The Rise of Plants

Chapter 873: Save people in distress

They didn't see it, but they didn't care much. But when they really saw such a large site, it would be impossible to ignore it. Such a large site, even if there is nothing, is a huge asset.

Even if I don't want it, there are many people who want it. Especially those nobles who have no territory.

It has been many years since the establishment of the Holy Dragon Empire, and other countries are facing the same problem. That is, there are too many nobles, but not enough territories, causing many nobles who should have territories to float outside.

Isn't this the best opportunity now? The dragon people will not care about these, but they in the lower assembly need to maintain the stability of the entire empire, which is their fundamental interest.

"What excuse do we use to interfere in this matter. According to what is shown above, the Holy Tree Neck has obviously occupied the two large islands. We will definitely confront them directly in the past."

They don't want to wear a hat that actively attacks other territories, because then someone will inevitably be in the wrong. No one wants to take the initiative, everyone can only watch it temporarily. On the screen, Karan Island has been completely controlled, and even the internal fighting is about to disappear. At least on the surface, they haven't found any loopholes yet.

The Sacred Tree Leader is not an overseas force after all, but a powerful force on their mainland. They don't want to collide with the sacred tree leader on the mainland now, because that would cause them heavy losses.

As long as the loss is too great, the people in the upper council will never let them get better. So, how can we intervene?

Some nobles kept scanning Goethe Hall and others. If it hadn't been for the signing of the contract before, I am afraid that someone would have proposed attacking Sea King Island and Beast King Island. After all, there are also two big islands.

Those two islands were not occupied by the sacred tree leader, nor were they mainland forces. Just like the current sacred tree collar, as long as it is knocked down as fast as possible, then no one can say anything next.

As for the fact that Sacred Tree Island and Karan Island are in the middle, they won't care. After a big deal, the route will turn around. Seeing that such a large amount of fat can't be eaten, many people feel very uncomfortable.

Goethehaar and others lowered their heads, feeling the gaze that they were constantly scanning, and secretly groaned in their hearts. The people of the Sacred Dragon Empire were more aggressive than the Sacred Tree Leader, and they regretted coming to them now.

Goethe Hall even prayed in his heart, hoping that the Sacred Tree Leader would not lose to the Sacred Dragon Empire, at least he would stick to it. If both parties have been stalemate overseas, it would be best.

Once Sacred Tree Island fails, then there is no need to think about it next, the people of the Sacred Dragon Empire will definitely find an excuse to swallow them.

"The Holy Tree led the innocent attack on Karan Island. This is an unjust war. Deliberately amplifying small contradictions as an excuse to annex the other party. This is simply a shame to our mainland nobles."

"That's right, we are disdainful of this kind of people. We must impose sanctions on this kind of thing." A group of nobles began to condemn the sacred tree collar, and various thoughts in their hearts kept turning.

Suddenly, a glint flashed in the eyes of an elderly marquis: "The people of Karan Island originally lived a quiet and peaceful life under the rule of the Karan family, but the attack of the Holy Tree-Lord broke the peace and caused the people on Karan Island. People are living in dire straits. We must save them."

"Yes, we want to save the people from suffering." As if to find a sense of justice all at once, all the nobles became excited. Isn't this the best breakthrough?

Konnon also nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. The three major overseas families are in the same spirit. The two big families as allies came to seek help after the Karan family was eliminated. As an empire, we should help to discuss it. A fairness."

After a pause, Duke Konnon continued: "Of course, there is no need to tell others about this matter. Our Holy Dragon Empire can do it well. We will definitely drive the people from the Holy Tree Leader from overseas. ."

What are you driving out for? Will the Holy Dragon Empire spit out the large islands? That is obviously impossible. As a result, they will not be swallowed, and then, I am afraid that they will find an excuse to annex the remaining two large islands.

Thinking of this, Goethe Hall felt even more depressed. This matter was originally brought up by himself and others. Once it really happened like that, there is no need for others to blame, Goethe Hall himself would be very painful.

But looking at these people, it was obvious that they would not listen to their orders. After the contract was signed and his position was revealed, the next thing had nothing to do with the two overseas families.

After that, I could only watch what the people of the Holy Dragon Empire and the Holy Tree Leader did. They can only watch, this kind of powerlessness makes them sad. "That, the technical aspect we need." Goethe Hall still said.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to you later. You don't need to participate in the war, but all the information you know must be told to us, you know." Konnon looked at these people coldly.

Even if it's just some outdated technology, they still feel very disadvantaged. Are they just people from a small place? They dare to threaten themselves with this kind of conditions, and sooner or later they will regret it. Goethehaar and the others were relieved, at least they got what they wanted, and they should develop quickly when they go back.

"I hope that Sacred Tree will support for a period of time to strive for us to transform the technology into our own things."

They can only rely on delaying time now. With enough time, they can have the power to protect themselves. If the sacred tree collar falls too fast, then they will really want to cry without tears.

"Then the next thing will get rid of you, and we have to go back and explain to the family."

Goethe Hall felt that he couldn't stay here anymore, and he had to send the news back as soon as possible, so that the family could be prepared early.

Duke Kunnon waved his hand, but did not speak, as if sending a beggar. This feeling makes them feel even more unpleasant in their hearts. The strength is not as good as others, even if others insult themselves, they can only endure it.

"Huh, sooner or later, we will develop overseas to the point where you have to pay attention." Thinking of a holy tree leader making the holy dragon empire so uncomfortable, I don't know why these people feel a sense of relief in their hearts. After all, the sacred tree leader has been overseas for a long time, and although there is uncertainty, it also makes them feel more cordial than the sacred dragon empire.

The development of the sacred tree collar is in front of him, and he must be able to reach this level.

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