The Rise of Plants

Chapter 824: It's time to fight back

The duration of the sea beast's attack was still very long. It was not what Chi Nan thought it would. It only took a few days to end. This naval battle lasted quite a long time. For half a month, these monsters were attacking wildly here.

Had it not been for the more suitable climate overseas, such an attack would have missed the sowing season overseas.

Of course, this problem is not a problem for Chi Nan. The one who can control the plants is the same when planting them. It seems that in the next year or two, overseas countries will fall into a situation of lack of food again.

With this time, Chi Nan finally has a detailed understanding of overseas. It turns out that every ten or twenty years abroad, there will be a large-scale sea beast attack, and a small-scale sea beast attack will usually occur every year.

Small-scale is nothing, it is absolutely the Hailing clan that can set off such a large-scale attack.

"Hailing clan? I didn't expect that you were doing a ghost behind the scenes." Chi Nan just knew it, and felt depressed in his heart. Fortunately, he hadn't taken any action yet, otherwise it would be ashamed.

But for the Hailing clan, Chi Nan was even more angry. If it weren't for these guys, how could there be so many losses overseas? Chi Nan, who has always attached great importance to population, is wondering what a good mood can be at the expense of so many people at once. This sea spirit family, don't let me find a chance, otherwise it will definitely make you look good.

After half a month of procrastination, the scale of the sea beast finally began to shrink, and it seemed that it would be over in less than a day.

A large number of corpses, if it weren't for the quick elimination of the fertilizer maker, I am afraid the surrounding sea would turn into a garbage dump. At least, this is the case with other islands.

Next, large-scale plagues are prone to outbreaks overseas, and major families have made preparations to prevent the plague. In the same way, Chi Nan has made such preparations, and there is no shortage of various medicines.

Some fertilizer makers who can destroy corpses in the water have also begun to work, constantly cleaning up the root causes of all the surrounding plagues. In half a month, overseas, which has been developing with all its strength, finally has its own war fortress.

The war fort was floating on the sea, and was eaten south and placed on the side of the floating bridge. On the one hand, it protects the island and on the other hand, it is also protecting the floating bridge. During this time, there are always some sea beasts who want to hit their own floating bridge. Perhaps, the height of one's own floating has to be raised, and it can't continue to stick to the surface of the water not far away like this.

It's just that the war fortress has only created one, which is far from the twelve envisioned by Chi Nan. Several other war fortresses are still being spawned and constructed, and they are expected to be completed in the next more than a month.

I don't care about these for the time being, but I have already prepared myself. "We are now, it's time to take revenge. The Karan family, I don't know if you are ready." Chi Nan can't wait.

Those soldiers, eagerly gearing their hands, are looking forward to this battle every day.

This time the commander is Olna. In Olna's own words, the last time the team Karan family was wiped out by them an airship formation, this is simply a shame. As the commander-in-chief of the airship formation, I must personally wash away this shame. Well, anyway, there is no problem in commanding the battle as the commander-in-chief.

As for the strength of the Karan family, Chi Nan really didn't worry about it. Isn't there only one golden level, even if it can end the mage tower, what threat can it pose to oneself?

The King Kong Demon Ape that was originally in Sacred Tree Island was also taken out by Chi Nan.

Speaking of which, as there are more and more local gold-level warriors, the effect that this King Kong Demon Ape can exert is getting weaker and weaker. The Diamond Demon Ape is indeed powerful, but it is too sluggish.

This is certainly my own problem, but at first it could only be controlled like this. Moreover, there is no way to improve the strength of the King Kong Demon Ape, it can only take its roots. Now that the King Kong Demon Ape was taken out, it was only a deterrent to the other party.

As for whether it will be lost, Chi Nan doesn't care anymore. "Let them take a good look at the power of the King Kong Demon Ape, it is also good for them to break through to the golden level." Well, Chi Nan sent some of his guards and the guard reserve to the battlefield. While going, they are not going to fight, but to experience and prepare for improvement.

Among his own guards, there are still fewer than ten golden level masters. No way, after all, the golden level is not as easy to break through as the silver level, so I can only wait.

Speaking of it, the various cultivation methods and secret methods of the other world that I obtained last time have played a significant role. With these things, it has become easier for one's own guards to break through the golden level.

Perhaps, the period of the outbreak of his own territory is about to come again, maybe, Chi Nan thought of it silently in his heart.

When the Sea Beast War had just ended, Orna commanded a whole formation of four airships to set off. It is enough to leave only one for guarding the hometown. There are not so many dangerous situations overseas.

But to attack the huge island of the Karan family, the formation of four airships is not enough.

So Olna has been preparing from the very beginning. On the overseas development base, those Bronze-level airships that are not enough to make up the number are not known how many have been manufactured. All are unmanned, and under the control of the plant brain, they serve as the outer formations of the airship formation, which is still very useful to deal with ground troops.

So a large airship flew up from and around the holy tree island and flew towards the direction of the Karan family. On the sea, more ships also set off at the same time. These are all developed during this period.

The ones at the front of the ship are all made of blue and white painted tree shells, not ordinary ships.

The sea seemed to change a color, and the sky seemed to be a large black cloud floating, covering the sky and the sun. I don't know, I thought it was a prelude to heavy rain. How could others not know about such a huge army mobilization.

When the Karan family received the news, the whole family became nervous. "They actually have so much courage, they dare to attack us, who gives them the confidence and courage."

"Patriarch, please relax, we are not easy to bully." The elder sighed.

To be honest, they didn't think that Sacred Tree Island was their opponent, but who would have thought that they had a new airship. This new airship is too powerful, and their flying team returned only half of them this time.

Nearly a thousand black fin riders died outside, and they didn't believe it when they first found out.

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