The Rise of Plants

Chapter 841: The Sword of All-insurgency

Unlike the army in the port of tomorrow, the soldiers of the Sacred Tree Leader saw that the Mage Tower was about to be unable to hold on, and their morale could be said to be unprecedentedly high. The soldiers cheering and celebrating can be heard everywhere.

It's a pity that those plant weapons are not affected by morale at all, and they are still the same as before, maintaining an efficient fight. Under the control of plant brains, they are colder and more accurate than cold machines.

I don't know how long it lasted, the light of the two mage towers themselves has become increasingly dim. From this look, I am afraid that the next time I will persist will not exceed five minutes.

Seeing this scene, the Karan family elder in the last mage tower sighed. "It seems that I still want me to shoot. Unfortunately, the biggest airships have not yet come."

Elder Kalanda looked at the sky unwillingly. From the very beginning, those airship motherships only acted as troop carriers, and they didn't mean to approach them at all. In fact, the people of the Karan family don't know that the combat method of the airship mothership is actually no different from that of a normal warship. At most, it has more firepower and can carry more hummingbird fighters.

It is a pity that the previous magic has already destroyed a large number of hummingbird fighters. At this time, the airship mothership is the same if it passes. It is better to distribute the bat missiles to other airships and let the airships launch them separately.

If Elder Kaland knew that it was because of them that his goal did not come close, I really didn't know what his expression was. With the surging of Elder Karan's magic power, the magic circles around the mage tower began to light up.

"It's a pity that the Mage Tower was built in a hurry, and it is not perfect in all aspects. Otherwise, it will definitely increase our magical power by 30%, and the persistence will be longer. Now it only depends on luck."

Elder Kallan talked to himself while condensing magic power to guide his magic.

At this moment, the King Kong Demon Ape finally rushed through the front buildings and the enemy's blockade, and rushed to the front of a mage tower with a group of plant weapons. The huge fist slammed forward fiercely, the golden light on his body flickered, and the strength was gathered as if it had formed the essence.

With a loud bang, the defensive barrier around the mage tower could no longer bear it. The magic barrier that was already precarious under the attack of the bat missile was shattered on the spot with this punch.

Immediately afterwards, the King Kong Demon Ape slammed on it again with a fist. Without magic protection, the mage tower couldn't resist it at all. The material itself didn't have that high hardness, and as a result, a crack was abruptly broken.

The entire mage tower moved a certain distance horizontally because of the power of the diamond demon ape, and then the mage tower moved downward. But at this time, there was no one in the mage tower, and there was no scream.

"Sure enough, their mage has already evacuated, and the speed is really fast."

Masters are the most important and core existence among the major forces. Without magical powers, no one will leave them on the battlefield. The Karan family can't do that kind of extravagant behavior.

There was a little fluke before, thinking that the other party might stay here, but now everyone doesn't think so. Without the mage tower of the mage, there is no value.

The one next to it is probably the same. The King Kong Demon Ape received the order, roared wildly, and rushed towards the last mage tower in front of him. At the same time, the mage tower on the opposite side has also lit up with a bright light.

At the top of the mage tower, a blue ball of light gleamed like a small sun, which was obviously gathering magic power to prepare powerful magic. The Great Elder slowly opened his eyes and noticed the King Kong Demon Ape who was rushing over quickly. "Gold level monsters are still so powerful, not even the Beastmaster family."

"However, since you dare to come in front of me, then suffer. The loss of the golden level of beasts, you will feel sorry for the Holy Tree Island."

While talking, Elder Kalanda locked the opposite Diamond Demon Ape with his eyes and spirit. With a slight finger on the staff in his hand, the bright light on the mage tower dimmed in an instant.

However, a brighter beam of light shot out instantly. "The sword of azure blue, no one can resist the top magic of my Karan family." Elder Karan's expression was a little crazy.

As for the Diamond Demon Ape who felt the danger, his instinct finally surpassed his mind at this moment, not as slow as before. With both hands clenched and fists clenched together, the whole body burst into light, and the golden light instantly condensed on the fists.

The next moment, the King Kong Demon Ape clenched his fists with both hands and hit the void in front of him fiercely. At this moment, the light blade above the mage's tower had already pierced out instantly, like a blue giant sword.

The two forces collided fiercely, and the surrounding air suddenly exploded, forming obvious ripples. Where the ripples pass, there are patches of fog everywhere. This kind of fog is very strange. Some are like sonic clouds left by a supersonic plane after flying, with violent vibrations spreading towards the surroundings.

Regardless of whether it is plant weapons or enemies, or even buildings, under the shock of this force, there is no blocking ability. Everything was shattered and turned into powder wherever the shaking force passed.

"How could it be like When the sonic boom disappeared, everyone was surprised to see that the huge King Kong Demon Ape was keeping the way it was before, losing its sound.

Two fists have been cut open and are falling to the ground. And the blue giant sword pierced the fist, piercing the whole King Kong Demon Ape. The place where the giant sword pierced was the heart of the King Kong Demon Ape.

The only brain of this demon ape was controlled by Chi Nan's plant brain instead, and the body was still the same, and the heart was pierced, and it would really die. However, this is incredible.

"What kind of magic is this, and why is it so powerful. Even if our King Kong Demon Ape uses gold-level Bat missiles, it is difficult to kill in one attack." This is the common aspiration of everyone.

The golden-level bat missile, that is the destructive power that can only be produced by the most peak magic of the golden level. This blue light can actually reach this level, no, it should be said that the local destructive power is even more than that. This is the ability of the Mage Tower, which has increased the power of the Mage to the extent that it exceeds the power of the magic itself by several times.

Now that the first gold-level combat power to die on the battlefield is actually on his side, this is simply a shame. Similarly, this loss is really big, even Chi Nan feels distressed.

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