The Rise of Plants

Chapter 836: This is cleaner than a broom

"Hahahaha, we succeeded, and the fleet on the opposite side will definitely be destroyed."

   Inside the mage tower, a circle of mage slumped on the ground, the magic just now exhausted all their magic power. The mages were soaked with sweat all over, and they didn't have any strength to sit on the ground.

  If they weren't for their identity, maybe they should be lying on the ground at this time. Such a large-scale magic, even with the help of the Mage Tower, still emptied their entire body of magic power.

   "I never thought that I would have the opportunity to use this kind of magic, which will be remembered by future generations."

   An old mage burst into tears. He had no chance to go further in his life. Who knew that he could still participate in such a powerful spell casting. I really don't know whether to condemn the illegal offensive of the Holy Tree Leader, or to be grateful to them.

   "Don't talk about it, let's recover the magic as soon as possible."

   "Yes, after this war is over, we will definitely be able to get a higher status, maybe we can still be a noble, if there is a territory." Although the mage is high in status, he looks down on the noble.

   But in fact, the mage is still very envious of the status of the nobility. After all, the titles and territories of the nobles can be left to future generations, but these mages cannot leave their strength to their children and grandchildren. Moreover, mages are all money-burning professions, without a strong family behind them, it is very difficult to achieve something.

   Once he was sealed off from a nobleman and had a territory, he would definitely be able to help his mage go further along this road.

   A group of people have begun to look forward to it, and when they look forward to the future, the spell has been completely completed.

   The 100-meter-high water wall reaches dozens of kilometers in length. Such a large swath of water is simply unstoppable. The water wall does not collapse all at once, but from above, it collapses section by section.

   Looking closely, the water wall formed an oblique angle, and the direction of the collapse was exactly toward the outside. And there is no collapsed water wall below, which can protect the warships of the Karan family.

   A large number of currents formed layers of waves on the sea, as if a real tsunami was coming.

   Where the huge water wave passed, countless fragments on the water surface were rolled up, and under the push of an unknown force, they continued to advance towards the distance. "Run, speed up, speed up, you're about to be caught up."

   The soldiers on the command ship looked at the waves that seemed like days after days of waves in the rear, and the plant battleship that was about to be overtaken, not to mention how nervous they were. But it's useless how they are nervous.

   The speed of the battleship is still so fast, it is impossible to accelerate it. Finally, the waves rolled up some warships in the rear.

   This is not an ordinary wave, and the warship involved in it is not just as simple as being impacted. There are a large number of eddies hidden in this wave, and there are also huge water elements, which form layers of destruction.

   Seeing that the warships involved in it were swept and compressed by layers of swirling currents, the light tree defense on the surface was destroyed without a long time, and the whole warship was shattered to pieces in the next moment.

   Those warships with blue and white painted tree shells can last longer. However, under the impact of this current, he still persisted for a while. When the hull was washed away by the current, the hull below could not hold on.

   The shells of the blue and white painted trees, under this kind of attack, are constantly colliding and squeezing in them, and finally one by one is broken. Although it is a silver-level wood, it is also very strong, but in the face of magical attacks, the blue and white painted tree wood still has no absolute resistance. Chi Nan thought of this scene from afar.

   The waves collapsed layer by layer, and finally, the last layer also collapsed. Without the barrier of the water wall, the huge waves swept towards the rear due to the reaction force.

   The Karan family warships who were watching the excitement were caught off guard by the waves, and they continued to move towards the rear. Fortunately, the waves here do not have magical destructive power, only the impact of water currents.

   But the impact was too great, the soldiers on the Karan family battleship kept cursing, but they were still dizzy. The battleship and the battleship kept colliding with each other, making the battleship pitted.

   There are also some warships that were washed ashore along with the current. After the current receded, these warships could only stay on land in a daze. It is also a troublesome thing to drag it back into the sea.

   When the waves swept through, the messy sea was completely changed and turned into a mirror-like plane. Looking at it from a high altitude, there was nothing left, and the entire sea surface was clean.

  Don't say it's a battleship, even if there are no monsters and fragments left. "The strength of the mage is really strong." Olna was silent for a while, and finally spit out such a, it is said that the teacher is the king on the battlefield, I have never believed it before, now I understand Up. If there is no such a powerful force as the airship, relying on the power of the wizard would not be able to contend with the ordinary army. "In the air, the soldiers who have not been very impressed with the mage, now finally understand the power of the mage.

   Chi Nan is even more open-mouthed. Although he is a mage himself, he is never known for his destructive power. There are a lot of mages around, but none of them are powerful, because my own background has not been enough. Last time I got a lot of knowledge, but the time was too short to be transformed into actual combat effectiveness.

   But now Chi Nan understands that these wizards can really control the victory of a war with the Mage Tower.

   Ordinary wizards are even like this, so what about those legendary wizards, whether their current airships are useless at all.

   "Sure enough, to deal with a powerful existence like the Sacred Dragon Empire, we still have to consider the long-term plan." At this moment, Chi Nan became more afraid of the existence of the Sacred Dragon Empire, and his originally swollen heart was also a lot at ease.

   The surface of the sea is now completely clean. The soldiers stared wide-eyed, looking at this place cleaner than a broomstick, a little indifferent. After the sea gradually calmed down in the distance. Kaqi and the other warship soldiers felt even more eager to cry without tears. The mighty maritime army was actually made like this by a magic.

   He was originally the protagonist, and at least two-thirds of the warships disappeared. "How can we fight this? The number of warships is far less than that of the opponents, and there is no way to freeze them. Do we let the airships assist?"...

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