The Rise of Plants

Chapter 880: The little fat man who was beaten crying

It seemed that the young nobleman, who had been taken over all at once, was full of resentment, but he also knew that Cooper's approach was right. But the right approach is very frustrated and very lacklustre.

If this is known to other people, I will lose my face.

"Master, please remember that for the family, the family's interests are more important than everything else. Personal face can only be put aside. Please be sure to distinguish the priority." With this opportunity, Cooper is constantly instilling as a nobleman. Think right.

The young master is already this old, it's time to grow up. Although it seemed to be much stronger than others in the Sacred Dragon Empire, it was suddenly revealed when things were really encountered. I hope that through this battle, my young master can grow up.

In the next period of time, the formation did not attack frontally, but was constantly testing and drawing the defense map. After probing, they finally found something in the line of defense that they didn't know before.

"There are some bat missiles around here. They can be moved on ships that can be installed with wind guns. The overall defense force is strong. The airships did not appear, but they should all be on the opposite side. There are also large fortresses near the coastline. This is probably the deputy of the floating city. It’s a product. It’s really surprising that they have already studied it to this point."

They haven't seen a war fortress, but this kind of thing that is similar to a city that floats in the air is obviously very similar to a floating city.

They didn't think that the Sacred Tree Leader could make a floating city in a short time, but now they don't think so. Such a large fortress can be suspended on the sea, so how far is it from the floating city?

Of course, they don't know that this distance is very far away. The vanguard moved quickly, and after paying four flying boats again, they finally drew a rough line of defense.

The information was sent back before the large troops from the rear arrived. "Master, don't be upset, this is a great achievement."

"It's a great achievement, but it's too shameless. It's obvious that their strength is not as strong as ours."

"Is it really stronger than us? Young master, don't just look at the surface."

"Don't you think they can do anything else? Isn't there just an airship?"

Cooper raised his brows slightly: "The real means cannot be taken out all at once. The best means to deter the enemy is to hide it until the necessary moment. The Sacred Tree Leader has done a good job."

"Then I will see if they are the same as what you said." Isn't it just for meritorious service that my family brings so many flying boats? But facing a weak country lord, they had to fight so aggrieved, it was too uncomfortable.

Time passed by every minute, and as the evening of the next day approached, the rear troops finally arrived one after another. "Haha, isn't this Young Master Kerry? I heard that you lost a lot of flying boats when you first came this morning. You were beaten down by so many flying boats by the leader of the sacred tree, I really don't know what to say about you."

"Yeah, we have all seen and bought those airships. Isn't it just made of wood? You can kill one with a single shot. I don't know how many airships Master Kerry has killed. Right."

When Feizhou arrived in the rear, some of the sons and buddies began to taunt. These people, like Kerry, looked down upon the sacred tree collar at all, otherwise they wouldn't have come to the battlefield in person.

On the battlefield, they are here to take credit. Usually, Kerry always brags in front of them, saying that they are rubbish. The family members always use Kerry as an example to educate themselves, and they have long been bored.

They hadn't arrived today when they heard that this annoying guy had been blocked from the line of defense and had lost a lot of flying boats, and they were proud. Usually so triumphant, it's not enough to encounter a battle. If you behave better than this guy, you will definitely be admired by everyone when you go back there.

"Shut up for me. You have the ability to attack the line of defense. Don't blame me if you lose too much."

"Hmph, just go, I'm afraid they won't succeed. Isn't it just a sacred tree collar? Look at the news you sent back, saying how strong their defense line is, I think you are scared. Let's rush and give them some points. Look at the color."

A little fat man ordered his team to rush forward on the spot. And the people on the flying boat obviously looked down on the Sacred Tree Leader, so they did it without thinking about it. No one intercepted the whole process.

The result is conceivable. When Feizhou killed many anti-air cannons on the road and rushed into the defense line triumphantly, something that they regretted happened next. The surrounding wind cannons fired one by one.

In just the first round of attacks, the wind cannons caused them to drop more than a dozen flying boats, which was definitely set on fire. They didn't know that after the previous attack, those plant brains had adjusted their attack methods and sequence. The learning ability of the plant brain is very strong, but it has no creative ability.

With the help of the soldiers, the newly adjusted attack rules caused them to destroy more than a dozen flying boats at once. Although this line of defense is not very strong, it can also consume a portion of the flying boats.

Frightened, the little fat man yelled in surprise: "Oh **** it, don't you say that you are foolproof?, I want to get out of here." As he said, the little fat man actually cried Up.

In the end, because he rushed too fast and deep, when he ran out, he actually lost more than 30 flying boats. Seeing this situation, Kerry's originally aggrieved mood suddenly improved, making these guys cry in front of him.

At the same time, the other people's eyes widened, none of them expected that the other's strength was far stronger than they thought.

In an instant, so many flying boats fell and were shattered in the air. Screams, desperate calls for help. Because they were far away, they didn't hear it, but the silent shouts cast a shadow in everyone's hearts. War seems to be different from what is written in the book, and it is not as beautiful as I thought.

At this moment, many nobles retreated in their hearts. If it weren't for them to save face, I am afraid that many people are already preparing to evacuate. The layer of defense in front seemed to have become a tiger's lair in Longtan.

"Haha, it's really dangerous. It seems that the information you sent back is correct. Let's wait here for the big troops to come over." The young nobleman who mocked Kerry first said embarrassingly, turning his head away from Kerry. Because he knew that even if he rushed over now, I am afraid the result would not be much better than that hapless guy.

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