The Rise of Plants

Chapter 822: This is the crushing of technology

"Have you figured it out? How effective is their attack?" The captain asked on the airship mothership.

"The result has been calculated, their attack is very weak, it is impossible to break through our upper limit. We will not be damaged even if we let them fight for a day now." A soldier not far away said disdainfully.

"Don't say that, people gather fires but they are very powerful. According to my calculations, if we are constantly attacked by fires, maybe our barrier will be broken in an hour, of course it's just the barrier of an ordinary airship."

The captain frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, many brothers are already dead below. We want to avenge the brothers, and we all cheer up." Hearing this, the hippie smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.

In their army, casualties are inherently a serious matter. Although it has nothing to do with them this time, it is not their fault. But seeing the tragedy below, thinking of their dead companions, their hearts are still full of anger. "Yes, it's time for these **** to see how good we are."

"The bat missile has been released, do you want to launch it now?" The watchman asked the captain loudly.

The captain nodded slightly: "Launch, send these **** to hell."

The captain gave an order, and the bat missiles that had been floating outside spread out two pairs of wings, and then a powerful air current gushed out from the rear, and the figure instantly turned into a black streamer.

Before the black fin rider who was attacking frantically in front of him hadn't waited to figure out what was going on, a black shadow instantly approached him. The moment it hits his body, the bat bomb immediately expands, and there is no time gap.

"Boom" a fireball with a diameter of ten meters exploded and burned, and nothing fell from it. No, there were more than a dozen fireballs burning at the same time, and most of the black fin knights charging forward were shrouded.

A black water fin that was only half-shrouded, instantly fell downward. But only half of the body is left, and the other half has disappeared. The wound was like a pitch-black coke, and it couldn't survive at all.

"So fast, so strong attack, captain, what should we do."

At this time, the remaining black fin knights also knew that these airships might not be their opponents. Morton was full of anger and unwillingness in his heart. Their team was carefully crafted by the Karan family.

For their team, the family spent countless materials, isn't it just to fight against the airship. Only if they can fight against the airship, their Karan family is still the most powerful family on the sea.

But who could have imagined that they had a new airship appearing so soon, they were still so powerless. No, it should be said that it is more powerless. In the past, the Magic Light Cannon was able to deal with these airships, and no matter how bad it was, it could deter them.

But first, the small magic light cannon is no longer useful. I don't know how the large one is, it seems that it will be very good. "No, we can't stay here anymore. We must go back as soon as possible and report this important information to the family, and we will withdraw." Morton couldn't wait any longer and directly ordered the entire army to evacuate.

"Attention, everyone spread out, don't gather. The opponent's weapon attack range is only that large, don't worry about being threatened by the aftermath." As expected of the commander of the air legion, his vision is not comparable to ordinary people.

There is nothing Chi Nan can do about this. The new bat missile reform plan is only a test in the north, and it has not been completed, and there is no need to talk about promoting the whole army. Otherwise, don't even think about running away from the bombing just now.

Bat missiles flew out one by one, catching up with the black water fin team that was escaping. The reckless deputy doesn't need to regret at this time, because he is already dead. These men who came out with him are being crushed and slaughtered. Their speed is simply inferior to those airships.

Maybe the airship is not flexible enough, but those bat missiles are different. There were also some bat missiles, which even passed them directly, chasing the black fin knights who fled behind.

The black water fin knights also flew quickly, and after dispersing, they quickly turned into black spots in the air.

"Let's chase, we must not let these people go." The soldiers were passionate.

The captain slapped the table fiercely: "Shut up. The most important thing now is not to chase, but to destroy the **** sea beasts. There are many companions below us waiting for our rescue."

"Give me an order to rescue the port island." The airship's launch port was still not closed, and at the same time the mothership opened its own hatch. This is the mothership after Chinan's improvement. There are three wooden boards below that can be opened. The plank tilts toward the back, and can release the hummingbird fighter and the bat missile at the fastest speed.

A large number of hummingbirds rushed out densely and flew downwards. The bat missiles are faster than the Hummingbird. Several bat missiles flew out instantly, enveloping the Neptune Warriors below.

No matter how powerful the sea kingfish warrior is, it is only at the silver level. Facing the magical destructive power of this golden peak, the sea kingfish warrior is not even qualified to resist. All the shrouded locations were burned instantly.

Without the sea kingfish, the danger of sea beasts is much At this time, the hummingbird fighter also flew over.

Those big water-spraying octopuses repeated their old tricks and shot into the air. Only this time the big octopus found out strangely that his attack could not hit the target at all. These hummingbird fighters are all equipped with eyes and ears, plus the presence of permanent ejectors.

Facing the octopus's attack, he started to dodge as soon as he started aiming. By the time of shooting, the hummingbird fighter had already left, and the effect of high-definition plant eyes and plant brain was so terrifying.

So now it has become a situation where the octopus can only be beaten passively. Whenever a wind cannon falls, a large octopus is torn apart. On the ground, the soldiers who were evading and escaping rushed out at the same time and launched a counterattack.

Some of the only remaining plant weapons hidden in the surroundings also rushed out to make a final counterattack. When the airship formation flew into the air, victory had already come to his side.

Seeing this terrifying and fierce airship formation, even the Sea Spirits were stunned. They didn't expect that these people on land had actually developed such a powerful weapon. "His Royal Highness, it's time for us to go. To deal with these airships, we need to take a long-term view." Old Hailing quickly reminded his prince.

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