The Rise of Plants

Chapter 888: Let our blew airship

"What's that? It is so powerful, is it a new type of flying boat." Chi Nan was also taken aback. The airship formation that had steadily retreated, suddenly suffered a huge loss in three formations, and everything was so unexpected.

And until this time, Chi Nan and others discovered the existence of the Dragon Head Flying Boat. On the screen, the satellite spotted the culprit all at once, and carried out a full scale analysis.

"It's this kind of small flying boat, which is very powerful. Wait, what kind of race is the person on it."

Chi Nan saw the strange dragon man above, and Slinka's next words let everyone know. "This is the Dragon Man, the true ruling class of the Sacred Dragon Empire, but I didn't expect them to come here. That kind of flying boat is called the Dragon Head Flying Boat, which can only be made by using the dragon crystal core, and only the Dragon Man himself can make it."

"Able to take out three dragon first flying boats, they have lost their blood this time. If this is lost, even the real seniors of the Sacred Dragon Empire will feel distressed." For the Sacred Dragon Empire, Slinka Ye still More understanding.

After all, is everyone an empire? It would be strange if they didn't understand each other at all. In fact, the true empire's trump card can never be these ordinary flying boats, and flying boats can only be regarded as the main army.

"Very well, then kill them for me. On the missile." Chi Nan snorted coldly and issued an attack order.

The airships who had been prepared have excited the surrounding missiles one after another, and a series of meteor-like missiles flew straight toward the dragon head flying boat. If they were hit, they would definitely not end well.

"Huh, isn't it that it can exert a golden level of attack power, our missiles can also do the same, although the range is a little smaller." When many soldiers saw this scene, they showed their expressions of relief. Just that moment, it really made their faces dull. Who could have imagined that in the air domain, the Holy Dragon Empire still hides such a big killer.

But the next moment, everyone grew their mouths, their faces full of incredible.

Because the missile has just approached the Dragon Head Flying Boat, it has not yet approached it. They discovered that a layer of faint ripples suddenly appeared around the dragon head flying boat, which was a layer of ripples with a little golden color.

The ripples are very dim, as if they don't exist, but they are very scary. Any bat missile that came close was full of cracks in an instant. The next moment it was dismembered into countless fragments, blooming in the air, like a big firework.

This type of controlled missile does not detonate by itself, and will not explode if it is broken.

"What happened just now, what happened?" Chi Nan asked in surprise.

"According to calculations, it just seems to be some kind of sonic attack, not very strong, and I don't understand why it can destroy our missiles." The vegetable brain calculates very quickly, and instantly understands what is going on.

"I tell you that the dragon head flying boat is made of dragon crystal cores. It must have the characteristics of dragons. The sound waves contain dragon power and the lethality is not too strong. They are usually used to deter monsters. Your bats The missile is too fragile, and of course it can't stop this kind of Longwei attack." Slinka seems to have seen this kind of attack.

However, the probing ahead did not stop, and found that the missile was useless, so I started to use other methods.

But then they discovered that the dragon head flying boat seemed invincible. The Hummingbird fighter had just approached, and it was the same. It was shattered by the faint Dragon Power sound wave, and it was impossible to connect and touch.

A series of wind cannons took shape, this was the only means of attack for airships other than missiles.

The wind ball flew at a very fast speed. But when the wind gun was about to hit the Dragon Head Flying Boat, a dimly colored barrier suddenly appeared on the Dragon Head Flying Boat, which seemed to be a magical barrier.

When the wind cannon hits this barrier, there is no ability to destroy it at all, and it doesn't even have the qualification to make it shake. The wind blades and storms that erupted, raged for a while, and slowly dissipated.

"How is it possible that even wind cannons are useless? The magic barrier on this little flying boat is so powerful."

"It's not just the reason for the magic barrier, the dragon is also very strong." At this time, the airship commander Olna also spoke. The plant brain next to it is quickly calculating all the pictures just now.

"From the screen, we can see that when the wind cannon was approaching, it passed through the range of Longwei sound wave. Under this sound wave, the structure of the wind cannon was seriously damaged. According to calculations, the wind cannon is really breaking out. At the time, the power dropped by at least 70%. Although the number is still large, it is difficult to shake the defense of ordinary flying boats, let alone this."

Slinka Ye also said: "Yes, don't look at this dragon head flying boat is just a flying boat, but in fact it is no different from a flying gold-level master. It is much stronger than your extreme airships."

The airship itself can fight against the golden masters, this is because the missile is powerful, and the airship mothership is also very strong. But in the face of the existence of this kind of truly flawless gold, the gap between the two sides is not a little bit.

"I also know that it seems that the development of weapons in the future will require a change of thinking. But for now, let's just win the current one. I can't let these dragon head flying boats continue to wreak havoc, otherwise my line of defense will be destroyed. Lost."

"Destroyed." When speaking, the flying boat was already close to the coastline. Without the threat of airships, those defenses on the sea behind would not constitute a threat at all. When a large number of flying boats approached, a large number of alchemy cannons attacked and completely slaughtered the entire surface of the sea, leaving them with no defense.

Next the real landing attack will begin. The targets they selected are very good, and defenses in these areas are relatively weak. Once they really take root here, most people will really feel a headache if they want to drive them away.

"In that case, let's flip a hole card and let the airship explode."

"Are you going to expose the self-explosive airship now."

"Of course, didn't they have already dispatched the Dragon Head Flying Boat, at least they have to improve our morale. It's not used now, can it be used when we lose more."

"My lord, please prepare to explode the airship, my lord, how many will be dispatched."

Chi Nan thought for a while: "Each dragon head flying boat has sent three to go there." No matter how much, Chi Nan feels distressed too. The construction of this self-detonation airship is second only to the airship mothership in troublesomeness, and the most important thing is that it is a consumable.

Since it was manufactured, it hasn't made much, and there is no place to replenish it in a short time.

ps: follow)

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