The Rise of Plants

Chapter 883: The war begins, shoot at each other

The plan is completed, and the next step is to implement it. Although the nobles are very dissatisfied, but there is no way.

"The **** command, you know to save your strength and let our people go to death. Damn it, come on to me, follow the other teams, be careful, don't get beaten down."

"Remember, come back after more than half of the magic power is exhausted, don't exhaust all of it, we still have to keep the strength behind to compete for credit."

A group of nobles secretly gave orders to their subordinates, it can be said that they are pregnant with ghosts.

"Damn it, my model is still 50 years ago, and the range and power are similar to those of the wind cannons. When I can hit them, they will definitely hit me. What should I do if I change it." A little nobleman put his hands in his hair and felt an abnormal headache. He thought he was here to take credit this time.

Who knows, the other party is so powerful, and he has assigned himself a hard work.

This time, no matter how much credit he got, there is no way to make up for his loss. No, we must find a way, I would rather not take the credit this time, and not let my flying boat lose too much.

Once the flying boat loses too much, his own control over his territory will be much weaker. When the time comes, facing the attacks of other nobles, I don't know how much it will cost to recover.

This is a disgusting cycle. Once you have to pay a price to keep your peace, your resources will become less and less, and others will grow stronger and stronger.

The imperial decree can protect oneself and still manage one's own territory, but without the ability to develop, one's own territory will be almost the same as without. There are many people who have the same ideas as him.

But after the order is given, they still have to prepare as soon as possible. The nobles don't put themselves in a dangerous place. At first, the reason why the nobles led their people forward was because they couldn't appreciate the power of the holy tree collar.

But after seeing their power, these nobles didn't have so much guts. Each team will leave one or two flying boats, and their owners are on these two flying boats, and they haven't been dispatched. The flying boats that were actually dispatched to the battle were controlled by ordinary crew members.

A large number of flying boats marched towards this side under pressure, and soon the two sides fought against each other. The first thing to start was those flying boats that had a longer attack distance, and red **** shot straight out of the air.

I have to say that the accuracy of the alchemy cannon is really good, and it can hit the turrets that are clearly exposed below it very accurately. The two sides fought undeclared in this way.

The turrets on the bright surface were wiped out one by one, and the army seemed to be attacking very smoothly. All the way forward, the anti-air wind guns were not fired several times at all, but they were cleared out. It seems that fighting is not very difficult.

But just when some nobles began to talk and laugh, the battlefield situation changed. The wind cannons in some hidden places around began to show off. One by one, the typhoon shot directly into the air, and they were all attacking by focusing on fire. After one round of attacks, many flying boats fell from the sky and crashed severely in the sea.

"Counter counterattack, give me counterattack quickly." These hidden plant weapons are no different from ordinary plants when they are not moving, but once they do, they immediately reveal their position.

Next, the air and the ground began to shoot at each other. The plants and buildings on the reefs and small islands are constantly being cleaned up, but the flying boats in the sky are not without loss. From time to time, the flying boats are broken into pieces.

Some nobles in the back watched this scene, and their distressed heart disease was about to break out.

"I can't look at it a little bit, why is it so careless. Damn, another one." A nobleman turned pale.

"I don't know how to attack it all the way. Those plants must be on the small islands. It's enough to blow up the small islands." There was also a nobleman jumping in the back and scolded.

But there are also calm, eyes full of worries: "Impossible, the range of those small islands is too large, if it is an ordinary reef, it is okay, to bomb the small island to one side, it takes too many attacks, our magic spar not that much."

It's not that there won't be a lot of magic spar in the rear, but it's not necessary, it's too wasteful. Of course, the current method of fighting is actually not much better. The two sides have basically entered a stage of mutual consumption.

Finally, when the flying boat reached the middle section, it wasn't just the wind cannons that counterattacked. In some hidden places, the big leaves suddenly exploded, and the bat missiles emerged one by one, and then spread their wings and rushed straight into the air.

Because it was too secret when it was launched, the speed of the bat missile had reached an extremely fast level by the time their enemies.

The flying boat does not react so fast in the air. As a result, the bat missiles aim at the concentrated position of the flying boat and fly over. With a "boom", the bat missile exploded, and all three flying boats around were blown off the defensive barrier and fell down.

After all, these flying boats are not the latest type of flying boats. Faced with this kind of attack that can reach the destructive power of the golden peak spell, they can't even hold the flying boat. There was no desperate scream on the flying boat, because all the people were either dead or unconscious in the first place. UU reading www. With the debris falling to the sea, there will never be a survivor.

"No, it's missiles, scattered and scattered, don't they all huddle together, do you want to die?"

"No, we can't disperse. After we disperse, the area of ​​contact between our defense line will increase. At that time, we will face more sea defense lines, and the loss will definitely be greater.

Two different views broke out in the rear, arguing with each other. Only when they were arguing, there were still flying boats in front of them being constantly shot down. These nobles slowly discovered that real war is not the same as talking about soldiers on paper. Usually they can argue slowly, but in the face of a real war, arguing will only make them missed opportunities.

The nobles from these colleges finally discovered their shortcomings.

"Sure enough, missiles with golden levels of destructive power are arranged around. Fortunately, they are just ordinary flying boats. If it were our elite flying boats, the losses now would be much greater than the immediate ones."

The corner of Duke Bruce's mouth, who was also watching the battlefield, twitched slightly. From the overall point of view, this loss is not a big deal, on the contrary, it can reduce the real loss to the extreme, which is a big profit.

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