The Rise of Plants

Chapter 886: Weaknesses of the airship

Maybe other people didn't know, but Chi Nan knew that the biggest weakness of his airship was its ammunition limitation. Because all missiles are used, it is over after launching.

Although the alchemy cannon also has magic limitations, the magic spar can carry a lot. The most important thing is to last. When facing a real war, it can last longer than your own airship.

There is no way to do this, even because the missile manufacturing is too complicated, even those airships have never really carried some bombs when they are full. This can also avoid the defect of too much missile loss once the airship is destroyed. The missiles on the airship are even more valuable than the airship itself in terms of construction cost.

But now, when encountering such a large-scale battle, this weakness is manifested.

After discovering that some airships started to use clean missiles, some of the airships that went too deep knew that they could not retreat, so they directly pursued the past. The first to chase was the flying boats on the left.

Chasing an airship without missiles, it kept attacking all the way. "This airship really doesn't have missiles anymore. Hit me and destroy this thing." After a series of artillery attacks, the defensive barrier on the airship finally couldn't hold on.

The airship uses the simplified Heart of the Sky, and the defense is usually good, but under this kind of artillery attack, it will not last long. After the barrier was broken, there was no way to resist.

Under the attack of the alchemy artillery, the airship was quickly pitted.

"Damn, why their airship is so hard." At this time, the people on the airship looked at the weird airship with wide eyes. There was no defensive barrier, so why couldn't it move.

"The blue-and-white wood itself is silver-grade wood, very hard."

"Don't attack indiscriminately, attack the head of the airship, there is their control center, as long as you destroy the head airship, it will be completely finished." After such a long time of investigation, they did not know the structure of the airship. The head of the airship is where the plant brain is, and it is also the center for controlling the airship.

At the same time, on the inside of the airship’s head, there are a large number of autonomic nerve structures connected to the entire body of the airship. Once the head is severely injured, the airship will lose control at a small amount, and may even crash on the spot.

These are not the latest airships, and their alchemical artillery are all obsolete goods, and they are not effective in attacking blue and white airships. If it is the latest type of flying boat, after destroying the magical barrier outside, it can definitely be completely broken by a few attacks.

The broken flying boat, even if the head is still intact, is of no use.

At this time, an old mage behind said: "According to our research, the airship’s weaknesses are not only the head, but also the lower and side doors. In addition, the rear thrusters are also weaknesses. These places only need to be protected. Breakthrough, then ordinary airships will be completely destroyed, including those large airships they call motherships."

Duke Bruce nodded slightly: "It turns out that this is the case. We have never cared about these airships. Now it seems that we are careless. Inform everyone and tell them the weaknesses of the airship."

The Duke of Bruce ordered the news to pass quickly.

The unknown is the most terrifying. At first, they thought that they were not the opponent of the airship at all, so they were very afraid. But now they have discovered that they also have weaknesses, and the ammunition of the airship is not as durable as their own.

Some people are enthusiastic, even not afraid of danger. Especially after the airships were shot down one by one, their desire for military exploits gradually suppressed their fears.

"Follow me, isn't it an airship? We put in a circular formation and take turns to bear the missile attack, and we can try not to be shot down at once. Every time we set fire, we will definitely destroy an airship."

"That is, their airship combat effectiveness is much stronger than ours. As long as we destroy one ship, we will have something to earn."

Others began to greet other people around him: "Brothers on the flying boat opposite, our side is short of manpower, let's form a team with us." People's subjective initiative is indeed very high.

When these people were really organized, the battle began to become mutually successful. In the air, it was originally from one side that gradually became balanced against each other, and no one could suppress anyone.

Because of the expansion of the battlefield, the defenses on the sea below were continuously guided out and then destroyed. The airship formation can only retreat slowly, not because they are not opponents, but because the opponents are far more numerous than them. If consumed, they are definitely not as good as each other. The most important thing is that the line of defense on the sea is gradually being destroyed.

They retreated in order to cooperate with the rear sea line of defense, and only in this way can they cause greater losses.

"Fortunately, no one on those airship motherships is commanding them, otherwise this effect will not be effective."

Chi Nan said to himself, in fact, because the airship is developing so fast, there are many airship motherships without people on it because of insufficient manpower. Now rushing to intercept the enemy, this is the same as the death squad.

No one is not flexible enough to control, but this style of not being afraid of death and not needing to retreat is enough to make any enemy fearful.

Just now a mothership was approached by the enemy, and after three consecutive rounds of fire attacks, the mothership was smashed to its head. Even with it, there is no way to release the large number of weapons above.

There were two more attacks, and the entire airship mothership crashed downwards. That huge impact guarantees that no plant weapons will remain in it. There was a cheer on the other side, which could be heard from far away.

What they didn't find was that even if the airship mothership was destroyed, the airship on the opposite side was still fighting in an orderly manner, with no change at all. They didn't know that they hadn't lost a single person on the other side.

If the Holy Dragon Empire knew this, I'm afraid their mood would not be so good.

"Continue, I want to see how long these people can hold on." Chi Nan looked at the screen coldly. The six fronts have gradually approached the land at this time. Next, it depends on which route they are really attacking.

Or it is also possible that these six are the positions they want to attack, which is not impossible. Many airships in the rear have slowly lifted into the air, and have begun to move toward the contact position of the six fronts. Defense is like this. Although the loss is small, there is no way to take the initiative like the attacker.

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