The Rise of Plants

Chapter 871: It's 1 o'clock early to talk about location

The notification speed is still very fast, and the order has already been issued on the same day.

There is no way, the elderly baron found Goethe Hall and the others, and said with an arrogant expression: "The lower-level meeting has passed, indicating that you can send someone to meet you. But you must pay attention to your identity and do not bring it with you. Weapons, and don’t talk nonsense when the time comes, otherwise no one can spare you."

The old baron is also worried, because these people are too strong. Once they cause something to happen, as the referrer themselves, the fate is conceivable.

A small baron, not too many in the entire empire, it doesn't matter to deal with one.

"All the rules must be in accordance with the Holy Dragon Empire." Goethe Hall stopped Gu Yilu who was about to say something.

"Very well, then come with me. The flying boat outside is already waiting for you." The old baron took them outside, and indeed a flying boat in the sky has slowly landed.

Seeing this same flying alchemy item with completely different styles, a few people's eyes flashed something different, and of course the old nobles who had been paying attention to them saw their eyes.

"Huh, the foreign buns, I have never seen Feizhou, so I want to cooperate with us. Without the help of Feizhou, an airship formation on the Sacred Tree will be able to easily torture all of your forces."

With this inexplicable pride, the elderly nobles first stepped on the flying boat, followed by others in turn.

"Please hand over all your weapons. If you have space and you can't carry them, there will be special personnel over there to check it for you." Just stepping up, a knight covered in armor stepped forward and said.

Seeing this man, Goethe Hall and Guyilu's face changed at the same time. "We understand, and we will follow suit."

The two hurriedly winked at the people behind, and the one who was still thinking about arguing, immediately closed his mouth. It wasn't until this person left that a young man behind him murmured dissatisfiedly. "Why don't you let us speak, these people are too domineering, they don't treat us equally at all."

"Huh, equality? Only if you have the corresponding strength can you be qualified to talk about equality with others, but do we have it."

Goethe Harr also whispered: "Don't speak, that person was a golden master before, and we are not opponents at all. It is indeed the most powerful empire on this continent, and only those who come to pick us up have a golden level. "

Hearing the golden level, everyone immediately closed their mouths. Gold level masters, even if there are only a few of their three major overseas families, there is only one family in each family, and they don't know if there is a second one.

But such masters, in the Holy Dragon Empire are only used to pick them up, and now they have more confidence in the Holy Dragon Empire, and they are also more anxious. If the Holy Dragon Empire wants to deal with them, what will they do?

They didn't know that the Holy Dragon Empire was just because the things they said were too important, that would allow a golden master to pick them up. Gold level masters are rare top masters even in the empire.

The flying speed of the flying boat is still very fast. In just over an hour, the flying boat flew over thousands of rivers and mountains, and finally landed from the air into a big city. This city is much more prosperous than what they have seen before. There are large and gorgeous buildings everywhere here, and none of the people who come and go look like civilians.

"Please follow us. This is the headquarters of our lower parliament. The Duke of Konnon is waiting for you inside."

The golden warrior made a gesture of asking, and then walked forward without his head. What they can say, they can only follow into a large building. In the hall, is a huge table.

The table is thirty meters long and ten meters wide. In such a hall, the hall still looks a bit empty. At this time, a large number of people were already seated on both sides of the table, and every temperament was different from ordinary people.

Looking at the badges on them, they are all the nobles of the Holy Dragon Empire. The worst person who is qualified to sit here is also an earl. The barons and viscounts were standing on both sides quietly, and they didn't even have the qualifications to sit down.

There are also some attendants who dared not make any noise when they walked. They were as busy as bees, but the whole hall showed a strange quietness. After seeing them and a group of people enter, everyone's eyes immediately turned to them.

"Are you from the overseas island alliance? I heard that there are four large islands overseas, each of which is not smaller than the Sacred Dragon Empire, is that right?" The leading man said in a deep voice.

"You are Duke Konnon." The person on the other side nodded, and Goethe Hall's eyes turned slightly.

"Excuse me, what is the lower-level council? Can only one lower-level council control such a huge land."

This is questioning himself, and many nobles have a look of dissatisfaction. Duke Konon tapped the table lightly: "Don't worry, this matter is managed by our lower-level assembly. Our Sacred Dragon Empire manages all matters large and small by the lower-level assembly, and the upper-level assembly system is responsible for the royal family. They won't be in charge."

The system of the Sacred Dragon Empire is a bit strange ~ ~ Goethe Haar thought silently in his heart.

Konnon did not intend to give them more opportunities to speak, but said calmly: "You said that there are large islands overseas and seek cooperation. Then where is your location, you can mark it on the map first."

The Sacred Dragon Empire also continued to explore the sea many years ago, but never found any large islands, and then disappeared. Unexpectedly, there are now people claiming to be from overseas large islands.

If it wasn't for this matter to have something to do with the Sacred Tree Leader, they would really not come to meet these people in person. The sacred tree collar has developed too fast recently, and the dragon people on the upper level are drunk and dreaming every day, regardless of these things. But these human beings felt a huge sense of crisis, and at the same time they were very jealous of the resources of the Sacred Tree.

Had it not been for some rules, there was still a half-elf empire involved, they would have launched an army to swallow the sacred tree leader directly. It is also a good excuse to be able to conflict with the Holy Tree Leader overseas now.

"Should we first determine the cooperation system? It's too early to talk about the position." Goethehaar will not expose his overseas position casually, because the Sacred Dragon Empire is too strong and they now need a guarantee.

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