The Rise of Plants

Chapter 859: I really can't stop it this time

The attack this time was completely different from the last time. Last time it was just an airship formation, and it was the first generation of airships. This time, it was the third-generation airship, and it was not a fleet of airships, but a dozen.

At a glance, the sky was overwhelmed everywhere, even the sun was blocked, and the sky looked so gloomy.

A lot of magical barriers have been raised, and in the face of such a blow, the strength is still constantly weakening. It seemed that it didn't take long, either the barrier was broken, or the magic furnace exploded, and even the time for the magic spar was exhausted.

The nine-story tower glowed brightly, but it was a pity that there was no gold mage in it. This time, the Karan family really doesn't have a gold-level master, at least there is no gold mage.

One by one, magic was shot out from the mage tower, continuously sweeping away pieces of plant weapons. It looks awe-inspiring, but he is strong on the outside. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance.

These magics can only wipe out some ordinary plant weapons, or some impervious airships in the air, the real main force cannot be eliminated at all. On the ground, blue rays of light rose to the sky.

The blue light of these magic light cannons is the real weapon used to deal with the third-generation airship. The powerful magic light cannon can penetrate an airship with every attack. It's a pity that as long as they don't hit the head, these airships can still be used, and the damage is not great. The penetrating power of the Magic Light Cannon is very strong, but the specific destructive power is much worse.

"Oh, so many of our ordinary airships have been wiped out by them. I originally wanted to send these airships to the academy."

"Yeah, why did I forget, isn't there a shortage of airships at the academy."

Another voice sounded: "What you said was that there was no shortage of airships in the current academy. The academy has its own base, which can be manufactured at any time. These overused ordinary airships are wasted."

Once upon a time, every airship was a treasure in their hearts, and now ordinary airships have become cannon fodder, and they are not in their eyes at all. Apart from carrying a small number of missiles, these airships have their only mission to rush to the front, and then use wind cannons to attack at a mid-range distance to consume the opponent's magic barrier.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, in just five minutes, the huge magical barrier was somewhat unsupported. The magic barrier appeared from time to time and was already very transparent. I don't know when, a trace of cracks appeared on the surface.

The improved magic barrier, as long as there are cracks, it means that the barrier is almost finished.

Sure enough, the crack hadn't expanded yet, the magic barrier flickered, and it went out by itself. At the same time, many places of the Karan family exploded in an instant, and they knew that the foundation of the magic barrier was destroyed.

This magic array, which was destroyed directly and directly with a powerful force, could not be repaired at all for a while.

"Last time you blocked it, don't try to block it this time." Orna looked down fiercely.

The demise of an airship formation last time was simply a shame. At that time, the generals and formations with the airships were wiped out by them. This time, I have to wash everything I say.

Orna gave an order, and all the airship motherships opened the bottom hatch. Numerous hummingbird fighters rushed out of the hatch. Soon the entire sky became a little bit darker than before.

With the addition of Hummingbird fighters, with the quantity and good quality, the countdown to the demise of the Karan family has begun.

"My patriarch, what to do, we simply can't stop so many enemies."

The patriarch waved his hand: "Go all out. Use whatever you have. If you don't have anything, close your eyes and wait for death."

When things have developed to this level, even the patriarch himself has lost the courage to resist, even more so for others.

"Damn Sacred Tree Island, brothers rush with me, even if you die, you must fight to the last moment for the family." Blackwater fin knight commander Morton roared, and finally lifted up into the sky on his own blackwater fin. .

The others yelled and followed closely. Since the last fiasco, they have been ordered to stay in the family land, and no one believes them. By now, it doesn't make much sense to believe.

Morton brought his own people straight up, even with his life, he had to wash away the shame on him.

Stimulated by Morton, the airship teams that the Karan family had originally planned to use against them lifted into the air. It's just that these airship teams are basically not running in soon, or are purely composed of monsters.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, these monsters were suddenly out of control. Many monsters began to rebel and began to flee, but what can be done on the battlefield.

Some monsters were still fighting with their original owners, and some were running around, but it didn't take long for them to be intercepted by the Hummingbird fighters. Under the blow of the wind cannons, the monsters could only resist, which was in line with the idea of ​​the Karan family.

But although the combat effectiveness of Warcraft is good, it is not a system or a system, and the number is far inferior to the opponent. As a result, not long after the battle, these messy flying teams were divided and torn to pieces, and they didn't play much role at all.

Morton took his team into the air, sending out magic light cannons. Only a moment later, Morton was approached by a large number of bat missiles. The missile slid through the void and hit them hard. This can reach the golden level of magic missile explosion ~ ~ How can Morton these fighters with the highest level of silver be able to handle it.

Just after an explosion, all of these people, including the black water fins who sat down, turned into debris, the kind that you can't even find the corpse. Morton's final charge, but he didn't even hit a splash.

On the contrary, because of their charge, the final resistance of the Karan family disappeared.

With a "bang", the tall nine-story mage tower, the symbol of their Karan family, actually fell toward the ground. The collapse of this mage tower became the last straw that overwhelmed their hearts.

Many people in the Karan family have no eyesight, and some have already squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands and surrendered. Without resistance, the Hummingbird fighters and the bush fighters that followed seemed to have entered the land of no one, raging across the Karan family.

When the battle has reached this point, there is no longer any need to watch for yourself. There is nothing good to watch next, the Karan family has been completely destroyed. "The next step is to manage Karan Island and digest it thoroughly."

There are many people on Karan Island. Once it is completely digested, its territory can enter a stage of rapid development again.

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