The Rise of Plants

Chapter 897: Unbreakable domain shell

No matter what the abilities of the Bone Colossus are, as long as the Bone Colossus's domain is not destroyed, then it can only continue to attack. This field is simply a tortoise shell.

Moreover, Chi Nan didn't know how long it would take to destroy the power of this loud noise. Although it was only a giant white bone elephant, it felt more difficult to deal with than the golden mage plus the mage tower, and the power reserve was even more terrifying.

Chi Nan knew that this was not because the giant white bone elephant had so much magic power, but because of quality problems. The quality is too high, so the consumption is less. The self-level is high, and the recovery speed is also fast. After all, it is the first time to deal with a master of legendary strength, and there is no experience, so everyone is not in a hurry now.

Everyone, including Chi Nan, was ready to fight for a long time.

After using the white ball to attack for a period of time, the giant bone elephant felt a little unusable. This white ball is all right, but it can only attack a straight line, and can only attack a few channels at a time.

With each attack, the ball penetrated the airship formation and flew towards the distance. For the entire airship formation, this kind of damage is not too great, and the loss is not much. But for the Giant Bone Elephant, this wasted too much power. This airship is not as powerful as he thought, so there is no need for such a strong attack.

As a result, the Giant Bone Elephant suddenly changed its attack method. With a neigh, sound waves spread out along the domain, and the surrounding hummingbird fighters and bat missiles were all shattered. At close range, some battleships also shattered.

Only the mothership is okay, even if it is affected, it is not completely destroyed, but there are countless cracks on the surface. Even the surrounding defensive barriers are still indeterminate at this time, and they are about to be extinguished.

"It's such a strong attack. Our mothership can withstand the golden magic blows several times, but there is no way to withstand the roar of this white giant elephant!" Even if there is no close-range feeling, everyone can see it.

Even in the battle with the Holy Dragon Empire, so far, only a few motherships have been lost. And this loss was all destroyed by the Dragon Head Flying Boat at the beginning. In the subsequent battles, ordinary battleships lost a lot, but the mothership never lost a single one, but here, the mothership is a higher level of cannon fodder.

The existence of this legendary level really seems to be cheating. It's no wonder that this world has always been based on masters as the top power. No matter how powerful the flying boats are, those top kingdoms can't be compared with the empire.

"Pay attention to all, keep the mothership away temporarily, and don't waste the weapons carried on the mothership."

The bald father spoke, some motherships in the rear did not dare to continue to approach the front, but stayed in the distance.

As for the method of attack, the battleship is brought back and carried, and then released outside the attack limit of the giant bone elephant, and then speeds up in the direction of the giant bone elephant like a death squad.

The battle between the two sides and the fluctuations that have caused the entire canyon has become completely unrecognizable. In the middle of the canyon, a huge open space appeared. This open space was still expanding, and it was about to turn the canyon into a basin.

It's just that the two sides didn't realize this at all, or that they didn't care about it at all, their eyes were only their own enemies. After all, the attack range of sound waves has a limit.

The Giant Bone Elephant is not without any method at this time. The huge bones and elephant legs stepped on the ground, and countless bones were shaken off. No, it was not being shaken, but it really flew up, shooting straight into the air like a crossbow arrow. A large number of bone fragments have a much longer range than sound waves, and everything is destroyed along the way.

Even if it is an airship mothership, it can only resist for less than a second. In the next moment, a large number of bone fragments broke the defensive barrier, penetrated its own shell, and soon became a sieve, and further turned into fragments scattered. Come down.

"Didn't you have seen this trick before? It was not so powerful at the time. How could it be so terrifying this time."

Each of these bone fragments possessed the penetrating power of gold-level magic. With such a large range, it is difficult for a golden master to use such a powerful magic with the help of the Mage Tower.

But now looking at the giant bone elephant, it seemed to be very relaxed, and he threw it out casually. It's much easier than the condensed white sphere before. How could things become like this is really puzzling.

Silinkaye is like an encyclopedia, and will explain every time this time. "Because this time these bone fragments are all blessing the power of the domain, so the displayed power is of course different."

"Domain? It's a field again, isn't the field so unsolvable." Chi Nan didn't understand it, it didn't make sense at all.

"Yes, the domain is so overbearing. Any attack that blesses the domain's power will change in nature. It will definitely not be weaker than the golden spell. Moreover, this small cost is nothing to the legendary creature. The biggest cost is, on the contrary, It is the consumption of maintaining the domain itself. So now it depends on how long this bone giant can last."

Silinka night’s words made Chi Nan very depressed. This domain is too amazing. Except for the domain itself, it doesn’t consume at all. Then the gods, what do they consume when fighting, and what power do they need.

Forget Those levels are too high, and now I can't even beat a legend. The battle continued, and airships continued to turn into fragments in the air, and then more airships in the rear rushed forward one after another.

Those motherships that have launched missiles are okay, at least there is a chance to leave this place and go back to replenish them. But those ordinary airships, after the attack, can only fly over as missiles.

Because recycling ordinary airships is really a bit wasteful, and even if you want to run, it's basically difficult to get away.

At this moment, these airships, which are very precious to outsiders, are sent to the battlefield one by one like cannon fodder. But the giant white bone elephant is still intact, and the domain is just constantly shaking, and the distance is shattered. I don't know how long it will take to wait. If this continues, maybe his airship runs out, and the bone giant will still be intact.

When the time passed by one day, the 180 airship formations over there had lost more than 60. But the domain still looked intact at this time. Chi Nan worried that if this continued, he might not be able to eliminate the giant bone elephant.

Now it seems that even if it may cause some unknown danger, it must be boarded with a self-detonation airship.

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