The Rise of Plants

Chapter 868: Simulated air war

"It doesn't matter whether it can be blocked. In short, it will be enough for more people to not feel it. City? Some need to be hidden, some don't need." Chi Nan said while looking at the second town that rose into the air.

"Well, there is no problem with the load. The big pillar in the center can be made into a mage tower. In the sky city, if the mage tower is destroyed, then this city is no different from being destroyed."

"This kind of transformation is okay, but you still need to pay attention. If you are not careful, it is easy to leave hidden dangers. And according to our calculations, if you expand according to the current weight, in the future, you need to build the kind of city you mentioned. It takes five hearts of the sky." Sophia has already calculated the results.

Chi Nan said indifferently: "Each airship mothership needs a golden heart of the sky. The city only uses four? It's not appropriate, just use five. Then add a set of spares, a total of ten ."

From Chi Nan's point of view, Heart of the Sky is nothing at all, so he added it directly with a big wave.

"Hey, ten if you say ten." Sophia covered her forehead. In Chi Nan's mind, these things can be grown without cost at all, but in fact, it takes time and energy to make them.

These things are now in demand everywhere in the army, and the Heart of the Sky is a very scarce material.

Forget it, it's impossible to build a few cities anyway, so let Chi Nan play it by himself.

With the second city flying into the air, the first city has been tossed for several days. At this time, there was a sense of shabbyness in the city, and people who didn't know thought that the city had been robbed.

Even those hard fiber structures have made these wooden people torn a place abruptly. You know, this has reached the blue and white painting tree hardness fiber structure, which is the defensive power of the silver level.

"It seems that the fiber structure as a whole is inappropriate. Once a place is damaged, it is difficult to repair. If it is modularized. The next city uses a modular design, and we will test it when the time comes."

After a pause, Chi Nan looked at the first town and said: "Basically, the things that need to be tested have been completed, so let's simulate the air war next."

"Air war? Do we still have this test?" Sophia asked very strangely.

"Of course, I just added it. I just thought that the city in the sky will definitely experience war in the future, whether it is active or passive. So test it more and save it when it is time to be beaten."

"In that case, let's start, how do you test it." Now, all the people who follow are interested.

"It's very simple. We are in the north. There are many obsolete airships that have been eliminated. Just use these. Divide them into two parts and fight each other. As for the commander of the battle, you are free to assign."

In Chi Nan's view, this is no different from a game. It doesn't matter if the goods that have been eliminated are destroyed. So in less than half an hour, all these things were ready.

At this moment, some officials have spontaneously divided into groups and prepared to fight. Even Chi Nan himself grabbed a spot. But this is not a defensive quota, but an offensive action group quota.

At this time, everyone didn't care about each other's identities. After making a battle plan, the two sides went to war with Chi Nan's start order. Because they are all obsolete goods, there is no powerful bat missile.

At most, there are some remaining hummingbird fighters and some low-level bat missiles. Finally, it is the wind cannons used by these airships. But in this way, it can be used to test the attack of the alchemy cannon. The airship in the air collided back and forth like a bumper car, using a wind cannon to knock the other side aside.

The hull of the airship is too hard. Under the blow of the wind cannon, it is not easy to destroy the other person's hull. The air battle is lively, and the ground is even more lively.

Fragments were constantly being knocked down, not only in cities, but also in some crashed airships, or other things. In short, in this process, the air can be said to be a large sawdust flying.

The entire battle lasted more than two hours before it was over, because the power of wind guns alone was too poor. And at this time, the sky city has also entered a half-destructive state, and it may fall from the sky at any time.

"It seems that our city wall is basically unnecessary. The wall is the same as it is. It is already very strong. In addition, the wall is to block more frontal attacks. It is better not to do it."

Chi Nan said when he saw the basically intact city wall and the broken town. Since it is fighting in the air, everyone can fly and attack from a distance, and the role of the city wall is reduced to the extreme.

"Yes, it seems better to use the wizard tower to add a full-scale magic shield. The outer buildings can use light-stripe trees."

Chi Nan suddenly thought: "Perhaps, we don't need to find a way in the city itself. We can add some defensive fortresses outside. These fortresses are just like bunkers, which can attack externally and strengthen their defenses."

After explaining it for a while, Hermilla suddenly said, "Isn't this an airship? What's different."

"Of course it's These are not airships, but satellite fortresses. They don't need to be too fast, and their defenses are much stronger than airships. And in terms of attack, I plan to use the magic light cannon. , To enhance the range, which is unmatched by the airship’s wind cannons. The lining can be lined with light patterned trees to increase its own defense."

Well, although it is somewhat similar to the airship on the whole, it has different functions. This is a means purely to cooperate with urban defense. Listen and listen, everyone also heard a little bit of meaning.

"We probably understand it, maybe it can be used. Are there two modes, one is fixed on the city, the other is outside the floating city, I will let the people below design experiments during this time."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Chi Nan felt proud. After recently letting go of research, most of the research on the territory was not done by himself, which made Chi Nan depressed enough.

His own design can exert a huge effect, and Chi Nan said that it was impossible for him to be unhappy.

"But there is still one thing. There seems to be a problem in the opposite world. They are looking for you." The opposite world is directly responsible to Chi Nan. Without Chi Nan's permission, other people can't see the situation there. .

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