The Rise of Plants

Chapter 890: The rest is to drag time

"Is this the power of the self-explosive airship, it is really terrible." Everyone was frightened by this terrifying power. There is simply no way to resist the explosion of such a huge fire element.

Even the golden mage relied on the magic array defense of the mage tower, and faced such an attack, he would have to be crushed all at once.

When dealing with the Karan family, if there was a self-destructed airship, it would only be possible to burn the Karan family's clan to ashes once, and how would it be as hard as this time to fight and consume so many airships.

"I was wrong. I knew that this thing is so powerful. As long as one self-explosive airship can kill one of them and one dragon head flying boat, it doesn't need three at all." Chi Nan said helplessly, really distressed.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to want more self-explosive airships, at least in this war, there is no need to think about it.

"With this kind of self-explosive airship, Chi Nan, now your Sacred Tree Leader has the power to threaten the empire. Regardless of the outcome of this war, the Sacred Dragon Empire will not dare to deal with you easily. Even if you don’t Dispatch legendary masters, ordinary conventional troops and even the Holy Dragon Empire are no longer your opponents."

Even Silin Kaye said so, it seems that she is really strong now.

This kind of compliment really makes people feel a little inflated. Looking at the spar, I recorded some pictures just now.

When the self-detonation airship approached, the entire airship suddenly expanded in a circle, and then the airship began to shrink, as if being squeezed by a big hand. Then expand again and shrink again.

After doing this three times, the airship was only half its original size. The speed of this is very fast, if it is not for slowing down the camera, there is really no way to see it so clearly. The three contractions are not really using magic to contract, but because of the explosion of the self-explosive mushroom in the body, which produces a special explosive force.

After this explosive force passed through a special structure, a compression force was spontaneously produced, and he compressed his own power to the extreme, bursting out even stronger power. So in the end, such a huge fireball can erupt.

The whole process took no more than one second. Even the legendary masters at this speed would not even want to react and escape. This is how Chi Nan believes that this kind of power can threaten the legendary master.

"What are we going to do next? The airships on these three lines of defense have been almost destroyed. It will take a while for other airships to get close. If they are desperately intercepted, they can also be stopped."

Chi Nan shook his head: "Didn't we have already planned it, why should we intercept it? If they want to come in, let them in. Anyway, it's just a construction on the beach, and the next time will be longer."

"Hehe, let's go next, the rest is to delay time." In fact, the plan was already done.

Wait for the other party to enter the land, as long as they don't want to break Karan Island in a short time, then delay the time. The longer the delay, the better for them. Because a large number of bases are developing rapidly at this time. Over time, he will have more airships and various plant weapons. This is Chi Nan's development strategy.

He didn't want to have his airship basically exhausted after a battle, and when the people from other forces arrived, he would have no way to resist. Therefore, how to preserve one's power is the key point.

I believe that after this outbreak, the other party's aggressive mentality will also be lost.

"What to do, three dragon head flying boats, three dragon men, what are we going to do." The nobles of the Holy Dragon Empire widened their eyes. Even if the dragon men did not have the status of nobles, they were more noble than them.

"I'll figure out a way, you don't care about the others, bypass the fireball in the air and continue to attack, according to our plan."

Bruce took off his hat, and deep regret flashed in his eyes. He never thought that the other party had such power. The defensive power and speed of the three dragon head flying boats did not even have a chance to escape.

Looking at the huge fireball, I'm afraid there will be no chance to escape after coming a few more times. Although the dragon people were fooled by themselves, in order to protect themselves, they had to sign a life and death contract.

Without this life-and-death contract, one's position would definitely not be preserved. Even now, I'm afraid it's impossible without a little blood. So this time, we must get enough benefits. Bruce has already begun to consider how to explain to the dragons. This matter cannot be postponed, and you must get in touch with the people behind immediately.

At this moment, the few dragon men in the team began to yell loudly. Even if they signed a life and death contract, they never thought that they would really die. When a companion died, they became scared and panicked. This emotion makes them even more angry, because they think it is an insult to themselves.

Therefore, the other nobles who were the targets of venting can only endure it. In the sacred dragon empire, the most noble is always the dragons, followed by the dragons. They humans have the largest power, but there is no way to compare them with the dragons.

The war continued, because the airships on all three routes were cleared. The subsequent flying boat bypassed the fireball and only flew a little longer. Under a frightened state of mind, he was suffering from the scorching heat outside.

But they thought it would be a very cruel battle, and then it was very easy. Just cleared away some of the defenses on the they easily fell to the shore and completely occupied a part of the coast.

It makes them feel a little unreal to complete the goal so easily. However, three dragon men were lost, but they didn't know whether this battle was a good deal. At this time in this battle, everyone felt a strange and fantastic feeling in their hearts, full of unreality.

"That's it. Then just follow our plan. Procrastinate, work hard, consume their flying boat power bit by bit, and don't let them think that we are passively sabotaging."

"Lord Lord, please rest assured, we are familiar with this kind of thing." The soldiers laughed.

After the task is arranged, there will be nothing for Chinan next, and the sky city will also be on the agenda.

Of course, there is one more thing that Chi Nan cares about. Those are the three big fireballs in the air, which are different from ordinary magic and disperse quickly after using them. These three big fireballs actually burned in the air for two hours.

Even after dark, you can still see this bright fireball. It didn't dissipate slowly until two hours later.

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