The Rise of Plants

Chapter 865: Plant fiber hollow structure

Chi Nan knew his problems, his vision was indeed very broad, but his thinking ability and ability to do things were still lacking after all. There is no way, if one's own ability is very strong, it would not have been mixed like that on Earth.

"Very well, then this matter will be handed over to Weiweisi. Koch, you will help."

"We won't let you down," Weiwei assured.

Kaoqi also hurriedly saluted: "Please follow the Lord's orders, Kaoqi will give everything for the territory."

Chi Nan took a deep look at Kao Qi, and this guy would have trouble. Chi Nan didn't care either, because he knew that this matter would be of great benefit to Kaoqi, so he would definitely go all out to let Kaoqi do it.

A stable territory, a population many times more than the total population of the territory, once it is completely stable, how much benefit will he get when his online shopping association is opened to this place.

Even if there is no such thing as the chop hand festival, these people can still make money. When discussing the issue in detail next, then Chi Nan needs to be involved. Such trivial matters are naturally discussed by officials from the territories.

If you leave it all to yourself, your head will be bigger. At this time, Chi Nan was studying his own floating city construction method. The first is to fuse floating kapok and other plants so that they can gain each other's abilities. In this regard, if you want to integrate the mutation perfectly, you need Chi Nan to do it personally, and no one else can do it.

After a period of research, Chi Nan has also recently achieved results. There is a floating kapok quilt made by Chinan that incorporates blue and white painted trees. Still the same as before, still so gentle.

But this kind of floating kapok is very tough. Chi Nan found that the cotton cloth made by this kind of floating carrier is definitely not much worse than the blue and white painted tree, but the skin is relatively thin.

"It would be fine if this is not cotton, but wood. Wait, wood, solid, it doesn't seem impossible."

Suddenly, Chi Nan's eyes saw a lantern hanging not far away, and a little light in his heart suddenly flashed out.

"Why am I so stupid? Why did I think of such a simple question for such a long time. Many people have thought about it before, but I have not figured it out until now." Chi Nan suddenly thought that this kind of kapok is not just a kind of fiber. Material?

Chi Nan didn't know how to directly compress the fiber material into a hard and molded object, but just molding it was no problem. It's like that lantern, so only a skeleton is needed.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan immediately began to experiment. First of all, it's a lantern, well, it's still the same as a lantern. But then, it began to change. From the shape of a ball at the beginning, to the long tube barrel, etc., various skeletons were formed in Chinan's hands and gradually changed.

Finally, Chi Nan looked at a pillar very satisfied. The surface of the pillar is blue and white, as if it was made of blue and white painted wood. Compared to the real blue and white painted tree, this is not too bad.

But if you look closely, you can find that the pillar actually has only one bracket inside. This bracket is made of blue and white painted trees, but the outside is floating kapok, which is formed directly on the surface.

When you pick it up with your hands, the entire big pillar is very light, just like picking up a small stone. When a gust of wind blew, Chi Nan felt the power in his hand, and this thing was almost blown away by the wind.

"Now it seems that this thing is indeed very light, but I have to add a little weight to resist the wind." Chi Nan is very satisfied with this. With this kind of structure of the pillar, then the construction of the floating city is much simpler.

"Start the calculations for me. We use this kind of thing to make a foundation shell. For sturdiness, just add a layer of dragon perch on the surface. The interior should be made as hollow as possible and light."

Following Chi Nan's order, several sets of special designs soon appeared in Chi Nan's eyes.

"Wait, the interior is hollow. If it is wasted like this, it is not good. If you store some plant weapons such as hummingbird fighters, such as bat missiles, then it would be better. Very good. Redesigned for me according to this plan. , This foundation can be constructed according to the method of the airship's internal cabin."

Although the thinking is not very high, the plant brain, which thinks very fast, quickly re-modified these design drawings to form different cabin design drawings, and then sent them to Chi Nan.

Chi Nan is now getting more and more interesting, which is too similar to the construction type game, and it is still real. To build a floating city with his own ability, Chi Nan seemed to have a child with a toy.

"What? After putting in a lot of plant weapons, it will increase the weight of the foundation of the city. Isn't this returning to the previous situation. Hey, if these plant weapons are also so light... Wait, plant weapons? Why can't it be so light? It seems I am thinking something wrong." Chi Nan's eyes flickered.

Thinking about it this way, Chi Nan really discovered that these plant weapons themselves indeed have the possibility of mitigating them.

For example, the shells of bat missiles and hummingbird fighters can not be made hollow, but they can incorporate some structures of floating kapok. Reduce weight without weakening other aspects.

Perhaps, this can really be achieved and not only the hummingbird fighter, even other plant weapons, it seems that similar methods can be used. This method is almost the same as incorporating a floating ball.

However, the structure of the floating ball itself is too complicated, and there are magic patterns in the body, and it is impossible to truly blend in. Only floating kapok, which is very light in itself, is not a magical plant.

Chi Nan once again found a way to improve. Who could have imagined that a small, inconspicuous kapok, would actually become an opportunity for one's own plant army to go further.

As expected, the Karan family are all good people, and Chi Nan praised it again in his heart. If the people who died in the Karan family knew that Chi Nan thought so, I wonder if they would survive and be **** off again. But the people of the Karan family don't care about Chi Nan. Now Chi Nan is immersed in the excitement of studying kapok.

With Chi Nan's current ability, it only took less than a day to fully understand the structure of the kapok. And the hummingbird fighter shell, Chi Nan has also successfully integrated it.

Today's Hummingbird fighter is only half the weight of the previous one. It can be said that under the acceleration of the propeller, the speed is more than twice as fast as before, and it is more flexible.

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