The Rise of Plants

Chapter 899: It's not blown up by me

Like last time, the dazzling white light completely filled the screen. Fortunately, the screen itself has an upper limit of brightness, not exceeding this upper limit will not hurt people's eyes, otherwise many people will be blind.

The same explosion, the same fireball, but the difference is the result. The last explosion had already caused violent fluctuations in the bone giant's domain, and countless fragments had even appeared on the edge.

It's just that the realm is not an entity, but a kind of power. It doesn't matter if there are fragments, the next moment it will heal again like a broken water surface. But the last attack had already consumed a lot of the remaining domain power of the Bone Colossus. I can't see how many, but it's strange that the Colossus of Bone can feel better.

This time, the generated power attacked the giant bone elephant even more intensely. The white light is still shining, and the plant brain has already begun to restore the picture. From here, you can clearly see everything that happened on the opposite side.

The Bone Colossus was not as simple as being shaken back a few steps this time, but the entire body was shaken off by an invisible force. After spinning twice in the air, it hit the ground fiercely.

If it weren't for the extremely hard bones of the giant elephant, I'm afraid it would be broken into pieces. After a fall, the giant white bone elephant climbed up again as if nothing had happened.

But the fact is that nothing really happened. Because of the surrounding fireball, it is still burning. When the forces of the two interference laws confronted each other, the force of the fireball was destroyed and dissipated. Ten fireballs in the air are quickly dissipating. Everything looked the same as before, but suddenly, an accident happened.

The area that had been fluctuating all the time, but had been insisting, finally appeared a gap from the contact point of a fireball. This gap is like a broken dam.

It was just a gap, but the destruction started from this place. The ubiquitous natural emission between the sky and the earth invades it, and this interference with the natural emission itself is a malignant tumor between the sky and the earth.

The law of heaven and earth is always fighting against the domain, but the strength is not very strong. Now that the realm has finally broken through a gap, natural law instinctively wants to repair this discordant place. This field is between the heaven and the earth, in fact it is almost like a virus, it is very normal to be attacked by the laws of nature.

With the emergence of a gap, several gaps have appeared on the edge of the field one after another. Take a closer look, aren't these all locations that have been attacked by the explosion before. In the end, it is no longer a problem of gaps.

It was torn from the position of the gap, and the entire field was destroyed. "Haha, it was not exploded by me yet."

Chi Nan danced with joy. This is not as simple as defeating an enemy, but defeating a legendary master. From this white bone giant, he can see how strong the true legendary master is.

I have to say that the legendary master is indeed very terrifying, but it is not invincible, at least he has the power to resist. It seems that after using a self-explosive airship overseas before, the people of the Sacred Dragon Empire also know that they have this level of power. It's no wonder that the Holy Dragon Empire is not so caring about overseas support for such a long time.

Most nobles, I am afraid that they still don't know what that means. Unconsciously, his position in the Holy Dragon Empire has surpassed those top kingdoms, becoming a force that can almost sit on an equal footing with them.

Just as Chi Nan was thinking about it, numerous cracks appeared on the body of the giant white bone elephant. "How is this going?"

The previous attack clearly didn't attack the giant white bone elephant, how did this crack appear.

"The domain and itself are one, the attack domain is to attack him, of course, this should not have such a strong performance. Even if the domain is destroyed, backlash itself will not have such a strong effect, unless..."

"Unless something, don't say half of your words." Chi Nan said angrily.

Slinka night looked serious: "I heard you say at the time that the world over there became like this after being sacrificed by the evil god. It wasn't originally the world of the undead."

"Yes, according to the notes." Slinka didn't know the real situation.

"That's right, it seems that the plane consciousness of the opposite world hasn't really died yet, so the laws of nature are still full of repulsion to these undead, and the two sides are incompatible, so the power of the domain being broken is stronger."

It turned out to be like this, it seems that this is an instinctive attack of plane consciousness. Unexpectedly, there is such a side of plane consciousness. Because there was no direct connection to the opposite side, Chi Nan didn't get any news from the plane consciousness.

But for such things as plane consciousness, Silinka Ye actually knew that the inheritance of the elves was really terrifying. Perhaps, there are still some things that I don't know, and there are also some records on the elven side. Chi Nan was itchy in his heart, not knowing how to get this knowledge from the elves, it seemed that he was also a foreign elves.

Forget it, don't care about it, deal with the giant bone elephant first. "Catch him for me, can't let him run."

Chi Nan commanded loudly, no way, the giant white bone elephant with a crack on its body turned around and wanted to escape. Fortunately, despite the high level of the Bone Colossus, it is not good at speed, and due to the injury, it does not run very fast.

And in the surrounding sky, there are some various missile attacks, and the airship impact has never been interrupted.

Without the field smash, the Hummingbird fighter can finally approach the target and use its own wind cannons to weaken the blow. Countless attacks instantly submerged the giant bone elephant, constantly consuming the last bit of strength on the giant bone elephant.

The power of the giant white bone is constantly being consumed, and the cracks on its body are constantly expanding. Seeing, the giant bone elephant was about to be destroyed. At this time, the giant white bone elephant is also struggling constantly, wanting to resist his own destiny.

Constantly roaring, the surrounding white bone fragments are constantly being shaken off, like a sharp arrow, attacking everything around. It's a pity that there is no tortoise shell that has no dead ends in the realm, and the attacks are constantly falling on the bone giant.

"It's so pitiful, a legend-level master was besieged to death." Silken Kaye seemed to mourn the passing of a legend. It's just that if someone can see Slinka Yee's expression, she will find her face full of gloat. I don't know, I thought this giant white bone elephant had enemies with her.

Every plant weapon on the opposite side is fused with sunflowers. When a plant weapon approached at close range, the pure power of holy light in the dark caused more intense damage to the giant bone elephant.

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