the Realm King Elephant fell.

The huge body smashed a huge hole in the ground, still wanting to get up stubbornly.

Chi Nan stopped his attack, just looking at the King of Jie Xiang. The Jie Wang Xiang struggled, stood up slowly, and finally uttered a long roar to the sky, maintaining its original shape and stopped moving.

Chi Nan had already felt that the aura of life in the world king elephant's body had completely disappeared.

"It's really an admirable opponent, if you are still or how good it would be." Chi Nan sighed and looked at the King of Realm Elephant in front of him. However, the body of the Realm King Elephant has slowly begun to disintegrate, turning into light spots and disappearing little by little.

Chi Nan knew that although the king elephant of this world was different, it was still an existence similar to the shadow of a god. This was resurrected by a special force, not the original world king elephant. Otherwise, the death of the gods would not be like this. At the same time, Chi Nan is also a bit pity, such a powerful god, the corpse is very good material.

Even if they have been torn apart by the attack, if they can be retained, they can still have a good effect.

Chi Nan would not stop using the other's corpse materials because he admired the other party. At their level, it is too difficult to find materials that are useful to him. The corpses of the same level are considered to be one of the easiest materials to find. .

The light spots slowly dissipated, and then, one by one, the spheres flew out, and these spheres flew into the air, suddenly exploded, and then a large amount of world power radiated. Yes, this is the power of the world.

"This is a plane, how is it possible?" Chi Nan's eyes widened, and the ball just now was actually a plane.

How did this face fit into the body of the Realm King Elephant? Why didn't he find out when he attacked before. Could it be a complete fusion, it will only be exposed after death, and the death of the King of the Realm means that this plane has come to an end.

No, wait, there seems to be something wrong. Chi Nan suddenly discovered that the realm king elephant possessed not only one plane, but one after another, flying out one after another, and then exploding in the air, releasing a large amount of world power. A part of the power of the world is condensed to form a crystallization of the power of the world, and only one will remain on each plane.

Chi Nan picked it up and put it away. The power of these worlds can only be left after the plane is destroyed, and every one here will remain. This thing will be a good material for one's sacrifice here.

It's just that how the king elephant of this realm did this, Chi Nan still couldn't understand it. The more I looked at it, the more surprised he felt in his heart. Incorporating the world into oneself, no **** would do this.

On the one hand, the gods are also worried about accidents. After all, in the developing plane, everything is possible. On the other hand, these planes represent a world.

Although the body of the gods is powerful, it is impossible for the body of the general gods to support the oppression of a plane. The most important thing is that even if it is integrated into a plane, there is actually no benefit at all. Gods have their own kingdom of God, and things that need the support of the planes can be placed in the kingdom of God. Who would do that.

For so many years, Chi Nan has seen so many gods and dare to do this. The only one who can do this is really the only one in front of him. In front of him, planes emerged one after another, and then burst apart.

Chi Nan gradually felt that the concentration of world power here was getting stronger and stronger. The entire space is filled with the power of the world. It is a pity that this power cannot be absorbed by myself, because it is full of traces of the power of the realm king elephant.

If you can absorb it directly, maybe you can still get some improvement in your own strength. For the perception of pure power, he is indeed far inferior to the king elephant of this realm. Pure power is not a law, but the exertion of one's own power. This kind of thing, even in the source of the will of the heavens, it is impossible to gain insight.

"Is it the last one? It's finally over." Chi Nan let out a sigh of relief as the last plane lifted off and exploded.

This realm king elephant has a thousand planes integrated on his body. This is a thousand and several of them are large-scale planes. The pressure generated in it is so strong that even Chinan I can't bear it myself.

In his own hands, there were also a thousand more world power crystals at this time, which is not a small fortune. After sacrificing it, he can definitely get a very big benefit, bringing a huge improvement to his body.

At the same time as the transformation, the flesh and blood of the realm king elephant finally came to an end, gradually depleted and consumed.

But what Chi Nan didn't expect was that after the realm king elephant's flesh and blood was completely depleted, the white jade bones on his body remained. It didn't disappear completely, but it still left its own bones, just like new ones.

"Sure enough, I knew that this realm king elephant is completely different from other **** ghost shadows." Chi Nan's eyes lit up, and he can now see that this skeleton belongs to the realm king elephant himself, not a ghost.

It seems that this phantom is directly attached to the bones. This special phantom with the skeleton of the Realm King's elephant originally, it is no wonder that the power of the Realm King's elephant is so perfect. Only phantoms can not produce such an effect. Many gods’ powers can only be exerted perfectly by themselves, and it is impossible to fully exert them if they are replaced by anyone else.

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