The Rise of Plants

Chapter 877: They seem to have discovered

On Karan Island, civilians are doing their own thing. Originally thought that the Karan family was wiped out, and then they would live a very cruel life. But no one thought that their lives would be better than before.

Now even if there is no job and only relying on relief food, it is not easy for people to starve to death. Of course, if you don't work hard, it's impossible to live a good life, and you'll be beaten by others at once.

With the addition of different levels, the civilians on Karan Island are more active than before in order to live a life of the upper class. As for those nobles, who knows who they are? Isn’t it all said here? In the future, there will be no nobles, only the difference between citizens and untouchables. Of course, there are officials above them, so there is no difference between them and nobles.

Whoever can give them a better life, they listen to whomever. Although there are still some people who want to resist, this kind of resistance is very weak, and it will soon be extinguished if it appears, and it will be used as a negative teaching material.

Within a short period of time, most of the entire Karan Island was calmed down again, and it was more prosperous than before.

Weiwei is very tired from working here every day, but this kind of life also makes Weiwei very satisfied. This is a manifestation of one's own ability and a means of one's pursuit of happiness.

But no one thought that the Holy Dragon Empire would appear here at this time, so the situation changed.

Nowadays, the entire Karan Island is under military management, and loudspeakers are installed in many places to propagate some ideas to brainwash the people, and it is also broadcast in real time.

It's just that most civilians simply cannot know the truth of some things. For example, when the Holy Dragon Empire is about to come, this did not let the civilians know at all, after all, even they themselves were not very sure.

In this way, the spies on Karan Island did not know what was going to happen. The two families of the Sea King and the Beast King knew that the Holy Dragon Empire was not coming, and everyone was waiting.

However, just one day after the Holy Dragon Empire set off, some airships suddenly appeared in the sky.

"I really envy these airship commanders. It would be nice if I could be one of them." A civilian looked into the sky.

"Don't dream about it. That's a military weapon. How could it be possible for us to go."

An old man stopped not far away: "Don't say it, we are really possible. I heard that although the Sacred Tree Collar is powerful, their population is not enough, and the number of troops is also very small. This is what a nephew of mine has seen. I heard that many airships lack commanders. We may be doing so well one day."

"What the **** is going on, tell us. I will do your job for you." A strong man said quickly.

The old man twitched his mouth and began to talk about what he knew. If someone helps oneself, why not do it.

However, what they didn't expect was that it didn't take long before they saw some airships flying towards this side. And the number seems to be increasing. "It's weird, there are not so many airships in normal times, so maybe something happened."

"I think 80% of them have discovered some hidden and sabotaged nobles, so they are attacking now." Since the nasty things done by those nobles were reported, the people here are full of aversion to the nobles.

In the past, some contradictions broke out completely, but now they are still gloating after seeing those nobles unfortunately.

In Chi Nan's eyes, this is the same as scoring local tyrants to divide fields. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, it's just that the class is different. This is a natural contradiction. It is unlucky for aristocrats, and most people are still happy to comment.

But as more and more airships flew over, their faces became a little strange. "According to the organization of the airship, it seems that there are more than a dozen formations of airships that have flown over. How can there be so many."

"Could it be that they were conducting that exercise? Didn't they also have it before."

The old man shook his head and said, "Yes, but the green airships used in the exercise are not this blue and white, and there are too many. You don't know, the Sacred Tree leader exercise will destroy a lot of airships. of."

"Isn't it going to be another war? Could it be that the other two families are coming over."

"Impossible, the Karan family has been wiped out so quickly, what a large number of those two families dare to fight over. I think the eight achievements are mobilizing the army and changing the deployment." A young man who has not spoken said.

"Perhaps, there is only this explanation." Everyone could not think of other possibilities. At this moment, the original relaxed atmosphere gradually changed, and everyone felt as if a big rock was pressed in their hearts.

At this moment, the two families of Sea King and Beast King also discovered the changes on Sacred Tree Island and Karan Island. Although they did not dare to approach easily, some spies sent some news back.

The spies inside the island may not know what happened, but the outside ones do. It is impossible for anyone to hide such a large-scale mobilization of the army.

After learning about this, the two families began a meeting. Recently, the two families have been communicating frequently. "You said, is it possible that Sacred Tree Island discovered what we did."

"Impossible. If I find out, I will definitely attack us now."

"It may also be the power to deal with the Holy Dragon Empire. After dealing with the Holy Dragon Empire, it will be our turn next."

Fierce controversy sounded in the communication As the communication between the two families deepened, the technology for this kind of communication developed rapidly. Although the distance may not be very far, it is at least convenient and safe.

"Anyway, I still feel that they found something, otherwise it would be impossible to do so."

An old voice suddenly sounded: "Don't say so much. Anyway, we will not participate in this war. We are only responsible for providing information. Now that there is an action on the Sacred Tree Collar, we will notify the Sacred Dragon Empire. If the Sacred Dragon Empire does not Pay attention to it, and it is impossible to blame us if we suffer a loss. We just need to be ourselves first."

The contest between the two behemoths, the two top families that they were able to call the wind and rain overseas, are now like harmless kittens, hiding in the dark and shivering.

This kind of thing, who would have believed before, now everyone feels extremely aggrieved. "Yes, what we have to do is to develop and strengthen ourselves as soon as possible. Without absolute strength, overseas will eventually be lost in our hands."

Hearing these two speeches, the others shut up immediately, and no one was arguing. The news was sent out soon.

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