The Rise of Plants

Chapter 819: Expose, expose, street fighting

"What is this, how can it fly so fast?" This was the last thought of the young soldier in front.

The speed of the missile is much faster than the black water fin. When the missile is launched, it is too late for them to dodge. The missile slammed into the middle of the team, breaking a bone hit by a black water fin and shattering internal organs.

However, this is only a small problem, because the next moment, the missile exploded entirely, reaching the golden level of power, and the missile with a small range exploded in the air, and it was simply not something they could resist.

The people swept in and the black water fins were torn to pieces in the first place. This team was actually eliminated in this way.

Almost at the same time, another missile exploded in the rear, and suddenly more than a dozen black water fins and the soldiers behind them were blown to pieces in the air. Seeing this scene, Morton's eyes turned red.

"Damn it, I said not to let you come near, who let you pass."

Morton felt extremely grateful, but fortunately he had already said it before. Even if it is pursued, it is the result of their own risky advancement, and it has nothing to do with them, but Morton feels distressed even after losing so much.

You know, it is not easy for every black water fin to catch and train. After all, they are not members of the Beast King family and can communicate with sea beasts. And that small magic light cannon is of very high value.

Even the Karan family, to build so many magic light cannons, the cost is not small. After losing so much at once, I am afraid that many people in the clan will accuse myself of bad command, and I will have a headache when I go back.

But looking at those Neptune Warriors, it is even more miserable, because eight missiles attacked the Neptune Warriors. Moreover, the sea kingfish is more dense, and the eight missiles attacked the positions that have been carefully calculated. After the missile flew over, the giant but relatively slow-reacting sea kingfish was even more unbearable than those black water fins, and it hadn't even dodged or attacked.

As if hitting a fixed target, eight missiles instantly hit their target. Even the sea king fish could not bear the power of the missile, and it was repelled at once, and at the same time it was smashed into bones.

But the next big bang told them what misery is. The unlucky sea king fish did not even let out a scream and was killed on the spot. Eight sea kingfish soldiers died tragically, and two were seriously injured by the carefully designed aftermath, and fell on the coast wailing constantly. Looking at the deep scars on their bodies and the constantly flowing blood, I'm afraid they won't be able to live long.

"Horrible, what kind of weapon is this? How could these humans possess such a scary weapon."

Prince Hailing's eyes widened, and his complexion, well, his complexion couldn't be seen, because it was always blue.

The old Hailing who was next to him said quickly: "Your Royal Highness, please rest assured, there are certainly not many weapons with such a powerful force, and this kind of weapon can only be used on land, and it is basically impossible to use it in the sea."

"You're right, I was too worried. Our most powerful weapon is the number of sea beasts. This kind of weapon has no effect on the large number of sea beasts." After being shocked, the sea spirit prince quickly recovered. normal. But deep down in his heart, he had a very strong desire for this weapon, and he hoped that he could own it too.

When the war started, the officials of Chi Nan and Shengshu Ling knew what was going on here.

"The Karan family? These guys dare to betray their faith, and they really do not live or die. Tell me, how many formations of three generations of airships are on Sacred Tree Island? Are there two formations, well I know."

Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan immediately issued an order: "Send a formation to support immediately, and at the same time wipe out the air power of the Karan family." In the middle of the island, a formation immediately lifted off.

"It is expected to arrive at the battlefield in five minutes. Please insist on the frontline for five minutes." The news was quickly communicated via the Internet.

"My lord, if you do this, the third-generation airship will be exposed. Overseas people know if our third-generation airship is not so good." After all, this is a little different from the original strategy, so Hemira is a little worried. .

Chi Nan said indifferently: "Exposure, expose. What are you afraid of? Can they still be involved with the Sacred Dragon Empire. Besides, our current strength is simply not something they can deal with."

In the original first-generation airship, the three major overseas families were able to use various methods to fight against themselves. After all, their strength and background were not bad. But in the face of the third-generation airship, it is completely different.

It can be said that I have formed a power crush now, and I am all riding a face on an airship. Tell me how to lose. Now Chi Nan, because of his sufficient strength, can be said to have no scruples about overseas.

"Well, you have the final say." Hermilla said angrily, but did not refute.

On the other side, the commander who received the news was overjoyed: "Great, Lord Lord has sent to support. We only need to block them for five minutes, and in five minutes we will make these **** look good."

"But Master Commander, they have already rushed over, and we can't stop them for five minutes."

The soldiers in the harbor realized that their ammunition had run out after three days of consumption. The sea kingfish rushed forward. Although a wave of missiles had killed ten of them, there were still eight. General attacks were useless to these sea kingfishes. Even the wind cannon of the Hummingbird fighter has no effect when hitting the body.

It can be seen that these sea kingfish seem to be very resistant to magic.

The commander said coldly: "Order the people in front of you to retreat slowly and enter the street fighting stage. I have to drag it for five minutes." As he said, the commander tore his clothes to reveal the armor underneath.

"I am also involved in the battle. Anyway, I am also a silver-level warrior, and I cannot be underestimated. Every general in our sacred tree collar is not a scumbag. We have sacrificed few people, but it does not mean that we have no sacrifices. spirit."

The commander drew out his long sword, his figure flashed, and he threw down his bodyguard, and ran towards the outside alone. The guards were taken aback, and the commander was gone.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and catch up." Those are sea kingfish, huge in size or silver level. Humans at the same level are hardly opponents of sea kingfish. Commander, this is to use his life to stop the advance of these sea kingfish.

The forces in the front contracted, and a large number of octopuses began to crawl towards the inside. The black water fins in the air, after discovering that there was no second wave of missile attack, were cautious for a while and became bold again, and some people began to tentatively fly over to attack.

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