The Rise of Plants

Chapter 839: King Kong Demon Ape Crosses the Port

With the landing of the first plant weapons, more and more greenery began to infect the entire port. In the rear, some strange plant vehicles that looked like sprinklers suddenly appeared.

These plant vehicles were researched by a certain half-elf mage under the guidance of Slinkaye. It turned out to be just a bad taste, but I didn't expect it to have a good effect. This was the first time it appeared on the battlefield.

The name of this plant is called a seed planter, and the sprayed stuff is a pile of sticky things like fresh cow dung, which is very disgusting. Of course, this is not fighting with nausea.

These things are actually fertilizers manufactured by fertilizer manufacturers, and high-concentration fertilizers that have been compressed and purified by a corrosive chamber. Hidden inside are some seeds. After these fertilizers fell on the ground, they quickly began to dry out. The moisture and nutrients inside are quickly absorbed, and it looks like it is constantly being dried.

But soon, tiny shoots appeared on this, and the shoots grew rapidly and became bigger and bigger.

After a while, countless vines spread to the surroundings, clumps, very eye-catching.

Some of these vines showed huge buds on the surface, which could bite a soldier and swallow them all at once. Some have drilled into the ground, and the vines are densely packed with small holes.

When a soldier passes by, the ground will suddenly burst out of the ground more than half a meter high, with a strong anesthetic. These soldiers would fall down under anesthesia without knowing it, and then die on these fine spines.

It can be said that as long as there is a place covered by fertilizer, a large area of ​​trap plants will soon grow.

The reason why they can grow so fast is because these trap plants do not grow permanently. These plants can grow quickly, but they can only persist for two hours. After two hours, these plants will wither and die.

This is the same as the plants that Chinan once controlled before entering the black iron level. Speaking of this technique, Chi Nan hasn't used it for a long time, and I didn't expect Silka Ye to use it on these seeds.

A large number of vines spread everywhere, making it difficult for the soldiers in the port of tomorrow.

At this time, the port of Tomorrow has gradually begun street fighting. With the orders and support of the Duke of Blackmail, the fear in the hearts of these soldiers has also been reduced a lot. The Duke of Blackmail has always been here, and even the Duke is not afraid of death, what else are they afraid of. It's just that they don't know that their Duke is not afraid of death, but can't leave.

Teams of soldiers, armed with various weapons, fought against plants they were not familiar with. The bush fighters who had been cut in half were still able to attack them with their tentacles. The tank that was obviously close could not break the armor.

It looked like a plant, but it was extremely powerful, and all of a sudden there were big tongs where soldiers were clamped into pieces. When did the soldiers in the ports of tomorrow have experienced such a weak war, and when have they seen such a means of warfare?

An azure blue vindictiveness suddenly flew out, and the two large spider tanks in front were split apart, the vegetable brain inside was destroyed, and the two spider tanks had no power to move.

"Keep up and continue to support other teams." A middle-aged man in armor shouted loudly.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, the sound was extremely loud. The middle-aged man turned his head and looked in that direction: "I felt a huge threat. We might die this time. We will follow if we are not afraid of death."

The middle-aged man ran towards that side, and the soldiers behind looked at each other and followed after gritted teeth.

Just now, as the port's firepower was getting worse and worse, an airship that had not participated in the battle suddenly landed from the sky. It was not shot down, but he landed on the beach on his own initiative.

As soon as it landed, the entire airship flipped open on both sides, and a tall figure suddenly jumped up from it and sprang out all of a sudden. I saw it for myself, isn't this a monkey, it's just magnified something that looks more like an ape without knowing how many times.

The golden hair all over his body exudes a golden halo under the sun, which is extremely mighty.

It's just that this thing has just appeared, and the soldiers in the port of tomorrow are completely desperate. That kind of horrible aura, even if they are close, they will feel the depression in their hearts, making them dare not even think of running away.

Then, when the King Kong Demon Ape acted, the soldiers finally affirmed their guess. The huge claws waved fiercely, the golden light burst out on his body, and the surrounding buildings were torn apart like thin paper. Stepping on the huge soles of the feet, there is no need to attack. Any soldier who is stepped on the spot will be a piece of flesh, not even rescue.

When there are many soldiers, the King Kong Demon Ape will have an explosive effect when stepped on There will be countless cracks in the whole ground, not to mention the soldiers, don't even want to survive.

"Look, the King Kong Demon Ape has taken action. Everyone is watching it carefully. This will help you to break through the golden level in the future." In the air, Galio pointed to the King Kong Demon Ape below and said to the others.

This time, Galio is responsible for leading the team. Although Galio has broken through the golden level, every time he sees the King Kong Demon Ape fighting, he can still learn a lot from it. Everyone is of the golden level, and they are all fighters. It is normal to comprehend something, but Chi Nan has never had this comprehension.

The other people stared at the bottom with big eyes, fascinated. "I really don't know how Lord Lord controls this powerful golden creature." Their level is not enough to see that the King Kong Demon Ape is a bit dull.

"Don't think about it so much. It's good to show me a good look. It's good to learn more. This time I go back, I will apply to Lord Lord, and let you face the golden monster battle once, maybe you can take this opportunity breakthrough."

Now these reserves have all cultivated the golden level of fighting qi secrets. The hundred true guards around Chi Nan have begun to practice even legendary-level secret methods, but whether they can break through can only be up to them.

The legendary level can't be broken through with a secret method, but with a new secret method, the speed at which they are old-brand golden fighters is now visible to the naked eye, and more and more vindictiveness is accumulated.

This kind of treatment, I believe even in the Holy Dragon Empire, not many people would have it.

Below, with the appearance of the King Kong Demon Ape, the enemy retreats more quickly. The King Kong Demon Ape gradually became an arrow, destroying everywhere in the harbor of tomorrow, forming a large-scale plant weapon and gradually becoming the climate.

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