The Rise of Plants

Chapter 813: This is a path to becoming a god

"My lord, what happened?" Chi Nan's reaction was too great, and he almost jumped off the couch. Hermilla next to her was almost hit by Chi Nan's head.

Not to mention Hermilla, even the guards, at this time, looked at Chi Nan with a strange expression, for fear that Chi Nan would be subjected to any trickery.

Chi Nan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "You keep busy, don't worry about me, I just thought of a problem." After that, no matter what other people thought, Chi Nan lay down again and closed his eyes.

Just the arc at the corner of his mouth shows that Chi Nan is in a very good mood, and Hermilla, who is very familiar with Chi Nan, feels relieved at this time. Looking at Chi Nan's mood, you know that it's not a bad thing. However, the surprise of my lord's lord is really a bit too scary, and the surrounding officials thought so in their hearts.

No way, everything that just happened really surprised Chi Nan, because the plane consciousness was based on his own origin and sent Chi Nan a contract.

This contract is a contract to recognize oneself as the master. Chi Nan didn't know what the Lord of the Plane meant, nor did he know if the Lord of the Plane had appeared before, but this was definitely a path to becoming a god.

Yes, Chi Nan finally saw the possibility of becoming a god. In order to be able to save oneself, in order to be able to continue to exist, the plane consciousness with only a little thinking surrendered to Chi Nan, willing to make Chi Nan his master, that is, the lord of the plane. This contract is condensed on the basis of the plane's origin, and this one cannot be false.

With excitement, Chi Nan touched it lightly, and a trace of his soul was stripped out. Chi Nan just felt a slight tingling in his mind, and then he felt very tired and sleepy. This was the weakness of his soul.

Chi Nan knew it, but didn't care. Because Chi Nan was looking excitedly at the thing in his sea of ​​consciousness. After the contract is signed, it instantly turns into a very complicated figure.

This is a diamond-shaped object composed of complex lines, and it is also a three-dimensional shape.

Chi Nan knew what it was. This was the sign of the Lord of his own plane. From then on, he was the master of that plane. Even if the life span is exhausted, the plane can support itself to continue to exist. If the plane does not perish, you will not die. Being killed can also be resurrected on that plane. This is the meaning of the lord of the plane.

At the same time, this mark is still the coordinates of that plane. No matter where you are in the turbulent flow of time and space, or how far you are from your original plane, you can find that plane through this coordinate.

And this is also a prop for communicating with plane consciousness. As long as you are on that plane and near the plane, you can communicate with the plane through this coordinate and do something you want to do.

For example, flooding volcanoes, tsunamis and landslides, or even leading a certain person or a certain race, etc., can be done by themselves. Of course, the more you do, the greater the impact and the more plane origin it consumes. If you dare to do this kind of thing now, that plane will immediately fall into extinction.

Once the plane dies, the impact will have a certain impact on him.

According to the contract, as long as the plane is restored, all the plane's original power generated by that plane in the future will have half of its own. This is a powerful force at the same level as the divine power, and I definitely can't use it now.

But through the inheritance of the plane, Chi Nan knew that this power could be used when he reached a demigod. With the help of this power, he will smoothly become a god.

My own path to becoming a **** has actually been paved by a smooth road. The premise is that the plane must be able to be preserved by itself. At this time, that plane is no longer as simple as a production base, but has become his most precious wealth. Chi Nan made up his mind to completely bring the opposite side under his control at all costs.

Even the identity of the Lord of the Plane will be very useful even after becoming a god.

The power of the origin that is constantly produced will become the best nutrient for one's progress. If Cthulhu is like a robber who robs a plane and then runs away, then he is like a farmer.

Cultivate a plane, and then continuously generate plane power. Maybe it didn't come as soon as the robbery, but it was better than a long stream. If you can control a few more planes, it's really...

Chi Nan was thinking of the most beautiful place when suddenly the communication between himself and the consciousness of the opposite plane was cut off. No, the plane consciousness has been weakened to this level? Chi Nan opened his eyes.

Afterwards, Chi Nan was depressed, because he saw that the mirror surface was quickly recovering to a wooden appearance.

It turns out that one day has passed, and the space channel has begun to close. Without the space channel to shorten the distance between the two planes, plane consciousness certainly cannot communicate with itself. Such a weak plane consciousness, straddling such a distance to communicate with him, I am afraid that his strength will not be exhausted enough. However, being unable to communicate does not mean that you cannot see it.

The spar in front of him was already lit up, and the picture above was exactly the picture of the base opposite and the surroundings of the base. With the construction of the base, the opposite side has shown a good development trend.

"Then the next step is to continue to open up ~ every time a place is occupied, a new base is established in that place, and then focused on development. In the future, the Guards Reserve and other seed officers will come here to do it. Cultivate and test."

Chi Nan's words set an important assessment for future officer training. It is very difficult for all the officers who fail to pass the examination in this kind of development alien plane to want to be promoted.

And those guards reserve members are the same, even their assessment is more stringent. It is also because of Chi Nan's decision that similar games will be unprecedentedly huge in the entire territory in the future.

Because those who play similar games are no longer just for entertainment, this is also a kind of rehearsal, fighting for their own future. Later, it really happened that the game was very famous in the game, and was admitted to the test, and then joined the army to become a master.

Although there are not many examples of this kind, it has inspired more and more people to devote themselves to the research and struggle of similar games. As a result, this industrial chain has become larger and larger and more exaggerated.

All this is something that Chi Nan doesn't know. He just wants to purify the undead world as soon as possible and turn that side into a real natural plane. Everything is for his own future consideration.

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