The Rise of Plants

Chapter 895: Prepare to deal with the legendary undead

Not long after the Floating City was built, Chi Nan once again set his sights on the side of the Undead World. In fact, the preparatory work had been completed three days ago, but because Chi Nan had been busy with Floating City, he ignored it.

In the past three days, the officers in charge of the Undead World continued to develop the base, working hard to calculate and test various problems. After three days of inspection, there will be no surprises for general routine problems.

As for whether there are other accidents at that time, it is beyond their control. On this day, when Chi Nan launched the plan to hunt and kill the giant white bone elephant, all the high-level officials of the entire Sacred Tree Leader focused their attention here. Some things that were not very urgent were temporarily postponed by various officials.

At this time, it was as if all the territories were taking a collective holiday, and everyone was watching a movie.

Staying alone in the floating city manufacturing base that had just been vacated, Chi Nan, under the protection of the guards, began to pay attention to the other side. "Start now, I will watch."

Chi Nan gave an order, and the forces on the side of the undead world began to move. Originally, Chi Nan wanted to have only a hundred formations of airships on the opposite side. Three more days were left, and the number of formations increased.

Catch up with the completion of the second wave of airships, although there is no one on the other side, the total number of airship formations has reached more than 180. Others are because the number of battleships is not fully in place.

"How much did our self-detonation airship prepare on the opposite side?" Chi Nan asked directly. There is no way to get the support of your own side, you can only rely on yourself to collect life magic, and every investment must be carefully calculated.

"Lord Enlightenment, we have prepared twenty self-detonating airships, which should be enough in theory."

"Twenty? That's a lot." Thinking of the power generated by the self-explosive airship that day, Chi Nan was still a little frightened. With his own strength, being involved in the explosion is definitely a place to die.

I didn't expect that I could create such a dangerous thing. If it were not for a smaller scope, this would be equivalent to creating a nuclear weapon. Moreover, it is the kind of purely natural and pollution-free nuclear weapons.

The other side is always preparing, so the speed is very fast. It only took less than ten minutes to reach the valley. The vanguard army has densely surrounded the valley. The airships and the army of plants in the rear are still arriving continuously, and I believe they will all be in place in less than half an hour, so it can start now.

There are a total of five war fortresses at the valley entrance of the valley, completely blocking them from all sides to prevent the undead from rushing out from here.

"After this valley, the terrain on the opposite side will continue to rise and enter a plateau. According to the information we have collected during this period, the opposite plateau is full of giant bone elephants. It may have been an elephant mound in the past."

The old bald also spoke at this time: "Although there are many giant bone elephants, most of them do not have too strong strength. We have observed that not many of them have reached the golden level. The next step is to purify the entire plateau. The bones around the legendary bone giant elephants Elephant, there are only four who can reach the golden level. Should we eliminate these four first, or ignore them."

Chi Nan thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "We attack both at the same time. Anyway, we have a lot of airships. It is best to kill them directly with a sneak attack. Who knows what other abilities the giant white bone elephant has."

Whoever lets himself have more weapons and more airships, so he is self-willed. The other people are the same. They didn't feel any strange about Chi Nan's choice, because his strength was so strong that he could do this.

After a while, the airships were in place. At this time a large number of hummingbird fighters have been released. However, in order to deal with the giant bone elephant, the configuration of the hummingbird fighter is not many, and the most are all kinds of bat missiles. There are combustion types and pure explosion types. After preparation, the first wave of missiles fell from the sky.

Like a layer of meteor shower, it descended densely. If it all exploded, it would definitely collapse the entire valley.

But just when everyone thought the missile could fall smoothly, there was a scream. The huge sound wave soared into the sky, shattering countless bat missiles in the air.

In the end, the only ones who can continue to fall are those far away. Around the legendary white giant elephant, no bat missile can approach. The other bone elephants were very miserable.

In one round of explosion, three of the four golden bone elephants were blown to pieces on the spot, and one was crippled. It was obviously impossible to help. Suddenly being attacked, the giant bone elephant roared angrily, and the whole body began to fight.

When the elephant's legs stepped on the ground, the vibration could be clearly felt even through the screen. The mighty power from the legendary creatures is vividly manifested at this moment.

"Don't make waves of attacks, try a continuous attack. The roar of the Bone Colossus is absolutely impossible to last."

The bald father gave an order, and the missiles began to fire continuously regardless of levels. "Twice, this is the second time that sound waves have shattered our Bat missiles. It seems that sound waves are indeed the weakness of Bat missiles, but how can this be solved?" Chi Nan focused his attention at this time. Up the sound waves.

The continuous attack method, the sonic attack of the mutated giant elephant really can't work. Although smashed the one-minute bat missile attack, after a minute, the giant bone elephant still paused.

Just this time, many bat missiles hit the giant bone elephant and exploded on the giant elephant. "Hit, great..." Cheers rang out in the combat command room.

"No, it didn't work." Suddenly, everyone discovered a problem. The bat missile left no trace on the bone giant elephant, as if it hadn't hit at all. This defense is too terrifying.

A layer of white air current slowly emerged from the bone giant, and it was obvious that this thing blocked the explosion.

Suddenly, the white air current expanded, and a spherical space with a radius of more than one kilometer was enveloped with the giant white bone elephant as the center. At the edge, there is a very dim white air current.

This layer of airflow is not very obvious, but so eye-catching, anyone will spontaneously look at this thing.

"Be careful, this is the domain of legendary creatures. Once you enter the domain, your own power will be suppressed, and the power of legendary creatures within the domain will increase." Silken Kaye said what she knew in a timely manner.

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