The Rise of Plants

Chapter 830: Armed to the port of tomorrow

The blockade proceeded very quickly, and the blockade was completely opened in one day. Ten aircraft carrier formations, plus a lot of small fleets to follow, as well as those submarines that patrol underwater.

Soon, most of the warships and fleets of Karan Island dared not go out to sea casually. Most of the warships were drawn to the front battlefield, and the number of warships behind them was small, what else could be done except shivering.

Because they can't go to sea, the impact on Karan Island is very big, especially for those fishermen along the coast, many life problems have appeared. Sneak out to sea to fish, but as long as they are found, they will die. The pressure in various parts of Karan Island is increasing, and this pressure makes the Karan family somewhat unbearable.

"The **** Sacred Tree Island, they dare to block our coast, the key is to block it. We can't go on like this, we must mobilize the fleet to kill them and open the blockade completely."

"Mobilize the fleet? Where can we mobilize? Now the fleet is already not enough, and after being mobilized, it will be even smaller. Besides, how much will it take to beat them. Not to mention those aircraft carriers, there are submarines in the water, how do we deal with it.

It was the first time they knew something like a submarine, and they thought of being able to attack directly underwater, not to mention how uncomfortable they were. The monsters that can attack underwater are their most troublesome, but fortunately there are not many. But these submarines have strong attack power and are still far away, and the number of them is not known.

"The biggest advantage of Sacred Tree Island is that any of their weapons can quickly develop and grow. One weapon appears and will soon be everywhere. There are absolutely a lot of submarines of that kind. Fortunately, they can't attack land."

"What do you mean, do you want to abandon the coast? Do you know how much it will lose?"

"Of course I know that their purpose is to cut off traffic between us and our surroundings. Hmph, the island will definitely be suffocated to death by doing this, but our Karan Island is very big, so let's block it. Besides, there are still many loopholes. "

The patriarch knocked on the table: "Don't make any noise, you can put it on the coast temporarily so that people can distribute food to the civilians. Our biggest problem now is the attack on Sacred Tree Island. What should we do?"

"What can we do. They don't accept our apologize. They didn't even mention the conditions. It seems that they can only fight one game. Hey, in this battle, the power of our family will be consumed again without knowing it." How many."

The first overseas family has gradually fallen behind. Not only will it be suppressed by outsiders, but it will also lag behind the other two families. It is strange that they are in a good mood. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the picture of Sacred Tree Island this time is not small.

"No matter what they think, since they want to fight, we are not afraid. As long as we can show our strength, follow-up negotiations can also win us more benefits. But in the future, we may not be able to deal with Sacred Tree Island. "

The patriarch was a little helpless: "The question is, how do we show our strength. If it is the original airship, our Black Fin Knights will be enough to suppress them, but we can't do the new airship. And the number is still too small, relying only on demons. Light Cannon and Mage." No one has ever been able to force them to this point.

The Karan family, which has grown to the present, has no experience in the face of this dilemma.

Finally, the elder stood up and said: "I'll go, haven't I checked it out, the focus of their attack is tomorrow's seaport, we will start a decisive battle with them in this place."

"But the elder, your body?" Someone instinctively wanted to stop it.

"Needless to say, there is a golden mage sitting in town, which is stronger than any deterrent. I heard that the Holy Tree Island also has a golden level. If it can be eliminated, it will definitely strengthen our momentum."

At this time, everyone closed their mouths. Only gold masters can fight against gold masters. This has always been their consensus. No matter how dangerous and powerful the battle is, the golden master still has a lot of confidence to come and go freely.

Regarding the new airship, their understanding is still not so thorough. Just relying on the confessions of the black fin riders, many people think that they are deliberately exaggerating and making excuses for their failure.

As a result, in the eyes of the public, the two sides slowly gathered towards the port of tomorrow.

"Why do we have to attack the port of Tomorrow? Our power is the same no matter where we attack."

Orna shook her head and said: "This is the lord's order. What do you say is to use a decisive attitude to attract the most elite forces of the Karan family, and then destroy them all at once, so that the subsequent occupation will be much easier."

"That's why we need to find a place to wait until the time is up to fight like a knights duel?"

Many people disdain this fighting style. For the most orthodox fair duel in the world, it can be said that most of the soldiers in the Sacred Tree Leader are very disdainful. This is also related to the style of Chi Nan.

Olna didn't say anything, but ordered the airship to release small satellites to monitor everything around.

At this time, the harbor of Tomorrow, with warships everywhere inside and outside, has been arranged in various shapes to wait for it, and shells are aimed at the outside. There are still many guys wearing mage robes on the ship, who are constantly busy portraying the battleship.

There are two tall mage towers erected on both there is a taller one behind it, which is a nine-story tower. The ability to build a nine-story mage tower in a short period of time shows the wealth of the Karan family.

There are magic light cannons everywhere in the dark, and this special alchemy cannon without a muzzle is unique to the Karan family. Speaking of it, to some extent, the magic light cannon is even more advanced than the alchemy cannon of the Holy Dragon Empire.

And outside the port of tomorrow, there are already a large number of plant warships approaching from all directions. Underwater, some submarines also followed. If it were not for the absence of an aircraft carrier, this would be the most powerful water power on Sacred Tree Island at present. In the distant sky, some airships are slowly approaching here.

The war was about to start, but there was a quarrel in the port tomorrow.

"I said that we can't fight them at the port because we are not opponents at all. We must let them go inland, find a way to disperse their power, and use the Magic Light Cannon for long-range attacks."

"Puliji, please understand your identity. You are only a navy commander, and the title is only an earl. You are not qualified to refute the decision I made. You have already failed in the previous battle. You must either go back to command obediently or go to jail."

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