The Rise of Plants

Chapter 850: I think we should talk

Miso got up and saluteed respectfully: "Leave this to me." After finishing speaking, he arranged the materials and left.

As the eldest son of the previous Patriarch, Miso could have been said to be a downright dude. Although he is not an incompetent person, he is not much better to go. In the beginning, he provoked Chi Nan.

But after so many things, Miso seemed to have matured overnight. His father now knows his life or death. If he wants to re-establish his position and power in the family, he must develop himself.

But because of his father's relationship, the new patriarch and some people have been suppressing themselves, and they have no chance to make their own debut. Although this negotiation is very dangerous, they are not willing to go, but it is a good opportunity.

If he can succeed and even gain some benefits, then even the current patriarch will not be able to continue to suppress himself. After you develop well, you can replace it after all.

If it was before, Miso would definitely show his emotions, but now it's different. Miso, who has matured a lot, is expressionless in the whole process as long as he hides his emotions. The people around me nodded secretly when they saw Miso's performance. The child really grew up, not bad, really good.

Just as the Karan family acted, the Sea King Family and the Beast King Family also began to act. They have been watching this battle, but they didn't expect the victory of Sacred Tree Island so quickly and so simply.

Moreover, even the great elder of the Karan family has died, this is their long-recognized number one master overseas. The death of Elder Kalanda seemed to cast a shadow on both families.

"What to do, look at the posture of Sacred Tree Island, this is obviously an attempt to swallow the Karan family."

A few masked guys hid on a boat by the sea on Sea King Island, but their identities were not simple.

"Yes, we must prevent this from happening. Once they occupy Karan Island and continue to develop and grow after stability, there will be no chance for us at that time."

The three families secretly concealed their union, but there was still no way to suppress the rise of Sacred Tree Island, and they were even faintly suppressed by the other side. Now with Karan Island as a supplement, what should the remaining two families do? Either surrender, or it can only be eliminated. They are not ignorant of the truth that the lips die and the teeth are cold.

"Anyway, we have to express what we mean, put pressure on them, and delay the process as much as possible."

"Then next, what do you plan to do? Your Sea King family has the most ideas, let's talk, we all listen." Just listening, not listening to yourself, the members of the Beast King family are also old fried dough sticks.

The man in black did not hide his thoughts, and whispered: "Chinan are outsiders. We all know that they are from the mainland, but the mainland cannot be the only one of their family, there should be other people. Maybe, in the mainland It’s not impossible that there are still many more powerful forces than them. You say yes."

"That's it, so you mean..." Everyone thought of something.

"I mean, we can win over allies and go to the mainland to find ways to deal with the holy tree collar. As long as someone can contain them, we can survive. And maybe we can still occupy a place on the road to grow and grow. "

The previous person nodded silently: "Good idea, but how can we get in touch with those people? You know that our ship can't reach the Marvel Continent at all." It's so easy to pass, haven't they passed away for so many years?

"Hehe, our ship can't do it, but theirs can. They have airships, which can detect large storms as quickly as possible, and then avoid them. Moreover, they have already opened up this route."

"Of course we know, but they won't let us go along this route."

"Who said no, in fact, many caravans have already followed them secretly. Even if they found out, they didn't say anything. It's just that the caravans can't go around. We can use these caravans to secretly place some people. , Then there will be no problem. Their sacred tree leaders can open up the route, and I believe other forces also have this ability."

"Okay, I see, we are ready to get rid of you all next. So what are we going to do now."

The man in black whispered the old fox in his heart, why don't you have to say what to do? These people know all of them. But he still said: "We jointly went to Lord Chinan, asked for a willingness to reconcile with Karan Island, and exerted pressure at the same time."

The three overseas families began to exert their strength at the same time, and the whole sea was surging. Even those small families and small kingdoms that don't show much dew in their usual way, at this time they followed behind and waved their flags and shouted.

"It's really worthy of being the three major overseas families. They have been operating overseas for so many years, and they are truly a local snake. If it is not for absolute strength, it can be completely without the help of anyone, this thing is really difficult."

Seeing the letters that came to him, even Chi Nan was a little depressed. I don't know, I thought I was a big villain who everyone shouted and beat. "Unfortunately, I can't give in after all. Give me a step back, and these people will make progress in the future. Only by completely destroying the Karan family can these guys shut up all of me."

With so many islands and so many people, fighting over one by one, his current strength is really not enough. The key is not that it can't be beaten down, but that there is no way to guard the site is too much.

"My lord, someone wants to contact you. It is a high-ranking member of the Karan family. What does he seem to want to say to us?"

The words of the guard made Chi Nan come back to his senses. At this time, Hermilla’s voice sounded nearby: "My lord, let’s just listen. Anyway, it’s still early and our layout has not yet been completed."

Chi Nan nodded: "Then listen and see what they want to say."

Soon, a familiar face appeared on the screen: "Hello Lord Chinan, I think we should talk."

Chi Nan smiled, this guy, isn't it the young master Mi Suo? I remember the first time I assassinated myself, it seemed to have something to do with this one. I thought this guy was dead, but he didn't expect to jump out again.

What was found back then was a survivor, but now this one is real. "Tell me, what do you want to talk about. By the way, what about your father, I remember your father seems to be the head of Patriarch Karan."

Hearing this, a flash of anger suddenly flashed across Miso's calm face.

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