The Rise of Plants

Chapter 827: Ice cubes have an advantage over water

"How's the result of the calculation?" Catch immediately asked when he saw his deputy coming over.

The deputy quickly handed over a report: "It has been calculated. Our ice cannon is more powerful than the opponent's current, but the rate of fire of the current is much faster than ours. Both of us have the same range, but no matter who is attacking, there is no way. Break through the opponent's defensive barrier, so in the end it can only see whose magic power is exhausted first."

"Alternatively, the method of focusing on fire can also be used." The deputy added another sentence later.

Kach waved his hand: "Haha, there is no problem with the data you calculated, but you still missed one thing."

"Your Excellency Commander, what is it?" the deputy asked with some confusion. In fact, with plant brains, the status of people who specialize in calculating intelligence is already very embarrassing, and they are not used in many cases.

The reason why they have not been revoked is because their brains are more flexible. After all, the plant brain is just a plant brain. It does not have such flexible thinking. In some places, plant brains are not told, and plant brains will not think about it.

"Look, you will soon know that our ice cubes have an advantage over their water flow."

The deputy didn't understand, isn't it obvious that the current situation is obvious. The other soldiers did not understand, so they could only observe with binoculars here. Today's battle is completely different from before.

In the past, fighting was when the soldiers were the busiest and the most dangerous. Like now, it seemed like they were on vacation. There was a lot of artillery fire in the front, but they hid behind and wandered freely.

As for how the enemy is, well, compare the enemy's situation, that kind of happiness comes out spontaneously.

If it weren't for Chi Nan's concern that this situation would cause the soldiers to slack off, so they had strict requirements on the soldiers and made them train extremely hard. I'm afraid it won't take long for these soldiers to become old soldiers like otaku.

There is no change in the battle between the two sides, and they are still in a stalemate. The first problem is the battleships in the front. After all, the plant battleship was only made with a simplified heart of the sky and a light pattern tree.

Faced with the constant attacks of a large number of water cannons, the energy of the Sky Heart gradually depleted. In the end, the clean battleship was consumed, facing the water cannon, it was a hole. If it hadn't been made of wood, it would have sunk long ago.

But even so, the opponent is still falling into trouble, constantly attacking. In fact, they are also very helpless, because these warships do not completely smash them, they will continue to attack, but they can't see anyone on it. One by one the battleships were shattered, turned into pieces or sinked or floated, but no one still existed.

This kind of weird situation, as if haunted, made the Karan family's soldiers feel anxious.

It didn't take long before the foremost battleship of the Karan family also ran out of power. The magic furnace was exhausted, and facing the ice shells that swept over, there was no magic barrier, and there was a hole.

The ice block was inserted on the deck of the battleship and did not penetrate it, but after the ice block exploded, it turned the surrounding soldiers into sieves. Better yet, it turned into a half-step ice cube.

After several attacks, the entire battleship was misfired, and the battleship became like a large ice storehouse, exuding chills.

Under such a near-range attack, it can be said that few soldiers of the destroyed warships can escape. As long as many warships break through the defense, the soldiers will die cleanly. This is the destructive power of magic.

For ordinary people, who have no magic resistance, they are too powerless to face magic.

The battle continued in this way, but soon, more problems appeared ahead.

The first is that some battleships are frozen underneath, and are frozen together with other battleships. It becomes very difficult for battleships to move, so it becomes very troublesome to aim. Firepower began to suffer.

"Damn it, let those who have nothing to do to chip me out of the ice and try to restore the ship's operational capabilities."

There is no problem with a magical barrier to protect the warship, but the temperature drop can make the sea freeze, which is the most troublesome. And this icing phenomenon has become more and more serious with the passage of time.

"Strange, why can't any shells be fired, **** it, aren't these alchemy items very stable?"

"We can't fire anymore. What's the matter? The magic power seems to be sufficient." Suddenly one after another battleship, they found that their water cannons could not be fired, which made them anxious and fearful.

This is a war, and suddenly there is no means of attack on his side, isn't that looking for death? Many people are not afraid to die in battle, but they don't want to die in vain, because that would be too worthless.

This problem became more and more serious, and finally alarmed the commander Puliji in the rear. "What's going on, so many water cannons on warships have problems at the same time. What is the reason? Let me investigate."

The few magicians on the battleship immediately became busy. This was originally their job.

After a while, the magician came back here: "I have checked it out, there is no problem with the water cannon."

"Do you want to say that my soldiers are deceiving me." Puliji was surprisingly angry. This is on the battlefield, saying that his soldiers are lying, even idiots would not think so.

The mage spread his hands and said, "No, it's not the problem of the soldiers, nor the problem of the water cannon."

"You just need to tell me what the situation is. What I need now is a solution."

The wizards glanced at each other, and finally the representative of the wizard team said helplessly: "Because the enemy is using These ice freezes the sea. And our water cannon shells come from the compression of the seawater. Utilization. First collect sea water from the bottom of the ship before launching, but now the bottom of the ship is frozen."

At this time, Puliji finally knew what was going on. The entire bottom of the hull was frozen and there was no way to absorb water. This was equivalent to directly breaking their pill supply line, and there was no way to use it with magical power.

After some water cannons made a "poof" sound, they could only spew out a stream of water vapor, completely turning into a decoration.

If it hadn't had enough magic power to guarantee the existence of their magic barrier, I'm afraid the situation would not be so good now.

"Solution, I need a solution." Puliji suppressed the anger in his heart.

"The soldiers can only find a way to break the ice, but the freezing speed is too fast and the ice is too hard, so I think there is no way. We have found out the reason, and it is your business to command the army next. ."

A few wizards left here without looking back. The status of the wizard is very high. It is a nobleman, and these wizards really don't look at it very much.

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