The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1686: No matter how strong it is, I will fall down

The speed of the Bifang Lion is extremely fast, and at the same time the death force attached to its body is more terrifying than any toxin. Even if it is a clone of the main **** level, it will be very troublesome if it is hit, just like the original master of beasts.

Fortunately, the ball of light shines in the sky, as if the sun is coming. This pure attribute of light has a certain suppressing effect on the death power of the Bifang Lion. Under mutual restraint, the power of the Bifang Lion has been weakened.

But even so, relying on its super fast speed, Bifang Shi can still persist under the attack of the three main gods.

It's not good to keep going like this, they are all clones, although they have artifacts. Every time you do it, the consumed divine power can't be restored automatically, you can only rely on the divine power crystals you carry to restore it.

If one's own divine power crystal consumes too much, the loss can be great. Usually there is nothing, but seeing that the final battle is about to begin, they don't want to spend too much on this knot. At this time, every time you save a little, you will be safer at that time. All the main gods are the same idea.

"Hmph, the gods in ancient times are indeed very powerful, but we are not without the means, don't hide."

Suddenly, the warrior master roared, and the whole person disappeared instantly. At this moment, the speed of the warrior lord suddenly surpassed the Bifang Lion, and he was able to catch up firmly, and the knight sword in his hand also traversed several strange trajectories.

"No Shadow Slash." The warrior master spit out words coldly. As the main **** who likes to fight the most, although his power has not developed very well, the kingdom of God is also the worst. But the warrior master is the one who has mastered the most magical skills, and also has the highest degree of mastery. Relying on a large number of magical skills, the fighting power of the warrior lord is very famous.

At this moment, the speed of the warrior lord was strengthened to the extreme, and the long sword in his hand gave Jiefangshi completely no chance to dodge, and the sword light flashed through, and the Jiefang lion's body instantly had many wounds.

However, Bifang's counterattack was also very fast. When it stopped, there were some black marks on the armor of the warrior lord. Under the light flowing, it slowly disappeared.

If you weren't wearing the armor of the artifact just now, I am afraid that I am also injured now. At that time, I was hurt by both sides. However, this Bifang Lion was not well, and there were three more bone scars on his body. But no blood flowed out, the flesh and blood inside looked like jelly, very weird.

The power of death spread out, and the wound soon dried up, like the trunk of an old dead tree.

"Sure enough, it is very powerful, but the powerful is also limited." The Warrior Lord sneered.

The warlord next to him also smiled: "Sure enough, the gods of the origin period are completely different from ours now. It's no wonder that the Lord of the Sacred Tree was able to kill the Realm King Elephant. I thought they were so far apart."

As the Lord God, although there are some things I don't understand, I can tell at a glance when I encounter them.

The gods of the origin period were very powerful and the godheads were born. All of these are true. But at that time, there was not much experience, so there was not much experience of all kinds. The gods basically had to rely on their own talents to fight.

Therefore, although they are closer to the law and understand the law faster and more profoundly, they are much worse in their application. The gods basically can only use their own talents to form some magic arts, and more often they use their own physical instincts to fight. Therefore, the gods of the origin period, whether it is the understanding of the law, the divine power or even the body, are very powerful.

In terms of hardware, it can be said to be far beyond the current gods. But they also have their own shortcomings, that is, at that time, basically not many gods would use magical skills, and they have not yet developed to that level.

The various divine arts that can maximize their own abilities are not studied by the gods at that time. They are more about studying how to make themselves higher and stronger.

Therefore, although the Jade Tooth Lion's physical fitness and other aspects far surpass them, it is far inferior in this respect because it does not have powerful magical skills and magical skills. It shouldn't be too difficult to burst out all the strength.

If it can really be the same as the current main god, use various methods. It is not easy for the three of them to unite and want to win. The three of them looked at each other and determined the battle plan almost instantly.

The first thing to do is the Lord of Holy Light, who is already the Lord of Holy Light who uses advanced divine arts. He does not hesitate to use his divine power to launch the holy light ball above his head with all his strength, and the strong holy light erupts. The death aura around him was instantly suppressed. This suppression will not last too long, but it is enough for the other two people.

The axe in the hands of the war lord slammed down towards the ground, yes, it was a knock, not a chopping. With great strength, it directly hammered on the ground. But there is no trace on the ground. It's as if everything before is an illusion. But at the same time, a special force has spread, permeating the surroundings.

The surrounding areas centered on the Lord of War are all controlled by this force. The warrior lord felt a force pushing him, making him faster, but Bifang was completely different.

This force is a kind of resistance to Bifang, making it impossible to move quickly, and the speed is slowed by nearly half. At the same time, this force continued to squeeze himself, making himself very uncomfortable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity the warrior lord rushed out again, slashing fiercely with the long sword in his hand. "Split Mountain Slash." The warrior master who once again used magic skills burst out with a force that was completely different from the previous one.

This force was slower than before, but because the opponent's speed was slowed down, there was no way to avoid it. But again, this force is much faster than the previous force.

The golden sword blade with strong power swept across in an instant, and the two legs on the side of Bifang's body were penetrated on the spot. The originally extremely hard bones and fur, like thin paper, were easily torn apart. After the eruption, Bifang immediately found that his two legs had left his body, and suddenly fell to one side unsteadily.

"Hmph, even the Origin God will fall." The warrior master sneered, looking at the struggling Origin God. What they didn't expect was that after the legs were gone, this guy actually had problems with his movements.

I thought it was just hurting the Bifang Lion, but now it seems that the impact is really big enough.

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